OK I know that video games are probably a complete waste of time, but are there any actual redpilled video games that are worth checking out? pic related, the one game that doesn't piss me off
OK I know that video games are probably a complete waste of time...
Other urls found in this thread:
>trying to find buttfuck middle of nowhere elfville with some badly written instructions
>not annoying
Videogames are for children and niggers.
god of war 4 maybe? relationship between a son and his daddeh
Every other game sucks.
The holy trinity of 90s fps
Half Life, Deus Ex and System Shock 2
Why play anything else
LA Noir is gritty and includes the racial attitudes of the 50's. first case is a jew who murdered an anti-semite.
>video games
Games are a waste of time unless "math" or "history" comes before it.
Videogames are a complete waste of time.
also on a related tangent:
>Game-theory in general is a potent redpill
>video games are probably a complete waste of time
all larpers on Jow Forums that say that are retarded hypocrites.
I second the Deus Ex games. Can get them on übersale now and then, too.
Deus Ex was made by a jew and is literally about the JWO/illuminati.
Witcher 3
Mount and Blade Warband. Enslave and imprison your enemies. Loot filthy plebeians and dirty peasants.
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is pretty great. It's redpilled because working together to overcome the very real monsters that threaten all of us is important, or something. The plot is whatever, the game is just awesome.
It's amazing
I like how they make the main story about silly Illuminati and Area 51 nonsense while every side character and irrelevant plot detail is maximum redpill about taxing, collusions, corruption, the evils of industry, etc.
also fun fact: Elon Musk said it's one of his faves, he said he liked the story
>feminist power simulator.
>tfw 1800 hrs in
It's pretty boring mid game, desu. I have a blast playing multiplayer though
>tfw Catholic Kongo and I reclaim Africa and conquer Asia, New Africa (Latin America), and Iberia
Just downloaded and installed Deux Ex lads, it's fucking 69p right now
I'd say MGS 1 and 2. 3 is absolutely not redpilled, 4 is a movie and 5 is a misunderstanding. Deus Ex maybe?
This is one of the most intense racial realism experiences you could imagine
I think there's one black guy in it, and you have to break him out of jail
i think skyrim is actually pretty nice. the fucking elves and khajits are invading them while imperials are also warring against northeners. you can see how people are proud of their king and want to live in the north, their homeland, and only by them. only nordics, no other races allowed. they just want their little piece of tamriel for themselves and they fight for it. thats pretty based.
CK2 has been my shit for like 1600 hours now. I swear I never get bored of it.
If the game is boring it's probably because you aren't engaged in enough subversion, spying, funding rebellions and trade wars.
Any and all games should be considered compromised.
Your best bet is to play games without a basis in this reality or ones that ignore politics.
I suggest Shenmue 2, Dragon Quest VIII, Animal Crossing those are some of my favs.
Btw what is up with the Illuminati symbolism in the new Mario game on the switch?
The wetback level has an inverted pyramid, I don't feel like keeping up with the latest occult nonsense.
Also the new room game has the pyramid in the loading screen.
God I fucking hate kikes and occultists I can't wait for the great collapse so I can hunt some of them down and murder them.
MGS series
Persona 2 IS and EP
half-life isn't redpilled, if anything the sequel made the series cucked when they introduced the nigress mary sue Alyx Vance.
Deus Ex isn't redpilled so much as it predicted worsening economic conditions. It's actually one of very few games (and media in general) that takes place after an economic collapse precipitated by wealth inequality.
Nier Automata is a great game about Nietzschian philosophy and greatly considers the implications and dangers of a society moving beyond religion and attempting to find meaning in a very nihilistic world.
>inb4 someone butts in and says "but u gots'ta play with THIS mod on it or else it wont b no gud!"
Play the vanilla experience first and beat the game that way, the way it was meant to be played.
>Getting mauled by wolves is a realism experience
Oh right it's a canadian
Just marketing don't get your panties in a twist
If you've neva played it before I suggest getting i-def textures pack. Game is awesome and while you could probably live with dated graphics, there is an alternative.
Anyone else ITT new dark age ending?
It's called the gaystation you pleb.
HIGHLY recommend this
fixes many graphical errors on modern PCs and adds some unused content
improves the game by leaps and bounds
grand strategy and war games like:
darkest hour
Victoria 2
operational art of war
gary grigsby war in the east
well you got me
but shifter is very close to vanilla
and better in my opinion
>go to windhelm
>grey quarter
>speak with mus- i mean dark elves
>kvetching and complaining about nord racism
>sneak into his quarters
>find his globalist imperial armour
>read his note
>"dumb nords are cattle, we will take skyrim back for the dark elves. praise alla- i mean azura"
Oh fuck yeah I lived Nier so much
Really pisses me off though seeing it getting mainstreamed and all kinds of normie fuckwads playing it.
Btw that series should be considered Marxist, Kaine is a futanari.
Best soundtrack in a long time too.
I haven't played the sequel yet
Only Half Life 1 exists
The rest is bad fan fiction
Nearly all games are. Story driven obstacle courses are good for healthy brain activity. Genuine physical exercise coupled with it leads to general overall well-being. Fishing, Golf, and Pool are good substitutes for vidya.
>following simple instructions is hard
Strategy is the only redpilled genre because it requires you to use your brain. The more complex, the more redpilled. Try Aurora 4X if you don't mind what is basically a playable spreadsheet.
Elder scrolls is jewish
Look up Todd Howard
They're still great games though.
Oblivion is a fucking masterpiece fuck the haters
Morrowind has some of the most piss-poor quest instructions in any game. World is massive and people will tell you to go "northwest" to find the fucking overgrown cave that is directly south of town.
Actually Vicky 2 can teach how politics, economy, diplomacy, and gaining power works in different countries. Didn't think about it that way really.
This. HL1 + Opposing Force are great. I never really liked the sequel.
Shit. Spector is a Jew. I never knew that.
>doesn't baby players
>mob levels don't adjust with consideration of the level of the character
>can own or free slaves
>all races are raciss
>can kill any npc
>if you take enough drugs you can wield keening and sunder and beat dagoth ur without ever dealing with the virgin wraithguard
it's a breddy gud game my man
Victoria 2 has it's own quirks and AI is quite shitty, but it's hilarious how unapologist Paradox dared to be about European supremacy of colonial era. It's very hard to actually play uncivilized nations and triumph, Japan (actually one of the easiest countries to play) and Persia being exceptions.
It's also great how after inventing gas weapons you literally gas even your own rebellions to death.
Paki Bash, Concentration Camp Manager, ZOG's Nightmare, ZOG's Nightmare II, the list goes on.
Also, anything recommended by Führer Anglin. Plus, generally the older the game, the less SJW shit
I played this game called "sea dogs, to each his own". It lacked an in game real time map. Unless you used a mod, you had to use maps that were static. It was like looking at map IRL. It lacked any quest markers, so you had to go by what the quest description told you, like "go to x island and talk to x person in x location". Which was made worse by the fact that it was made by russians, and poorly translated to english. Shit made Morrowind look like a children's game.
Mass effect Andromeda
Shooting at an alien enemy called the chosen
unleashed a massive hate campaign in the media, It infuriated (((them))) so much that they are actually trying to destroy the complete franchise.
Triple A game and you can buy it at a huge discount on the web.
Buy it if only for the resistance.
I free them, to give them false hope. Then I punch them to death
i know that people love the morrowind immersion of incomplete detail, but i think a hybrid system would be ideal. no unlimited fast travel tho that shit is garbage.
what the fuck are you talking about? that game was the most awful thing i have ever played
>Todd is jewish
Elder Scrolls is pretty k. It encourages race realism.
But what about the devs being anti-white
Was the character design a mossad job?
No it doesn't. You get detailed instructions in your journal, with the occasional vague "it's northwards" when the quest giver themselves doesn't know where the fuck the place is.
My only quibble is having to retrace things through the journal instead of a quest list.
In Morrowind I kill all non-Dunmer.
In Oblivion I kill all non-Imperials.
In Skyrim I kill all non-Nords.
Fun little ethnic cleansing simulator.
Only games I like:
Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Mount and Blade Warband, Eu4, and Ck2. Strategy, especially ones where you get to slaughter nigs and colonize the world. are the best.
I actually enjoyed hl2. The Dr Breen character seems hauntingly similar to Obama. I always wondered if there was a mod to obamify breen.
I got like an hour into Kingdom Come: Deliverance and just stopped (like I do most games)
It's still installed with the save point. Should I go back and play it or is it skip worthy?
>Mass effect Andromeda
The sad thing is the foundations were there, fun combat system, open world, big budget. God I wish these people would Fucking die and leave our shit alone.
>still left the ottomemes intact
>Age of Empires 1 & 2
>Tropico 4
>Age of Mythology
>Deus Ex
>Bioshock Infinite
Aside from the animation issues (that were "mostly" patched) and story that was flat compared to previous games in the franchise, what made it the worst game you ever played? The combat was, kind of solid and felt tight.
There are many, many worse games.
Rhodoks are cucks
Sarranids are sandniggers
Khergit are horse fuckers
Vaegir are snowniggers
Nords cant mount a horse
Yes I actually like HL2 more than HL1 but it is anything but redpilled, the cast is too diverse and inclusive.
It doesn't end here user, the jewish battle for your mind is only beginning.
The next stage is virtual reality, better act now before it's too late.
Also there is a movie that came out around the same time as the first commerical Rift release, the movie is called "Oculus".
Palmer Luckey is a Jesuit shill
Swadian master race, they have the best troops but the subhuman hordes gang up on them. Siding with them and civilizing the other kingdoms is the only answer.
I played the first Bioshock once and it bored the shit out of me. Should I try Infinite?
Multiplayer community is mostly based too.
Floris makes everything a lot less shit.
Dominions 5.Competitive turn based high fantasy warfare for the most refined men. You basically pick a nation to play, create a God, and go forth to annihilate everyone else and their false Gods. There's huge amount of content and depth, and lore that's mostly based on historical nations and myths is interesting. It's definitely at its best in multiplayer, AI becomes a punching bag fast once you grasp the mechanics unless you let it cheat a lot.
Isn't that part of the point, though? That everyone in city 17 is a diaspora of a bunch of different people relocated from all over the world because the combine are basically globalist commies on steroids?
All warhammer series
>all astrates are white(yes and salamanders)
>purge heretics
>every race is xenofobic and no allience of peace and shit
>god emperor(anly cons is that he is turk)
faggot developers ruining the game
upvoted. with the free community-made mods you can easily rack up 2k+ hours without getting bored.
swadian heavy cavalry is my drug
Pokémon, all original games up to gen 6.
Heaven & Hearth (brilliant)
NationStates (political text based rp)
If you are talking about en.wikipedia.org
Pretty enjoyable game.[spoiler]
There is no real need for realtime map tho, minimap already shows realtime ships positions for combat purposes, and sea map is just a map.
Islands are small enough that you can find everyone relatively easy too.
The worst that game can throw at you is abordage, for the first time you get to experience it is basically a fight for your life, you either remember instructions that one guy gave you at the first island(you wont) or you die while fumbling around with your sword, game over. The only way to get a grip on it is to save the game and try and try and try until you figure out what the fuck you are supposed to do shit by trial and error. Thats really my only complaint. It would be a huge help if that guy that tells you about deckfighting gave a nonlethal demonstrative swordfight to you so you will know what to expect at sea, but sadly there is nothing like that in the game. Devs dropped a ball in that case a bit.[/spoiler]
Not really a redpilled game tho.
>play the original Deus Ex with revision texture pack
>climb the to the top of the statue of liberty unseen
>talk to the guy and watch little cutscene
>press e again to sew what happens
>the dude keeps dropping redpills after redpills
>"the last few potus were all on the trilateral comission which is owned by the Rockefeller and Rothschild"
And to think the franchise turned to sjw pandering...
Urban Chaos: Urban Response
Kill leftists as a fireman, use of riot shields and tasers too
Fallout 4
Was not bioshock infinite a heavy handed leftist allegory about how racist america is or something like that ?
So is this website
Liberal Crime Squad. You make a squad of liberals and attempt to take over the USA using "freedom fighter" tactics like robbing banks and prostituting freed Vietnamese sweat shop workers for money.
>simple instructions
Without looking at the map in the internet, you would walk around aimlessly wasting hours in a quest that should take you only a few minutes. "Hurr northwest of Dagon Fell" is an extremely generic instruction, and go fuck yourself if you think otherwise.
The magic in the game is top tier, btw.
I do hope they take all the things that Floris added, and put it on Bannerlord. It makes the game so much better, that I don't even know how I liked it before installing Floris.
Fallout: New Vegas.
i have played the first 3 games at least 10 times all the way through 100%, with the new one ive only beat it once and the boredom was killing me the entire time
heres waht killed it for me
>sjw agenda
>shitty story
>lame aliens
>non fun side quest and large boring planets
>unlikable charterers
starcraft 2
In real life America has 5000 nukes China has 200 how is that redpilled? I don't get it 200 nukes won't make the landscape as beatific as fallout 4 you need at least 35000 nukes
>being this much of a low IQ brainlet