DENMARK NO!!! Denmark bans burkas and niqabs


>Denmark became the latest European country to ban garments that cover the face, including Islamic veils such as the niqab or burqa, after a vote in the country’s parliament. Human rights organisations criticised the move.
>Gauri van Gulik, Amnesty International’s Europe director, criticised the move: “All women should be free to dress as they please and to wear clothing that expresses their identity or beliefs,” she said. “This ban will have a particularly negative impact on Muslim women who choose to wear the niqab or burqa.
>First-time offenders risk a fine of 1,000 kroner (£118). Repeat offences could trigger fines of up to 10,000 kroner or a jail sentence of up to six months. Anyone forcing a person to wear garments covering the face by using force or threats can be fined or face up to two years in prison.
>Louise Holck of the Danish Institute for Human Rights told TV2 television that if the law only focused on women in the niqab or burqa it could amount to discrimination against a minority group and hence be against the law.

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(((human rights)))

I hate goat fuckers, but it is technically a violation of their freedom of religion...and even if you take religion out, it's technically "fashion" - so who cares.

That being said, the fact they are doing this is further proof of how much Europe really does hate and despise Muslims and Islamic theological culture lol.

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>I hate goat fuckers
muslims don't actually fuck goats, western muslims are cityfags who haven't seen a goat in their life

also niqabs and burqas are really overexaggerated bullshit, its for everyones best if they wore a normal headcover like hijab

>Louise Holck of the Danish Institute for Human Rights told TV2 television that if the law only focused on women in the niqab or burqa it could amount to discrimination against a minority group and hence be against the law.

Our constitution also states that free religion only applies as long as the religion isn't discriminatory.
I'm pretty sure death to kuffars fall under that category.

We have freedom of religion, but we do not have equality of religion.

*isn't discriminatory and/or goes against out laws.

Freedom of religion is a weird one though. What if you wanted to practice ancient Aztec sun worship and rip peoples hearts out? Then laws against murder would violate your freedom of religion.

I think the nature of religious belief can justify some insane nonsense if you let it.

Based Dänemark

Alright, now ban the yarmulke.

What is the general opinion of the danskere? What is going on there right now?

ALOT of people support this but there those 3/10 lefties/sandniggers who start comparing denmark to nazi germany


Basicly this

The very same sandniggers who would love to every kike dead compares us to the nazies. The irony is staggering.
Also, officially only ~20% of the population is generally against the islamization of Denmark. But it could be alot more unofficially.

muslims use the same tricks the jews do whenever there is a threat to their agenda or interests. Which is demonizing and calling you the worst thing they can think of in order to try to guilt you or get you to capitulate to their agenda. With jews it is antisemitism and holochaust. Muslim do same thing. They don´t want to have the argument because they will lose it, so all they can do is try to make you feel uncomfortable about your oppinion. It´s important to realize that immediately about both muslims and jews and basically ignore it.

But Islam isnt a religion, its a political ideology hiding behind a supposed religion

Fuck Islam, who the fuck cares!?

I can safely say it's a whole lot fucking more than 20%, those are some weak ass estimates.

Those 20% are probably only the most right wing of the population

I'd say upwards of 70% are against it in some way (very broad, mind you)

>ALOT of people support this but there those 3/10 lefties/sandniggers who start comparing denmark to nazi germany
Just remember they do this because they lost the argument/know they can´t win the argument. Therefore choose not to have it. In fact denmark has every right to defend and safeguard our values culture people and society. We cannot allow muslims to islamize our country and keep allowing their slow push towards sharia law. They have 57 majority muslim nations they can go to. To instantly get sharia law and burka and these things. They should not be allowed to change our country into the same thing. There´s no legitimate reason they should even be here if that is the thing they prefer. They are on purpose engaging in a culture war against the danish system laws and culture and the secuar society it is where there is separation between church and state. Sharia law and these things have no place in a secular society. Because it has no separation between church and state. And it is ridiculous to talk about religious freedom, when sharia law has no religious freedom. Our society and values and maintaining those in our nations, trumps their feelings. What they do in the 57 majority muslim nations that is their business. And if that is what they want, they should go there!

And we need to protect our culture and values and the way we do things here. And this means in this case limiting their culture in our country. People need to understand that. You can´t have other peoples imposing their culture and way of life on our country. Or we are going to lose our values culture norms behaviour etc. If they do not like those things in the first place. Well they have no business here. And it´s as simple as that.
That´s basically it. It´s common sense and 100% legitimate. If you go to a muslim country you can bet you will be told to cover up if you are a citizens there. And here you are told. You need to take that stuff off. Thank you very much.

My numbers will tell how many weeks before Denmark gets it's first truck of peace

Danemark for the Danes

You have to understand how ridiculous it is for muslims to call for sharia law here and these things. When there are out of 195 nations on the entire planet. 57 of them are majority muslim (60% or over, mostly it is like 70-90%) where they can instantly go to to live in exact that way. They don´t need another country to have that in when they have so many options to live that lifestyle. Also more importantly. They are foreigners coming here and wanting to be here. I assume it is because they like how it is here, our culture our values our norms and these things. We care just as much about those and preserving those. As they maybe care about sharia law. They also have to appreciate that. They are not coming as tourists and we are giving them rough time. No they are wanting to be citizens and then doing this. No this is simply not acceptable. And we do not need a civil war in the future because they cannot control themselves with their demands. They need to be restricted very much in what part of these things they can practice here. If it is not up to their satisfaction then go to one of those 57 majority nations and live. No big deal. Denmark was simply not for you then.

You are, in fact, a total retard.
Freedom of religion doesn't mean you can infringe on other people's rights you total faggot. Post when you are not a child anymore or neck yourself plz

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