So is buzzfeed trying to promote drug use to help people cure depression

So is buzzfeed trying to promote drug use to help people cure depression.
Seriously, and here I thought the couldn't be more fucking degenerate.

Attached: Screenshot_20180603-043935.jpg (714x806, 185K)

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The guys story is heart breaking but at the end of the day he is weak since he has to resort to drugs to overcome his sorrow.
You should need to use drugs to help you get through your sadness, and buzzfeed shouldn't be promoting this shit.
Shame on them. I thought their degenerate behavior might be go away with time, but they have shown again and again that this is not the case. It's sad because so much of the young audience looks up to them too. Is this part of some plan to ruin our society and make drug users more acceptable? This dude is legit just a drug addict that has money.
I feel HORRIBLE for him, and I feel his pain but drugs aren't the answer man.

if he was worth listening to his kids wouldn't have offed themselves

it's not degenerate
would you rather he'd kill himself?

i dont want to watch the video

why did this guys kids commit suicide?

they were depressed, no other reason really

No I'd rather he looked at the deeper issue on why both his sons fucking killed themselves and see what went wrong.
Then work on fixing his life and moving on. You don't need a God damn drug to grieve or to fix your life. If anything a drug is just a Band-Aid, it doesn't solve anything

>BOTH my kids just killed themselves
>Welp, time to pick myself up by my boot straps and move on with things!
You're a fucking idiot. I'm surprised drugs is ALL he has resorted to.

With all the people defending this degenerate faggot.... We're fucked.

People die, it happens and when it does it sucks.
You cry, and youre the grief is unbearable but you move on. Sure it sucks, especially since he doesn't have anyone to continue his genes, but shit fucking happens in life.
This dude choose to take drugs, and whatever at the end of the day he wants to be a degenerate.. But buzzfeed choose to fucking promote this guy, because it fits their agenda.
BuzzFeed wants society to be filled with degenerates. You know the hunger games, and all the freaks that live in the capital? Buzzfeed and other left organizations want that shit.

They just found a drug user with a sad story so that way you think "it's okay for him. To use drugs.. He went through hell. Why wouldn't he just drugs!!" that way when you're sad, you'll think of this dude and go "well he used drugs and it fixed him... So it should fix me"

You're autismo m8 but someone loves you

Your tough guy act is silly as shit mate. Do you have kids?

Give the guy a fucking break. It's not degenerate to want to partake in some substances to ease the anguish after both your kids just offed themselves. Maybe the buzzfeed narrative itself is questionable, but the fact of the matter is that is that, given the circumstances of someone losing both their kids to suicide - reaching for drugs or hammering themselves on alcohol would be a pretty normal response. No one is doing the stiff upper lip act after that.

"Muh degeneracy" is only reserved for people on the street causing crime to feed their drug habits. Not a father who just wants to forget for a while, after he probably wakes up every day and remembering his reality.

Bro drugs are the wave tho lmao just snorted some ket and im about to euthanize every cell of depression in my body yeeeeet

Fucking cuckservatives, there have been plenty of studies that show LSD and MDMA have really positives effects on people with ptsd, anxiety, and depression.
>b-but it’s illegal
Do you faggots drink coffee? Alcohol? Smoke cigarettes? You can’t make your own mind up about things without big government mummy helping you decide? Hmm? :’^(
I take LSD maybe about every 6 months to help me dig deep into my subconscious and resolve my emotional issues.

Okay go do heroine and ruin your country some more then Mr free thinker.

I'm not tryna be Mr tough guy. I'm just saying there are better ways to handle the situation you're thrown in. People in Syria or Africa or Iraq lose their entirely families and they are still surviving without resorting to drugs.

I think the reason this dude took drugs is because society is telling us that being a bucket is okay, and I think that in the future you'll see more and more people turning to drugs to "cure their depression"
Look what using substances to mask depression has done to the natives in Canada. Alot of native Americans that were sent to residental schools turned to drugs, and the entire native community got fucked because of it. There's also oppression which played a role, but the drugs and alcohol were the finishing blow to completely ruck that society

Yes. 1 because hes a worthless shit parent. 2 because he wants drugs to be his crutch...which he will most likely OD on anyway.

that's like saying it's degenerate for someone with cluster headaches to take pain medication and that they should just "deal with it"
you have no idea what the pain is like

>People in Syria or Africa or Iraq lose their entirely families and they are still surviving without resorting to

They're in completely different situations. I'm sure they'd huff every drug they could find if it were available to them. In those countries, your biggest concern is not dying, or when the next towel heads are going to bust your door in.

No reasonable person is advocating selling cocaine at your local super market as part of some larger drug normalization narrative - but there are circumstances (like this fathers story) that just makes you say "jesus christ, take anything you want" because they are going through a literal nightmare. This one individual story is nothing to do with the societal problem of drugs. His case is not a common one, leave him be and let him do whatever he wants.

What drug(s) did he turn to?

Ketamine, administered by doctors

that's exactly what I am saying. Tylenol is for bitch boys and weak men that rely on pharmaceutical to heal them.
Our ancestors didn't need Tylenol when they had a headache, they just sealed with it.
That's exactly what I do when I have a head ache. I just forget about it and it goes away...

>i had a headache, it's just like a cluster headache
People like you are the scum of the Earth

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This. The OP seems like some 17 year old toughguy straightedge who doesn't understand that this man's life is fucking done. There is no coming back from your two kids killing themselves.

>cluster headache is like a normal headache
you fucking retard

being a sociopath 100% in conrtoll of emotions appart from anger is great but not everyone has that priviledge

Didn't you just say
>I'm not tryna be Mr. tough guy

cool it with the anti semitic remarks

You're giving me a fucking cluster headache. Should I go run to my grocery store and grab all the Tylenol and Advil I can find?!

ah I see this was a troll thread all along

Has anyone else been getting videos about suicide in their Youtube recommended? Seems a little strange considering that is one of the subjects they were suppressing.
go here and disable all tracking/history, if you still get it its a coincidence

I took ketamine to help treat my depression. It definitely has a lot of potential to help people with severe, treatment resistant depression as well as trauma. It's not just some addictive dopamine bump like most drugs.

Does that make doctors degenerates?

same for lsd and mdma i think, some low does illegal drugs can help people overcome shit

maybe not this situation but there is no reason to collapse your life because someone dies. infant and toddler mortality rate used to be massive. in Northern Ireland , 40 years ago, the average life expectancy was about 65 for men you would retire and then die.

another example is rape and child abuse, horrible things but society seems to make people victims for life. You can never get over it, never divert from being a victim you must always carry this with you. In fact a lot of things from death to violence can be gotten over and it's not wrong or sociopathic to carry on with your life.

No, our ancestors drank poppy tea and smoked opium. A lot. Don’t forget constantly drank alcohol.

You sound like a retarded DARE teen.