I'll start
>Mandatory universal background check
>Mandatory three day waiting period
>Must be 21 to own a gun
>Must pass a firearm safety course
>Must pass a psychological exam
Gun Legislation Jow Forums can Agree on
Carson Lee
John Sanders
fuck yo mamma
Cooper Mitchell
the left one is a trap
Nathan Campbell
>Ban niggers
>Ban spics
>Gun crime hits all time and historic lows
Connor Robinson
traps are not gay
Isaac Sullivan
> Felons CANNOT have guns, CANNOT live in a house with a gun, should have periodic checks, automatic license plate reading cameras on police cars should periodically be able to pull over felons when they drive and full checks of their person and automobile should take place, looking for a gun
Samuel Clark
Ryder Barnes
>gun purchase and ownership federally to the age of 21
literally all you need. But give people a finger and they'll take the entire hand.
Robert Jackson
1. marry
2. kill
3. fuck
Josiah Sanchez
How about this for legislation?