What is the minimum % of European blood required to be considered white?

What'd you say pol?

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personally I cut it off at 95% to live in Europe. I could see it being lowered outside of Europe

also depends if you're cute, cuteness is a very white trait

How about we agree that Europeans are so awesome that being even 50% European is white?

Doesn't matter soon all of our consciousnesses will be uploaded into VR world where anime will be real

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one drop, nigger

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something somthing i fucked your mom last night op

I'm 87.5% Korean and 12.5% Japanese.
Am I a mutt?


im hella cute. would around 88% do? the other 12% come from natives, which contribute somehow to my cuteness

you can't "upload" consciousness
consciousness is by it's nature universal and completely empty
the most you could upload are memories


I mean, since it's a public forum I'll say no because I despise appeasers but secretly since no one would know I would say yes. shhh don't tell anyone though ;)

>this thread again
Holy fuck kill yourself OP

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well, i guess i'm flattered

Are all your ancestors from europe? Congratulations you're fucking white


the brain is just a biological computer. Everything including our personality and thoughts can be copied given further technological advancement in the area.

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12.5%, or up to 25% if you're cool.

what if there is some aboriginal lost in the genealogical tree

Depends on what the non-White part is:
>Japanese aka Honorary Aryan
>Gook/Arab/Indian(Both dot and feather)/Pacific Islander
Try and prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't.

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ok stop flirting :), you're in already!

I would say that's enough,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if you stay in Brazil and make it great.
Why are there so many Brazilians in the UK at the moment, are they sneaking in through Portugal?

>Everything including our personality and thoughts can be copied given further technological advancement in the area.
That is a nice unsupported assumption you have there. I hate you reddit and /leftypol/ 'blind faith in science' types. Science is great, but you all treat it like it's a tech tree like in Civ, where you presume to know what science will discover in the future and it's only a matter of giving $X for scholarships for women and minorities in STEM in order to 'unlock' the new tech.

who said anything about $X for scholarships for women and minorities in STEM????

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my plan is to move to germany, live the good life there and come back when old to brazil and turn this place upside down (which means fixing it). Believe me this mess is hopeless right now.

I'm not sure, but I do know that you need to go back.


85% if the other part is Northern Asian. One drop of abo or nigger blood disqualifies you.



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And same goes for evolution and societal change. There is no goal, they go where natural selection guides them. Conservatives are there to ensure that utopia doesnt become a dystopia.

they count, right?


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>I plan to use a different nation and people to better my nation
ok you're "whiteness" has been revoked! gas yourself non white scum.. other anons were correct not to fall for your tricks.

I'm actually scared of getting my DNA tested because both sides of my family have been in America for so long. Father's side since the mid 1600s and mother's since the late 1600s. That's about 13 generations so 2^12=4096 in in that number of generations. That's a lot of people I'm descended from in the new world. Was there a nigger in that pile? Extremely possible. I have blue eyes and blond hair, though.

People that are 51% white are more white than anything else and should be treated as such.

But I think that the unique haplogroups and phenotypes should be represented as an element of national character and make up 95%+ of the specific populations in Europe from which they are descended.

please forgive me, you were all right. one drop rule with no exceptions

i'll just be rightfully returning to my aryan brotherhood you dummy

your brain is a candle
the consciousness is a flame that burns it
you can make an exact copy of that candle and that would represent your personality and memories
but the flame - actual consciousness is not a part of that candle
there is no difference if you were to light the clone using the flame on the original candle or if you used an lighter
because it's just a flame
if I were to freeze time, make exact clone of yourself, kill you and make you disapear from reallity and put the clone in your original position and resume the time
literally nothing would change on any level on reality
the idea of "your consciousness" is an illusion that stems from the illusion of continuity created by memories
there is no "my consciousness" there is only consciousness
you can't transfer it

You aren't supposed to reveal this kind of shit to plebs idiot

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after infesting a pure nation with lies and using the people which you'd abandon when it's time to fight for that European nation. You're a traitor and opportunist! If you want to move to Europe you must die for Europe.

>move to germany, live the good life

why don't you try to make Brazil great. Europe is being destroyed by people thinking the same thing. I'm sure you're good guy with a lot to offer society. Brazil is massive with a rich culture and resources. Can you not fulfill your goals there?

thank you for setting me straight when I lost my way. Now I realize why it must be 100%

what do you think I would be doing in another country? become a parasite like your masters or work honestly as a very demanded professional?
If you actually knew how bad Brazil is right now. We are arguably less hopeful than Syria. Being broke right now requires you to get really lucky or become a thief in order to succeed. I'm taking the more rational route of course.

you'd walking on the blood soaked lands your relatives never spilled for. You'd be the first to grab your suitcase when it's time to water that same soil. an opportunist has no honor

>you'd walking on the blood soaked lands your relatives never spilled for
you shouldn't be making such an assumption.

This is the same argument everyone who wants to come to Europe has.
What do you plan to work as?
Do you even speak German?

well I'm about to become a doctor (medicine) and my german proficiency level is almost C1 right now. Top medical universities in Brazil are well respected

Alright lete make this really really clear and easy for you
Step 1. Be white
Step 2. Don't be anything else
There yah go

Can it be like 80%? I'm a Spaniard but I'm 16% Native American/North African because of the fucking moors and my ancestors raping the natives upon arrival in Puerto Rico and Cuba lmao.

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so what do you think fellas, is it time to deny entry to top-quality professionals wanting to work in your countries?

Cool, if you have German heritage, it seems like a good place to go. I'm sure you will be good for society. Good luck, Hope it works out well for you.

You should return one day though. If all the best people leave Brazil will always struggle

isn't it best if I have a tangible plan for trying to make a change, instead of swimming against the tide in a sea of shit and end up not accomplishing anything? Plus I'm tired of the shit I'm taking, that I don't deserve, in this country of mine.
Thank, though. Let's all hope it goes well

I guess so. Sounds like you would be successful wherever you are to be honest. Is life for a doctor so bad in Brazil?

Everyone's life (with the exception of millionaires and dishonest politicians) in Brazil is bad right now. Of course you can be relatively well as doctor, but the government is working hard for the last few years on fucking this up as well. Our salaries are being reduced and sometimes we win as much as a hairdresser. It's not worth anymore being a doctor in Brazil.

Are slavs white?


Pic related is my % according to the Jew, and since they add on nog dna, I can willfully subtract that, so let's say 75% white more or less. My dad is 48% spic, and the rest is med. My mom is 100% Euro mix, her grandparents came to the US from Sussex in the 1800s. I look like my mom, have blonde hair and blue eyes and am pale as fuck. No matter how purist Jow Forums claims to be they would never suspect I was anything other than white if they saw a picture of me. However, a friend of mine is around 82% European according to ancestry.jew, and he is more olive skinned and has black hair and brown eyes.

So obviously my European genes are dominant over my spic genes, allowing me to looks so white, while my friends spic genes are dominant over his European genes which is why he looks so Italian. It's a matter of chance I guess. If I had children with a 100% European woman, our children would be around 87% European, but they would still look 100% due to trait dominance. I think these things need to be taken into account when talking about percentages, as they are often over looked.

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im the same but i dont wanna be white

idk the final solution to this question, but i do know the answer is no less than 57%

d-does this count, fellas?

fugg image didn't poast

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Probably 15% Greek blood.
Considering that:
Anyone wanting to come into an argument, let me say, We were the first Europeans(Google that), so, theoretically, All Europeans must have some of that blood.

>15% now seems a bit too much.
I'd say 3%.

75% outside of Europe minimum but 95% inside Europe. Any nigger blood is disqualification.

No that's school shooter tier

Hey greek fag,first Europeans were found in Georgia,Dmanisi,google it. Zezva and Mzia look like fucking niggers but that doesn't change the fact that you lied and most of the Georgia is very white.

sage in all fields you dumb cunts

Basically only 12.5 % mutt in your bloodline.
In Italy, grandparents used to talk about the betterment of the family.


georgians do not look white...

also show your flag, fatty.

Nice comeback retard,stop lying to people about your ethnicity,greek history is very respectable but you are not first europeans

Sure memeflag.
Thank you by the way.

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Yes they do,especially if we would compare them to your nation,which is full of gorillas

I would think 80/20

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It would be a copy, with no relation to you at all, other than acting like you. You would still be you. The closest you can do, is attach your brain to a computer. It's much more plausible and you get remain an actual being.