>Be me(American) >Come to portugal >Find out the country has legalized pedophilia(16 year old age of consent) >See guy in his 20s dating a 16 year old in the street >Yell out at him and get on his face >People get upset at me >at me
Why is portugal so cucked Jow Forums? Day of the rope for this pedophile degenerates when?
> be American > be puritan > whines about everything and anything Shut the fuck up faggot. Get back to your shit country and stay there. Age of consent here is 15. We raise our children to date people within their age limit. Why a 19 year old should be imprisoned for dating a 16 yo?
Bentley Jones
in my home state of New Jersey, the age of consent is 16, chill dude
any father that finds his 14 year old children is having sex with a 20 year old should be legally able to kill him
Isaiah Adams
see heres the thing about age of consent in america though, 1 theres an age gap limit, normally 4-5 years. 2 theres a stipulation that if you are in a position of power i.e., police officer, politition, doctor, manager at your job age of consent laws are not valid and you can not fornicate with anyone under 18. in europe its a free for all. but honestly at that age people can consent to who they want to be with BUT why the fuck would any man in their right mind want to date a fucking 16 year old female lol. ive dated bitches in their mid 20s and they were still so god damned childish it blew my mind. now that im with a woman whos my exact age its alot easier because theres a point in peoples lives where they tend to become more relaxed and more logical i think it happens around the age 25-27 for most people but there are people who become mature sooner than that and then theres people who will never grow the fuck up and continue acting out the same as a child in a toy store who was told no. my advice is to avoid younger females even if you meet the age of consent criteria because theyre fucking psychotic i could only imagine how a 16 year old would act
Henry Cruz
Lol ur fagget
Jordan Edwards
16 in Britain too. Don’t be such a faggot.
Elijah Martinez
I believe it's 15 in our country. It's certainly interesting how in some parts of the USA, it's completely okay when the girl is 18. But if you like the one who is 17 and 364 days, it's suddenly pedophilia and you are a sick fuck. I'm not really sure if that's how pedophilia works.
Dylan Rivera
I should be legally allowed to kill you for being so retarded
Easton Cooper
fuck why does our government let europoors get away with pedophilia,we literally need to start a war over this.
you europoors have become too degenerate,you dont deserve to live
Jonathan Lopez
Girls don't really mature beyond 16 anyway, so why get and older dried up one?
Austin Reed
they should legalize the 12 year olds ... and OP is the cuck one
Wyatt Roberts
Yeah. Beacause it's better to have my daughter get dicked by 10 men by 20 or I find her a husband when she's 14 and the man is 5-6 years older. They are courted and wed, my daughter is in a marriage, and not a slut, and the man is happily married to a young virgin.
Ayden Wilson
quick question, if a 15 and a half year old and a 16 year old send each other nudes, should the 16 year old be jailed for kiddie porn, or are they just horny teens doing what they do?
women dont get looser with age,i am dating a 35 year old women with a kid of her own and shes tight as hell desu
i think 18 is a good age,but to be honest an 18 year old young and immature and its very disgusting to see men in their 30s dating people this young(which barely count as adults)
anybody that is above the age of 20 and has sex with females younger than 18 is a pedophile
It's hard to tell if you are joking. But this is, nonetheless, exactly what I'm talking about. Is the law the only thing keeping you from fucking children, or do you also have some common sense? Because I wouldn't fuck a 15 years old. even though the law says I can. Thats's simply too young for me and too much of a hassle.
Wyatt Gomez
Your wife lost her virginity before she was 16. If you think that kid you're feeding every day is your blood you have some waking up to do.
Nolan Sanders
Age of consent is 16 in Georgia
Eli Russell
Who cares? Mind your own business are you so autistic to actually care about other peoples business
Adam Price
Greek women routinely got married at 14 to men twice their age You're just a puritanical retard. I encourage you to remove your meme flag
Joshua Richardson
literally tell me why
Easton White
>>Yell out at him and get on his face
Typical nigger behavior.
Aiden Collins
will marry her for sure
I guess OP likes to eat leftovers ... OP, show a pic related of your wife's pussy so you can be forgiven
Aiden Johnson
Check out this ugly incel losers getting mad at other people having relationships lmao @ ur life you fucking virgin
t. fucked a sixteen year old chick in the arse when I was 23 :^)
Brody Phillips
yeah and you shouldnt fuck 15 year old,thats your inner morality telling you to not ruin your soul.
i am his father but the kid is not "biologically mine" whatever that means,the guy that left her was an abusive piece of shit.
shes a great women,i love her and the kid grew on me a lot.
because we americans got it all sorted out on this and you need to be forced to accept our laws since its just common fucking sense
and that means greeks encourage pedophilia like the muslims,not surprised this is a thing in europistan tho
Christopher Robinson
i also punched him for being a degenerate pedophile
fuck off muslim i am not an incel i am dating a beautiful blonde women with nordic genes
Daniel Green
Dumbass mutt, in my country it's 14 and there's nothing you can do about it. Keep SEETHING you brainwashed pig lmao.
How do you know he had 20 and she had 16? did you ask for their id cards? Yeah people got upset at you cause this is not your place. Wanna cause a scene go to your fucking country you fucking mutt.
Asher Ortiz
doesnt matter your government will have to accept to remove this pedophile laws.
or we will force you to....
Jaxon Long
>i am his father but the kid is not "biologically mine" whatever that means,the guy that left her was an abusive piece of shit. LARP threads over boys
Ryan Flores
I'm gonna look good af into my 40s. I'll bang college girls just for you
Charles Richardson
What pedophile laws you idiot, people with 16 years old are mature enough to know if they want to have sex or not. The first time i fucked i was 12 or 13 and i fucked girls that age. You are a fucking homo that is probably over 30 and never had any pussy. Sad
Brayden Edwards
>i am his father but the kid is not "biologically mine" whatever that means,the guy that left her was an abusive piece of shit.
are you sure he was abusive or that's what she told you...?? I tell you that you are weakminded and she just jedi your mind into compliance ...
Jeremiah Thomas
Yes cool story (( )), now show us your flag
Brandon Young
>anybody attracted to anybody below 18 is a pedophile PERIOD.
people in the past didn't care soviets didn't care most europeans don't care
18 is only a big deal in the States
Carson Butler
They should have lynched you.
Christopher Mitchell
i am still in your shit country you muslim pedophile i am going to leave in 2 days fuck off
Daniel Ortiz
I'm not planning to. Teenagers are too childish and not really a relationship material. Still, I'd say that it's more natural for a man in his 20s to be more attracted to 16 years old than 40 years old, even though your law suggests otherwise.
Carter Carter
Age of consent in Moortugal is 14.
Juan Ward
>The "I've only been with 3 guys" special.
Parker Evans
>legalized pedophilia >16 year old age of consent reminder that most of your male ancestors married girls at 14
Christian Robinson
he used to beat her and was emotionally abusive,all of her friends and family confirmed this to me
Grayson Long
Did anyone notice when the memflags came back, virtually all the leafs and roaches disappeared?
James Diaz
yeah having meaningless sex with strangers spreading stds is nice but imagine marrying a 12 year old and loving her like your daughter, raising her to be your perfect soulmate and then impregnating her at her prime so you can have many kids and spend the rest of your lives together in a deep, passionate marriage >18 is only a big deal in the States Wasn't always like that
>16 year olds are still children op you are a fucking retard
Sebastian Price
no this fucking pedophiles are the ones that needed to be lynched
i had an old women trying to hit me and i fucking yelled in her face and pushed her to the ground.
fuck portugal,and people still defending this.Only people that stuck by me were pure blooded americans that were travelling with me
BIG FUCKING SURPRISE,in europistan pedos are accepted
i am not done tho,i said i was never going to forget him and i still have his facebook
if he ever visits the U.S hes dead
Ethan Bennett
16 isn't pedophila especially if the dude is fucking 20 years old... GTFO retard, pedos are fucking diddling little children of sub 14 and prepubescence...
So... wtf are you bitching about if God had decided these vessels ready for marriage and children. 16 is ideal, now gtfo fool
an american mutt is calling muslim to the nation on europe that probably most kicked the ass of muslims around the entire world. bye by tyrone, and also cool imagination you have there about your "history"
Alexander Myers
poor stupid gringos ... they think the world revolves around them and around their jew indoctrination or moral values
Noah Powell
>16 years old >Pedophilia
Matthew Myers
You fucking subhumans need to learn to respect other nations' cultures and customs.
Grayson Foster
she said she was only had 8 bfs in her life,but i have beaten up a guy before that went up to me in a bar and tried to "warn me" she was a "sluth" and that she stole money off the last guy that was a POS that left her alone with a kid
you cant trust anybody anymore this days
Sebastian Martinez
>is a children Although I agree with you, I also know you’re not American, nor are you in Portugal.
Kayden Gonzalez
Jacob Wilson
>TFW 25 I just want an 18 year old damnit.
Blake King
In 'Europe' it is not a free for all, there are the same laws on abuse of power that you just described. Besides i have never met anyone who has gone with a girl under 18 (excepting people who where 18 themselvs)
Ian Bailey
>Be me(American) >Think fucking 16 year old girls is pedophilia
I would normally sage bait threads but pedo threads are the most fun ones on this board. On a side note, there is literally nothing wrong with fucking a pubescent girl. The closer she is to puberty the better, that means you get an attractive young girl for much longer.