Why do white supremacists always come from poor and lower-class backgrounds? Why are they never the intellectual...

Why do white supremacists always come from poor and lower-class backgrounds? Why are they never the intellectual, successful, and beautiful?

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Depends really on who you look at. Nowadays half of them are part Jewish/ coloured.

Wait, I thought Trump was a white supremacist. Keep your story straight, flaggot.
sage all flaggot threads

actually there's quite a large number of the other variety you speak of. there just smart enough to keep it veiled while wielding influence

Anyone with a triple-digit IQ knows that now is not the time to parade around sieg-heiling and twirling tiki torches of hate, regardless of his political views

Whites of upper class have no need to make noise, theyre comfortable in their white gated communities

Almost all conservatives are of low-very low IQ/refinement. All liberals are of medium to below medium IQ. A small minority of rightwingers are the most intelligent people.

Liberals think they're geniuses because they're slightly intelligent compared to the guy in OP's picture, but the true intellectuals are all to the right at least.


What's a white supremacist?

sage all meme flags

the smart ones know not to express their views in public

Because the current upper-class maintains their position by brown-nosing the Jewish/neliberal globalist elite, while white nationalists are opposed to them.

Also, Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor, and David Duke are all pretty rich and successful. Duke was literally a Senator.

Because succesful people dont need a revolution

They dont need to blame racial groups for their problems

Because successful people have no reason to rebel against anything, when they do its for social currency not actual change because they might not benefit.

As GLR put it they are whats available.

fascism always gain traction when the main population has economic problems. Remember who were the white supremacist 30 years ago? all metheads

Yep this is why Trump is NOT racist, love your logic

Hey you fucking meme flaggot who do you think finances them?
God you lefties are retarded beyond belief.

I dunno.

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OP is a faggot so let's discuss something else.

Why are jews so overrepresented at Harvard despite no factual basis for their population there?

he ins't thoug. but every racist voted for him because they thougt he was

Because real white supremacists keep their mouth shut and just make sure they are living comfortably and probably if they really want, influence politics that way. Like a real man.

>why do people who have a lot to lose avoid saying things that are controversial or financially damaging

There's no such thing as White Supremacists, if there were then the borders would be closed and all the non whites would be removed from the country. There are plenty of jewish, black, mexican and muslim supremacists though.

Ahem... what about me? Don't know that I'm beautiful but I do okay.
Maybe it's because I'm not a WS I'm just a realist that believes freedom, happiness and above all truth bring all good things to society.
Being this I cannot BTFO white supremacists unless they are being evil.

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>pic related
Get fucked, jackass

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Because only the ones with nothing to lose can afford to be out in the open about it. Or do you really think the entirety of Jow Forums is nothing but poor white trash?

All the openly public, "march in the streets" (((white supremacists))) are jew-led Federal operations. Every single fucking one of them. It's funny to watch you kvetch and blow yourselves out though, kvetching about some golem you created yourself

because intellectuals understand that every race has its "nigger" and they are all useful idiots.

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Intelligence is a useless trait, it creates lazy, weak and cowardly people.

On average their IQ’s are higher, as well as them coming from wealthy back grounds.

why do socialists always come from middle class + backgrounds, having everything handed to them but then pretending they care for the poor?

>Why are they never the intellectual, successful, and beautiful?
because they are smart enough to hide their powerlevel until the right time.

because they have actually lived in the hell that the burgeosie has created. They have to live with the filthy masses while those who stomp down on their heads and force them to live with rabid animals get to live in nice gated communities and see negroes as more of as circus animals than actual people.

>1 post by this ID
Also, sage.

They are also allowed to engage in nepotism, whereas whites are literally prevented from doing so by "affirmative action" laws.

Because the corporate ruling class is party to white genocide.

White supremacists are whoever you disagree with these days and often times you're disagreeing with middle class well educated folks such as myself. Pick one you pillock.

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Yeah that too, although if you have no dignity you could always be a transsexual lesbian women with manly tendencies. You could also convert to Islam, doesn’t mean you need to follow the rules or be a good Muslim.

Because they are retarded

There are “white supremacists” brought all socioeconomic divisions. The ones are willing reveal their power level either have nothing to lose because they’re poor or they’re not the brightest, so they’re poor.

It's more like
> why do protestors from both sides have nothing better to do in their lives

Which is easy to answer, the nignogs aren't working and the nazis are stuck in retail because that's all there is in the bible belt

upper class whites get called white supremacist all the time

shill thread

People use the name function? I have never noticed it before.

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the establishment cant hurt them because they are not invested in their system of control

SS-DNA , engineer , blond-blue eyed women & children ; genozide expert in Africa

White Supremacists own Hollywood, the media, most of the internet, get free gibs for their national project in the M.E., (read: your tax-dollars), own all of your data, run your Supreme Court, your Senate, your Congress and they have your President by the balls. Not bad for a group of undesirables. They make up the wealthiest group on the planet and they're known as the ashkeNAZIm

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Because all of these neo-nazi fags were created by Jewish CIA niggers to make white identity seem crude, low class, and evil.

Fuck off optics cuck. C-ville redpilled tons of normie conservatives.

Hey Jew.

I grew up in the upper middle class. Family has been here many times over since 1620. I have money, I'm good looking, and I can sure as fuck kick your ass.

>Who is Jared Taylor?

>there just smart enough to keep it veiled while wielding influence
This, they pull strings where it matters.

It's quite funny. I don't know any white person, regardless of political affiliation who thinks that white people should be "supreme" and rule over everyone else. Even the biggest neo nazi fuckwits don't believe that. The Jews are projecting their feeling of supremacy and desire to control the world onto white people. Jews are the only supremacists. Whites just want to be left alone

>Why are people on the fringes of society the first to complain?
btw I am a white supremist and I'm middle class; most of my extended family have graduate degrees.

White niggers need to feel good about something i guess. Especially if they come from poverty equal to that of their mooncricket counterparts.

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Beautiful? Kek

So what you're saying is that most people are fucking stupid?

Yeah, I can agree with that.

The successful ones are just waiting for the day where they can kill you and get away with it rather than throwing their lives away just to say something and get doxed by you rabid traitors

>most of my extended family have graduate degrees.
Doesn't mean you have one
>>implies, i'm smart because my family is smart


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Racists are usually nationalists and populists, and the rhetoric of Trump during his campaign was both. They voted for him not because they thought he was racist, per se, but because of his nationalist and populist statements.


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