I'm 55 years old. I can tell you what time does to women...

I'm 55 years old. I can tell you what time does to women. If you saw my high school prom queen she looks like she got hit by two buses and drug 1000 feet. You couldn't drink enough alcohol to bring yourself to fuck her. I can't count the women in my past that are the same way. The guys I went to college and high school with have a few dents here and there but they still look reasonably good. Guys in my age group...Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Clooney, Robert Downey Jr., Kennau Reeves. Hell even old Johnnie Depp would still look good if he would stop drinking and get some exercise. A woman's life is hell after she turns 45. Even if she still looks good, guys know she has 5 years at most before she falls off a cliff. For a lot of men their life begins at 40. Ever hear a woman say that? You never will. And as I've grown older this has been perhaps the sweetest revenge on every cunt I ever got rejected by. I've met a few of those too. They couldn't look me in the eye. They know they are hideous. And me...well I'm just fucking awesome.

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>Kennau Reeves

This works for older men, guys who have already been married and raised kids and lived the important part of their life, for young men who need to breed it is retarded. Fucking for fun is equivalent to doing cocaine for pleasure.


>Johnny Depp
>look good
there is literally a thread on here right now about how he looks like shit, you are officially wrong and retarded

fuck off grampy bone

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>You can get a sexbot like pic related or any fantasy you want (elfs, vampires etc)
>You can program it to never cheat on you, never nag you etc
>Always ready for sex, always happy to serve you
>Will never get old, her body will never go to shit
>Will beat you at chess
>Will provide intellectual conversations
>Will be eager to fulfil your fetishes without a second thought
>She will be there for you through your last breath
>She won't need to eat food or use the toliet
>She will always accept you as you are
>Programmed to be completely honest. No lying behind your back.
>No STDs. No chance of getting pregnant unless you decide to install an artificial womb.
>She's a good listener and will be as good as a computer at remembering things.
>Can replace your chef, secretary, chauffeur, bartender, masseuse, parent, babysitter, kids' teacher, maid, barber, tailor, personal trainer, life coach, gardener, mechanic, plumber, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, even your goddamn doctor in a lot of cases.

Attached: sexbot.jpg (750x938, 141K)

>for young men who need to breed
Every 3D girl my age is narcissistic as fuck. So no thank you I will pass.

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>can cheat on you
>will nag you
>will refuse you for sex sometimes
>mood swings
>will get old, will get wrinkles and her body will get flabby, might get fat
>personality might change and she'll be a bitch
>can divorce you and steal half your shit
>boring conversations
>can't beat you at chess, doesn't like watching sports etc.
>"i don't like anal I already tried it with chad"
>might abandon you when you're too old or sickly to look after her
>buys a shitton of unnessecary shit and wastes your money
>likes you on superficial levels, just because you look good, appear confident and provide for her
>lying, omitting the truth
>might 'have an accident' and forget to take birth control

Yeah no fucking thanks normies

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I'm taking HRT and getting my own tits. Can't wait.