And that he wasn't in any way a Marxist. As a matter of fact, if it wasn't for Joseph Stalin we'd be living under a UN controlled world government today. Not only that but there was a conspiracy headed up by Zionists, Globalists and Trotskyists to kill him and they succeeded. Don't believe me? Well you're about to be stunned by the redpills I'm going to drop.
The real redpill is that Stalin was fighting globalism
Evan Clark
Adam Young
How Stalin restored the family unit and how Trotsky hated him for it.
Connor Peterson
Stalin supported the nationalist Chinese over the communist Chinese during their civil war.
Carter Hill
How Stalin fought against Jewry in the arts.
Brayden Flores
Stalin fighting Jewry in the arts part 2.
Charles Watson
How Stalin opposed the New World Order
Nolan Diaz
How Stalin kicked the bankers out of Russia who sponsored the 1917 revolution.
Hunter Collins
How and why the Jews killed Stalin.
Lucas Flores
In another timeline Hitler and Stalin had a serious talk about the JQ and were not blinded by their ideology, it wasnt this timeline.
Joseph Murphy
>when there are no jews in the economy