>be trump
>sign right to act
>kid hugs you for making his treatment possible
>leftists REEEEEEEE at the sight of this
>disgusting insults ensue
I have zero hope for leftists they are inhuman.
>be trump
>sign right to act
>kid hugs you for making his treatment possible
>leftists REEEEEEEE at the sight of this
>disgusting insults ensue
I have zero hope for leftists they are inhuman.
>sits on a wheelchair
>but apparently can stand
Maybe get a better child actor next time.
You sound like a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist user
Good for Trump and good for the kid.
Do you know where you are
Trump is the best fren
Right to act?
Trump fucking rules
Leftists are just mad because the kid's white.
>President Trump on Wednesday signed into law a bill that would allow those with potentially terminal diseases to try experimental treatments and bypass the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Some people use a wheelchair because walking is painful. The kid, despite the anguish standing might cause him, stood to hug the president.
Fuck you.
It gives people the right to try experimental treatments not approved by the fda
I think you mean democrats, not leftist
t. Trump loving conservative lefty
cry harder trumpkin faggot
Helps terminally ill patients get access to drug treatments that are yet to be fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
>right to act
The Right To Try Act is measure aimed at helping terminally ill patients access drug treatments that are yet to be fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Explain how treating patients with medicine that hasn't even been tested whether or not it could be harmful is a good thing.
Fuck Trump.
Explain how a terminally ill patient can possibly be helped by denying him any form of treatment and just watching him die.
he could cure aids and you fags would still find a way to bash him, jfc get a life
Please tell me this is a joke?
>Dont have right to try
>Have right to try
>most likely die but a small chance of living
0.1% is better than 0%.
>Explain how testing medicine is a good thing.
How’s that fence up your ass that you’ve been sitting on for so long?
They will only accept Trump if he rapes the child on stage live, terrorizes him, then harvests the kids pineal gland befire the audience. They will then worship him as their true GEOTUS.
Representative government is left wing.
Trumpkin? That’s the best you could come up with? And isn’t the word “faggot” one of the worst words your kind can use since it’s the side of gays of trannies, dipshit?
Terminally ill means going to die
They are at death's door
What possible harm could it be to allow them to pursue any avenue they can
It doesn't force anything on them
It just allows them more options
All of the Trump haters will end up on the wrong side of history
You forgot your leaf or UK flag Moshi
Leftists only deserve helicopter rides.
so edgy you'd be binned in the UK
>1 Post by this ID
he kind of looks like a mini trump. trump should call him mini me
When will good people finally realize that Democrats and the left are entirely driven by evil, demonic forces?
You've seen so much evidence of this in the past. They don't want guns but they do want the right to murder their unborn children. They will hate something good just because Trump supports it. They stand against everything that is good and righteous in the world. The openly want to destroy our nation.
You don't have to support Trump, but if you do support the Democrats you truly are human garbage and there's nothing good about you.
Children and animals have keen sense of who is genuine and good and people that are not genuine and are bad!
This is something you wont ever have the special privelidge. We protect our children while shitheads like you eat and Fuck Children!
Boys love Trump because they know he's an Alpha male. Which is what every male desires to be, until school indoctrination and the estrogenic diet fed to them turn them into weak betas and theta's.
THE FDA currently puts through drugs without adequate testing as a matter of fact, as exposed via confessions of an RX drug pusher.
I don't know but once you see it, you can't unsee it. So keep red pilling people and the momentum will never go backwards.
Why are bill hicks and roseanne bar at a rave?
Aw it's so good and decent.
North Korea will always hold a special place in my heart.
Thank you Christopher Paddock for a wonderful trip.
>... Trump if he rapes the child on stage live, terrorizes him, then harvests the kids pineal gland befire the audience.
That would be based!
t. leftie
trump senpai sugoii~~~~
I love our President.
God bless GEOTUS
you fucking niggers need to die
you are one cunt hair away from being slaughtered
keep cryin bitch tits
Everything that has ever been yanked off the market by the FDA was first approved by the FDA.
FDA approval of something means precisely squat.
>I have zero hope for leftists they are inhuman.
You are correct. Therefore we should not treat them like humans.
>it's only ok to use experimental, non-fda approved drugs on lgbt kids, not the terminally ill
it's a sick sad world
Saved user, thanks for the new pepe!
Good point. Kids are terrified of that creepy pedo joe biden. They recoil from him
If you could learn to read kike youd notice they have to have gone through other approved treatments and then they can inject them with 3 doses of marijuana to end the cancers
More rock solid proof that the dems are driven by evil forces. They literally have zero compassion.
Acting like alt-right pedo conspiracy theorists didn't pioneer this. Joe Biden catches the same shit from the other side.
curing patients is bad for business goy
In the jungle, baby?
You don't know a fucking thing about the FDA and the drug approval process. People have died frequently and increasingly over the past 15 years because that agency is a fucking mess. I had a meeting with the director of one of the arms of the FDA-he told me he had 13k people in his reporting structure and he was still tasked with reviewing submissions sometimes. They cannot get out of their own way and spend most of their energy avoiding accountability and reviewing and inspecting new opioid dosage forms or formulations.
The fact that these people will die anyway notwithstanding, they would probably already be getting treatment if it weren't for the FDA. In short, please kys at your earliest convenience.
you gonna die
Because a bunch of serial academics who've never worked outside of the government approve the clinical trial protocols crafted to look sound by people well versed in gaming the system. Half of those FDA faggots have PhD and are functionally incompetent in their field while the lawyer/chemistry gurus writing the protocols are shipped from the best throughout the industry. It's laughable. Means squat from an accountability or quality perspective, maybe. License to print money if the product is halfway functional and/or highly marketable.
Does this mean I can legally try shrooms or lsd to fix my depression? KMS isn't and option.
Big pharma often blocks treatments from getting approved if said treatment would be economically disruptive to their oligopoly
Having access to medications that big pharma fears to be too effective or cheap is good
OP you realize this law is less about helping cancer kids and more about big pharma making more money.
That being said, I don't care, if your gonna die you want to be a guinea pig, its you're right.
You're already breaking the laws of nature and manhood by being depressed. Just go do the fucking drugs.
Hardly the case. The most expensive part of developing and marketing a new drug is phase 3 clinical trials on humans. It is brutal and time consuming, expensive to a degree that dwarfs other industry's entry to market barriers. The ability to generate even small amounts of clinical data without the rigors of existing regulations around this type of use will save time and money. It's less likely to illuminate miracle drugs than it is to sink drugs that would have failed anyway but cost 100 times more time and money to get to that failure in a clinical trial. There's no reason to be against this legislation other than being an uninformed and assmad cunt.
Maybe. I make do. Am successful, wife, house, etc. I'd just like to enjoy it a little more.
an OD of morphine is pretty cheap
This division between the left and right didn’t exist even 5 years ago. I honestly believe there is no middle ground and it will end in civil war
Is it going to be manipulated? sure, jesus, everything is. You can't repeal or alter any form of regulation without mad cunts fucking about. However if you want to try something, knowing the risks, then you should get to.
Old way:
>oh fuck i'm dying
>We have this shit that might make you not die
>gimmie it
>but FDA hasn't approved it and it could turn your skin to pudding
>fuckkit gimme i'm dead anyway
>sorry, FDA has to say so
>but i'll sign shit, it's fine
>naw, sorry, we can try again in a few years if FDA feels like it
>approval denied, dead
Now, if dying guy says "fuck this shit, it's a difference of a few months, hit me up with that shit", we can, with a lot of paperwork and such. Now the end result is:
>Nothing at all happens, guy dies
>Hellish side effects, guy maybe dies or lives, more testing needed, why did his skin flake off like that?
>Guy lives, drug can be pushed forward, keep other people not dead.
Yes, I think we agree it's better for the patient. I'm pointing out that it will be better for pharma, the FDA, and the patients at large. Literally no one loses except assmad and uninformed cunts but even they win since it's more to scream at the sky about.