Ashkenazi Jews not white?

Why don't you consider ashkenazi Jews white? See picture. They've been living in Europe for thousands of years and they don't look Muslim black or Asian.

Attached: IMG_5606.jpg (600x900, 279K)

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That's not an askenazi jew obviously. Not genetically anyway. They can call it a jew by their jew laws, but obviously it's not more than a few % points jewish genetically.

Shameless bump. I'm curious to see if I'm in the minority who consider these Jews whites. I date one that looks like this (light skin normal nose)

Attached: IMG_5607.jpg (376x490, 37K)

they don't consider themselves white you dumb fuck, go ask them

I don't know why I care what you guys think. She looks white and considers herself white. She isn't religious and if I had to guess she considers herself white because she looks and is treated as such.

>They've been living in Europe for thousands of years and they don't look Muslim black or Asian.
Not that long, mostly stayed in their community/married out ect.
I see two pictures of dyed hair women with make up.

Jewish women dating and marrying out is more than just a meme so they even steel other peoples genes. It seems like they like the most average goy the most since his children will blend in just perfect.

She's not THAT hot. I don't know why we made her some sort of national representative

those """"jews"""" probably have like 80% of european dna

Protip: She would not be considered a local in any Euro country.