Brown hair & Brown eyes = negro genes

How can anyone deny this?

Southern Europeans are mixed with blacks from Africa. The further south you go, the more negro genes

Just look at a mixed race person, they look like Southern Europeans.

Attached: 1527877125525.jpg (700x1131, 152K)

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Having blonde hair and blue eyes won't help you be any whiter when you're acting like a divisive Jew already.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

All Europeans are white, we need to focus on (((them))) instead of dividing ourselves.

Oh boi. It's another DC thread

Attached: 11259170_44828003.jpg (480x480, 35K) the zionists want to kill all white people

Reminder nobody is white.

can anyone name a blond, blue-eyed person with real historical achievements? I'm drawing a blank.

If blond hair and blue eyes is all you care about, we're not that far away from genetically engineers humans, and giving your kids blond hair, blue eyes, white skin is one of the easier genetic manipulations ...

Into the trash it goes...

Attached: muh-whites.png (640x465, 130K)