So today I was reading up on apes on wikipedia and this quote struck me as interesting. >The family Hominidae (hominids), the great apes, includes three extant species of orangutans and their subspecies, two extant species of gorillas and their subspecies, two extant species of chimpanzees and their subspecies, and one extant species of humans in a single extant subspecies.[1][a][2][3]
Now I don't deny that all humans are apes, however, what struck me is that wikipedia (and certain (((biologists))) ) claim that humans are one single subspecies of ape. However, I don't understand how people can deny the VERY obvious glaring differences between different races of humans, which include but are not limited to, susceptibility to certain diseases, physical characteristics/looks, taxonomical differences, as well as differences in IQ and intelligence. How can an entire field of science completely deny the obvious? In the old days scientists understood that races were very obviously different subspecies and that race is not "skin deep". Hell, look at pic related, even without the melanin in his skin, does he look the same as a European? What specifically changed in "science" that caused """scientists""" to deny facts which seem very obvious to even the average layman?
I mean, really, does this look like the same species as a European or Japanese person? Why are they hiding the obvious? and why are so many people dumb enough not to see through their bullshit? It's like being the only sane one in a mental asylum because you believe 2+2=4 and that 2+2 does not equal 5. Yet everyone is telling you that 2+2=5 and you're somehow the insane one for disputing that claim.
I plan on it but right now I'm in the middle of reading like 3 different books.
Henry Stewart
tl;dr early 1900s jews took over anthropology and linguistics. they used (((einsteins))) plagiarized shit to destroy culture and reason.
gas all the kikes.
Elijah Gomez
Bumping because I'd like some infographs scientifically disproving this Jewish hogwash. Also does anyone else feel the same as me with regards to this post?: I've always respected the idea of the scientific method and using science to gain essential truths about the world but I don't feel that the "scientific" institutions are necessarily always to be trusted. I say this as an engineering technician.
This is the kind of stuff I'm looking for. Keep it coming. Thanks for posting that. I've also never heard that theory before, it sounds fascinating. Have a rare pepe.
The fact that they go out of their way to mention a single sub-species seems very intentional, details on sub-species don't really get all that much focus on Wikipedia.
>What causes science to deny this There is a strong political overlap in academia, it's frowned upon, feared and avoided. Whenever a student points out that they see differences the professor does their best to ignore or dodge the question. Humans are taboo from the same scientific scrutiny as any other animal on planet earth, because it's painful to analyze our selves in such a matter and draw conclusions about differences in fitness and intelligence.
Then out in the career world of science, the hunt for research funding cuts off and blocks out anything that would interfere with the human element since most science is funded with the incentive to understand why mankind can not do or make something.
Scientists will never be free unless a governing body lets them be free.
Bentley Johnson
>How can an entire field of science completely deny the obvious? The same way they do with the rest of evolution. It's an entire system based on denying the obvious intelligent design in life and instead say it's all accidents. Why would they not also deny an obvious taxonomic classification within the arbitrary classification system they have set up? It's part and parcel. Jews fully believe in evolution BTW, even orthodox. It's another means destroy the white cultural-religious foundation. Therefore you'll inevitably find contradictions that go ignored.
Bentley Reed
I don't deny that evolution exists. I'm a race realist BECAUSE I believe in evolution. Not to mention, there's tons of evidence showing that evolution is factual. Although it seems to me that when studying humans, people tend to ignore obvious glaring differences between different groups of people to suit a political agenda. Not to mention, the heads of third Reich and even George Lincoln Rockwell both believed in evolution. See this video if you don't believe me:
>What specifically changed in "science" that caused """scientists""" to deny facts which seem very obvious to even the average layman? Actual scientists working in actual population genetics actually accept the notion of human races/subspecies. (((Science writers))) like Gould, Lewontin, Diamond, are the ones doing the denying. Also non-STEM profs like to quote Lewontin's denial without realizing that his shit was contradicted by further inquiry. All three of those I named also committed actual fraud in their "research". Gould even admits to having a conclusion in mind and then going on to "prove" it.
>two extant species of chimpanzees and their subspecies Now this is just wrong. There's several species of Chimp, all genetically isolated from each other and evolving in separate directions. It's not just Bonobos versus regular Chimps, regular Chimps themselves consist of several species.
>tl;dr early 1900s jews took over anthropology and linguistics Phys anthro is slightly more immune to their bullshit. That's why phys anthro is underfunded and despised in the USA, and why Japs and Russians are way ahead of us in that department. Even worse is what the Jews did to the soft sciences. They are in the state they are in because Jews kicked out all Darwinian voices in those fields.
I am growing so restless lately. I used to always suspect that a lot of what was "scientifically accredited" or whatever that phrase is wasn't all that credible, but lately so much is coming up. By this point I'm prepared to go with the "Negroes are demons from Hunger Hell" theory and take up paleolithic sun worship.
Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.
The university intellectuals also play an important role in carrying out the System's trick. Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System's trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System's basic values.
Because they are the teachers of young people, the university intellectuals are in a position to help the System play its trick on the young, which they do by steering young people's rebellious impulses toward the standard, stereotyped targets: racism, colonialism, women's issues, etc. Young people who are not college students learn through the media, or through personal contact, of the "social justice" issues for which students rebel, and they imitate the students. Thus a youth culture develops in which there is a stereotyped mode of rebellion that spreads through imitation of peers—just as hairstyles, clothing styles, and other fads spread through imitation.
Western science has stagnated heavily since the end of WW2 - in fact most of the big leaps in the years after WW2 were just the harvesting of already discovered tech, and the playing out of already thought-through ideas. Computers, rocketry, etc were all in thier infancy during this time.
Scientific advancement requires radical thinking and radical thinking will see you unemployed in our new dark age. There are some avenues where this is still allowed - theoretical physics for example, but even that is held down somewhat by outdated ideas. By and large though, if you think outside the box, prepare to lose your job or be labelled crazy.
Science is shackled by ignorance and fear just as badly as it was in the dark ages. However this time the dogma is called "political correctness" and it has eaten our entire civilization alive.
There are 4 subspecies of humans, they are used in medicine but often called haplotypes.
Negroid >Migrated out of Africa to India and Australia. It is why you can find some Pacific Islands with black natives.
Australoid >"Evolved" from Negroid in Australia, didn't do much beyond that.
Caucasoid >Hybrid of Homo sapiens subspecies Negroid and Homo neanderthalensis. Spread out westwards to Americas (later died out) Eastwards covering Europe, Eurasia, and pushed Negroid out of India. Includes Europeans, Indians, Arabs, Kazakhs, Russians, ect.
Mongoloid >Evolved from Caucasoid, spread eastward to Americas and Pacific Islands. Includes Asians, most Islanders, Native Americas.
Really things are divided into two groups, Negroid + Australoid and Caucasoid + Mongoloid. This is really evident when you look at hybrids. You get odd genetic selections, with one dominate suppressing another when you breed a Negroid and Caucasoid or Mongoloid, i.e. you can have two children who look nothing alike. However, breeding Caucasoid and Mongoloid results in an in between state. Also, rates of genetic syndromes sky rocket, immune system dysfunction, decreased immunity, and fertility drops when you bread outside of these two groups.
If they are different subspecies then that means that they are the same species.
Still, the old timers just used a different naming convention, and when it started pissing people off, and some science was shown to be "wrong" so to speak, on race, they just said screw it and switched it to everyone of all races are the same "species" and just used the term that way. It's all in the language choice.
Eli Miller
i always thought it was like dog breeds. as in we arent distinct enough yet but could with longer isolation. i admit i dont know much about it one way or the other.
Parker Wright
>if science goes against my arbitrary unexamined personal beliefs, it's science that is wrong it's honestly like you people never even went to school
Joshua Davis
I'm not even going to try and convince you that Jews aren't really controlling the world, that's a deeply held conspiracy that cannot be undone by just some stranger online.
However, I'll give you this: Yes, there is differences in physical appearance with blacks and asians, that is obvious. There are genetic and scientific differences. If there wasn't, all genetic testing companies would be out of business.
However, I inquire: who gives a fuck? Honestly. They look different, they are a different branch of the same fucking primates that we all descend from. Is that honestly reason to adopt a racially charged nationalist movement? When you interact with your average Arab man, African man, Asian man, is there really that big of a difference on a human to human, everyday basis? Or have you just never bothered to meet and talk to decent folk from a different race than your own?
Dylan Young
that's easy... they transform the science to comply to their political agenda. if something is politically unacceptable but scientifically sound, it's considered wrong and is silenced or reinterpreted to comply... the same problem is very prominent in archaeology... water erosion on Sphinx? don't mention it, there's a half cartouche of pharaohs name on stele in vicinity, that unequivocally means he built it... 250kyo arrowheads in Americas? no it can't be, kill the scientist's career. dna tested elongated sculls from Americas proving their origins in Caucasus... just ignore it, they are not scientists...
there was a time when I believed science is self cleaning, peer review and all that shit, but now I see it becomes more and more like religion with right and wrong conclusions regardless of facts
Nathan Cox
There's less difference between a Bonobo and a Chimpanzee than there is Whites and Blacks. We are clearly different species.
Aiden Young
> There's several species of Chimp, all genetically isolated from each other and evolving in separate directions. It's not just Bonobos versus regular Chimps, regular Chimps themselves consist of several species.
What are the latin names of those three distinct species? I only know the standard two.
I live in a very diverse area and have met a fuckload of just about everyone. Rich, poor, smart, dumb - I've found that higher intellegence seems to level behavior out and create similarities between groups, but the dumber a person is the more likely they are to have exaggerated traits that are stereotypical of their racial (which is when diversity turns into conflict).
Since a society needs a decent range of intelligences within it's workforce, it's a better strategy to remove other races than remove people with average or below intelligence.
Just my 2 cents on it though.
Nicholas Butler
The belief is held that physical appearances are just a surface manifestation of other chemical differences, which result in different behavioral, computational, and inter-personal reactions among different "races". The more extreme view is held that these racial differences extend beyond biology, and become something spiritual: White Baptists as compared to African-American Baptists as an easy example.
What a silent minority further believe is that these spiritual differences are being destroyed by racial miscegenation, allowing certain malefactors to win a psychic war by destroying any and all connections of less-than-pure individuals from connecting to the spiritual center that calls those descended from a paternal bloodline.
Gabriel Howard
What about social democracy? Like, the equal opportunity of education for all people; which balances wealth and intelligence among the races? Is that not a better solution to such problems? People born and raised in countries like Norway or Sweden, regardless of race, end up conforming to the intelligent, humane Scandinavian society. This is because the Arab kids got just as much attention and governmental financial backing as the white kids did.
Josiah Fisher
>What about social democracy? Like, the equal opportunity of education for all people; which balances wealth and intelligence among the races? Is that not a better solution to such problems? People born and raised in countries like Norway or Sweden, regardless of race, end up conforming to the intelligent, humane Scandinavian society. This is because the Arab kids got just as much attention and governmental financial backing as the white kids did. but they don't. Arabs in europe are still non integrated after 3 generations.
Mason Young
Spiritual? wait lol I thought we were talking about science, not voodoo magic shit.
As an Atheist, I am only here for scientific discussion. Otherwise I could say something like "I believe in a uniting spirit and God that brings us all together, God made us all equal in his image" etc.. Which I am sure many people would call bullshit if I said something like that lol.
Joshua Gutierrez
>However, I don't understand how people can deny the VERY obvious glaring differences between different races of humans
we dont need to come from different breed of apes to have evolved vastly different characteristics
are you retarded?
Thomas Thomas
"Arabs in Europe are stil non integrated after 3 generations!!1!!!11" >Citation needed from a reputable study or other evidence that isn't from FOX News or other far-right, biased sources
>If they can breed, they are the same species. Blacks can breed with white women, so they are the same species. It's not that difficult you pollock dogs can breed with wolves. They are not the same species. Tigers can breed with lions. They are not the same species.
Kayden Gray
>culture of critiqu >While the first and second book received some positive reviews, [1][2][3][4] later works have been mostly rejected and condemned by academics and journalists as being scientifically unsupportable, academically sloppy, and antisemitic.[5][6][7][8][9]
goy, you wouldnt believe someone like this would you
I stumbled on a article (((wikipedia))) with citation with someone with (((berg))) for it's last name, which told that Races exist, but their existance should be denied to make sure Eurasians and Africans don't evolve into 2 different species, which can't have children, to make sure we have unified (((humanity)))
Brody Lee
the kike tale of the golem is my theory. early jews found something more humanoid than a goat to fuck & after a while found that these female fuckbeasts were bearing viable offspring. thus the nigger bio-weapon was literally (proper use of literally) born
Evan Wright
blinded me science!
Zachary Gonzalez
Humans are classified as a single species with no subspecies. The truth is that biological classification is arbitrary and has alot of wiggle room. You could easily get subspecies out of the human species if you wanted to, but it will never happen.
Jaxon Ortiz
And erectus, sapien and Neanderthal
Dylan Kelly
Definition of "species" is basically >1: Can these two things fuck and make a baby? >2: Can the result of that fuck other, similar things and make a baby? If the answer is yes to both it's the same species. That's how every breed of dog is the same species despite drastic differences in behavior and appearance.
Brayden Murphy
Since they ran out of money and had to resort to taking shekel loans from the kikes to stay afloat
In exchange for their precious shekels, the kikes demanded that they "reteach" the future generations
Juan Taylor
Cro magnon is homo sapiens paleolithic european you dumbnuts.
I want to know what he said that was racially inflammatory or whatever.
Lincoln Diaz
what about >2: Can the result of that fuck other, similar things and make a baby? do you not understand
Benjamin Ward
He looks adorably retarded
Zachary Gonzalez
in 1943, a fifteen-year-old hybrid between a lion and an 'Island' tiger was successfully mated with a lion at the Munich Hellabrunn Zoo.
In September 2012, the Russian Novosibirsk Zoo announced the birth of a "liliger", which is the offspring of a liger mother and a lion father. The cub was named Kiara.[22
Caleb Edwards
>liger and a lion father exactly, you can't mate ligers with other ligers
Liam Ward
Fuck off christ cuck
Brody Collins
I must find a way. I love these huge retarded mutts.
Jackson Sullivan
Liger are fertiles but too big for their ecosystem. There is many species of lion, btw, explain that to poor silly me.
Grayson James
>christ cuck It's a jew pretending, always. Evolution was not only developped as atheory by christian but confirmed by the church as conform with the bible.
>What specifically changed in "science" that caused """scientists""" to deny facts which seem very obvious to even the average layman? MUH FEELS
Liam Morgan
the chapter on the frankfurt school really tells you everything you need to know.
max horkheimer said:"if science as a whole follows the lead of empiricism and the intellect renounces its insistent and confident probing of the tangled bush of observations in order to unearth more about the world than even our well-meaning press, it will be participating passively in the maintenance of universal justice" the social scientist must therefore be a critic of culture and adopt an attitude of resistance toward contemporary societies.
Ayden Morgan
>susceptibility to certain diseases, physical characteristics/looks, taxonomical differences, as well as differences in IQ and intelligence you mean like dog breeds, that are not classified as different species?
That nigs couldn't answer the expectations ""we"" had for them n a genetic level. And he confirmed that, indeed, there is multiple subspecies currently.
Juan Campbell
> ... and one extant species of humans in a single extant subspecies.[1][a][2][3] Who exactly is ment here? It can't be pic related.
That doesn’t explain why they have different shaped heads, have different coloured skin, have different hair and get different diseases. It also doesn’t explain why white people find nignogs so disgusting
Leo Sanders
WTF Just yesterday I was reading about hominids in Wikipedia.
Got synchronicity?
Logan Sullivan
you gave me a bunch of subspecies of the species Panthera leo, good job faggot. Fuck off
Christian Cook
Yet ther is not even subspecies in humans. Weiird, isn't it (((user)))?
Also 1st paragraphre, humongous faggot "Belonging to the Panthera genus and Felidae family, lions are majestic animals. The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) recognizes two sub-species of lions - the African and the Asiatic lions. This AnimalSake article has enlisted 8 different species of lions with pictures."
Not all these specimen are subspecies. Only 2 actually.
Adam Sanchez
Not consistently though, and there isn't a self sustaining population of them, which proves that. Plenty of hybridized crops survive well in the wild (lemons are from sour orange X citron, and this appears to have occurred naturally)