Khan and his army wiped out 11% of the world’s population – 40 million

>Khan and his army wiped out 11% of the world’s population – 40 million
>Aged 10, he killed his older half-brother for not sharing food he had gathered.
>For killing a Mongol diplomat Khan went on to wipe out the Knawarizm Empire. No living thing was spared, not even animals. Skulls of the dead were piled in large pyramidal mounds.
>Mongol victory feasts would see captive girls paraded before them. Rating the women, Khan would take the highest rank leaving the rest for his officers.
>Khan’s Empire would go on to cover 12 million square miles. 0.5% today’s male population are his direct descendants – roughly 16 million men.
>Khan defeated a Russian army 4 times the size of his with the surviving leaders surrendering. >They were executed by being laid under a wooden platform which the Mongols danced and feasted upon.
>The cause of Khan’s death is unknown. Legend has it that at his funeral 40 virgins and horses were sacrificed and 2000 guests were killed in order to keep the burial a secret.
>In the city of Merv, the oasis city of mosques, mansions and ten libraries which contained a staggering 150,000 volumes, the greatest collection in central Asia.
>The Mongols entered the city and separated 400 craftsmen and a crowd of children to act as slaves and drove the remaining population on to the plain. Then the carnage began. The city was ransacked, the buildings destroyed and the books burnt. Nobody was to be spared. Each soldier in the 7,000 strong army was given a target of 300 people to kill.


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Horse archers are just cheat mode.

>white people are evil

But what kind of snake would he be

>implying 95% of Jow Forums couldn't beat his midget ass half to death

my ancestor :)

Genghis did nuffin wong.

>he was said to have captured 15,000 prisoners and blinded 99 of every 100 men, leaving one one-eyed man in each cohort to lead the rest back to their ruler. Samuel was physically struck down by the dreadful apparition of his blinded army and died two days later, on 6 October 1014, after suffering a stroke.

Wanna get a drink?

At what age? Pretty sure most Jow Forumsacks wouldn't win in hand to hand combat against a Mongolian warrior their age.

Yeah i wonder how much of this is chinese fanfiction. Look how hated Hitler is compared to ghenghis

genghis khan and his soldiers had sex with so many white women that eastern europe became non-white

This is why no one thinks your white.


Just because dummies can't into building long giant pitfalls around their cities doesn't mean they were all that great. I could beat the golden horde with a shih tzu

Don't forget the used the bodies of the dead as foundations for roads

Many people seem mongols and their Khan as "great" because they once invaded massive lands in Asia and Europe.

But if you further think about what they had really brought or contributed to human society, you will recognize they helped/facilitated nothing.

The massive lands mongols seized, just like dogs "pee-mark" their territories, which come quickly and lose quickly. They didn't make good use of lands and resources and brains to come up with something meaningful.

my favorite story is some Khan who came out of nowhere & bitch slapped the Ottoman Turks who were poised to finally finish off Constantinople. Everyone in the west thought it was some dude who legends spoke of that would save Constantinople in it's hour of need.

That was Tamerlane and he did save Constantinople for a time thought that was unintentional.

Better than the Chinese, which they completely destroyed the culture and genealogy of

Quite based if you ask me

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What brutal but dumb behaviours. No wonder nowadays mongols don't have any sense of existence.

How to ensure that in 1000 years your country has a population of