Hear me out, I'm about to enlighten you all with some serious facts. Humanity is on the decline in terms of genetics, unless eugenics programs are done but humanity agreed that those are out of the question. What's the solution? Mother Nature.
Watch this video

For humanity to go back to positive genes we have to destroy civilisation.

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the world cannot handle the truth that is anarcho primitivism

i love you varg

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is this some kind of shill attempt to LARP as me? anarcho-primitivist is a nonsensical egalitarian technophile ideology, read about agprim
read my manifesto


what? isn't that the exact opposite of it?

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I agree

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I agree! But don't use the label "Anarcho Primitivism". It attracts too many dreamy, utopian, lazy, neurotic, mentally disorganized and leftist types. Plus, the ideology as it's understood today is perverted with modern values (i.e. primitives were great because they had leisure (a modern concept!) or because they were tolerant toward homosexuals, egalitarian etc. etc. etc.). What is needed is a new name for a revolutionary movement against the technological system (and civilization in implication)

We need a revolution against the industrial system which will save humanity and the biosphere and allow many of us to live as H/Gs for millennia. But there's no realistic way of ending civilization, since civilization rests on a primitive set of technologies. So the cancer will always be around for the foreseeable future, but in scattered pockets around the globe.

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anprims don't except the basic psychology of male and female, they are egalitarian