All ancaps/libertarians get in this thread right now and debunk communism/authoritarianism
And dont just give me one or two word posts. Go into extensive detail. Recommend me literature to read. Go to whatever length you feel necessary to convert me.
Seriously. They had parties, discipline, newspapers, they organized labor unions, agitated in factories, universities and in the army. Can you imagine ancaps doing something in that scale? They can only whine, shitpost and musterbate on economics101
Isaiah Smith
Seriously. They had parties, discipline, newspapers, they organized labor unions, agitated in factories, universities and in the army. Can you imagine ancaps doing something at that scale? They can only whine, shitpost and musterbate on economics101
William King
If you don't have authority over your own property how can it be really yours. and with property also comes authority. A king has more authority than a nigger.
Jason Rodriguez
I have to admit you are right on the organisation part, I thought you meant the consept of cummunism as a whole.