what is wrong with the Chinese?
What horrible twist of evolution produced this miserable race?
what is wrong with the Chinese?
What horrible twist of evolution produced this miserable race?
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they are the niggers of asia
Thats somewhat of a paradox since chinks usually do the botting and burgers do the buying.
Probably false to be honest.
It's the basic difference between Asians and Europeans.
to the Asian, everything is in the result. They cheat, they break laws... whatever they can get away with.
Some Europeans have a sense of honor - that there can be no game if we all cheat. That's why the future was Western Civilization and China stagnated for thousands of years.
then we got jewed...
Is not, that is a tiny bear that was left in a cage to have its kidney bile collected, then dried,
Thats thats the Pinoys, They're the arabs of asia, untrustworthy stinking dogs.
people literally starve to death in the sub-urban areas of china. They have to eat fucking dogs to survive.
God you dumb retard.
americans wont pay to win a video game but will pay hundred for cs:go skins which dont change game play
they are humanoid insects, not full human beings