He never was. He just says/does things that get him attention.
Jaxon Phillips
He's not right wing he said he just loves trump. He loves that he won against the odds. Thats it.
Justin Peterson
Im okay with that, user. So many things are political nowadays that it's nice to finally have some new, apolitical music to listen to. It's nice to know where he stands, but I don't think he has to become an activist to prove himself or anything. I just want him to keep doing what he does. Entertainment is for entertainment, not activism.
Parker Bennett
Yikes and the last song are classics, the rest is absolute garbage
Carter Lopez
Nigger music is terrible and made and promoted by kikes into it's positions of prominence it's at today.
Kanye and Kendrick are the same quality but because of political differences Kendrick is seen as a perfect nigger angel and now Kanye is an uncle tom for vaguely biting the Jewish hand that fed him everything.
Lincoln Stewart
it's shit, easily the worst he has released to date
Owen Smith
I'm listening to it right now
It feels like he wrote this in like 2 weeks, and he is just kind of fucking around. It doesn't even feel like an actual album