By how much points does having a girlfriend raise your social status?
By how much points does having a girlfriend raise your social status?
you must be over 18 to post
fuck lol
At least 50. Unless she's a thot.
>wears a bikini
None because you don’t have any friends
No one really gives a fuck when you're an adult. Your job raises your social status. Grow the fuck up.
Gross feet. Sage
Fun Fact: it's easier to get laid by other women when they know your attached. they actually think you have some redeemable qualities.
not as much as being rich and having a big dick
fuck you're right. Swamp goblin looking feet
thats the stupidest thing i ever heard
women are absolutely grossed out if a guy is clingy, i can not even describe how fast she will dump you if she smells that you *need* her
Imagine having reading comprehension this poor
you misunderstand what he's saying. He means that if you're in a relationship (attached) then women will want you. It's a form of pre-screening. Essentially if other women want you then she should too because women can't think for themselves
Infinitely, but then you realise the only reason you ever wanted social status in the first place was to get a girlfriend.
almost as poor as his country
None? Nobody cares if you have a girlfriend. That's the norm.
this is true. you don't need to be attached. you just have to be seen with another woman and the rest of them will show interest. make sure the woman next to you is hot or at least not a complete disgust
Her feet are actually perfect, the toes are just spread because she is getting up
>he says, with literally no record of physical interaction with a female
Checked. But if you get enough points, you can get a second one.
I got promoted once my boss saw me with my gf after being single for years. No joke
let me do that for you
fuckin autism sage
with other women? a whole lot
you get a cute gf and suddenly women want to talk to you at any social event
If total social status is 100/100 points.
It raises it by 50 points.
I know this because pretended to be married for a year, wore a ring and all. For that 1 year of pretending to be married people treated me like a successful put together mature adult.
Now that I'm back to being myself I'm treated like shit. Pretending to be married gave me a SHIT LOAD of social proof, it felt so much easier to socialize. It made me understand why normies have it so easy in social situations, when you build up enough social proof it is so easy to socialise, but if you have none, its so fucking hard to get in.
I haven't figured out anyway to break into gaining momentum for social proof so I have remained a hermit shut-in loner since getting tired of pretending to be married.
Prob one point but its important cuz you get other points out of her. Buy just Having is only one point
I was given $10000 cash by a complete stranger the day I got my first gf
Fuck me I could cum from those toes.
So you're depressed because your wife died?
terrible feet desu
tell women you're engaged, they'll throw their pussy at you
Not always the case. If you are known to get and be associated with attractive women, men who want in on your action will kiss your ass and do your bidding, even if they never actually get anything on return. The possibility they might keeps them on the hamster wheel.
>Sex sells, it’s what the advertising industry is founded on
It’s why JIDF spammed the “women of the IDF”. Males gravitate and support anything where hot women are, that why attractive women are used to front all kinds of anti white and destructive bullshit.
>it’s also why (((MAGA))) spammed lots of hot chicks wearing trump hates etc
Women are manipulated and led by fickle trends and whatever is pushed as being (((popular)))
>Men are led by their dicks.
This incel shit has to die out and more self improvement threads must be posted
Social hints women note
>pictures or posts with other people tagged in/mentioned
>money and your job: status
>your looks, do you have an "in" haircut, do you wear douchy sunglasses that all the fuckbois wear/name brands
having other women around is a huge boost. if youre straight up from the get go, you can even get them to compete for you
>tfw had 5 women "competing" for me at some point
>fucked them all regularly, they all knew about each other
depends on how hot you and your gf is, dating ugly women lowers your social status unless you're equally ugly
True & have had it happen, another woman once pushed my then gf out of the way to chat to me.
here's the full chart
At least makes life worth living
I'd argue that no one with any capacity for critical thought cares about "social status" either.
I don't look at a champagne-swilling, middle aged bald guy, married to a broad who matches his pay grade instead of his actual merits, and think "yeah, I want to emulate that fucker."
Excess worry about your social status lowers your social status.
I am unironically grand wizard.
i came here to say this; average looking gf/wife raises social status quite a bit, really hot gf raises it immeasurably, ugly one is negative points
>married to a broad who matches his pay grade instead of his actual merits
youd be surprised how many people just care about the pay and not merits.
in a world where money takes priority over everything else, it had become the peoples new god
holy shit...I'm successful. Wat do?
>shit feet
Wizard apprentice here. No hope for me. 0 points from the green section.
lel this is too easy. some of the shit on this list should give you 5 or 4 points instead of just 1 or 2.
>dont live with parents
should have (or roommates) +5
should be +1
should be +3
Jow Forums plz go!
if you're on here there's a small chance you have a social status or a girlfriend, so why worry about it
Not burning at the stake, stoning and spitting on women with garbage feet is a display of horrible, warped taste and automatically makes you a nigger and a jew, forever barring you from the status of white.
As a core resident of a 95+% aryan ethnic nationalist country, I have genuine authority on this.
You have been warned.
>take this complicated autistic test to find out if you have autism or not
i have bad news for you
I think thats sand on her titty. Also whats wrong with a bikini, Achmed?
what are you talking about look at her toes
dammit im a liberal
posting in /autism/
i used to date 5-6s just to not look like an incel
user is right, girls never drop me faster than when you care about them because they try to trade up
Már megint itt vagy, cigány? Vidd már innét a büdös talpfétised.
Stubby, spread out and blocky toes, with an overall trapezoid foot shape like a box of mcdonalds fries.
Clear sign of subhumanity.
Not nearly as much as having a wife. GF is like a minimum for being a non-creep.
3D feet only go that far user
Kényszeríts, névnigger
Fuck so close to being a Chad.
1 point away. Social game is killing me.
Although uncommon, there are actually a few non-disgusting 3d feet. Having good feet denotes a good aryan woman.
Hogy a rák vigye el azt a negrid lábszaglászó fajtádat, te csesznye köcsög. Mégis mitől vagy annyira oda a talpakért?
Szánom a cigánylelkűeket akikből ennyire kiöltek minden szépségérzetet a zsidók
Just stay away from minors
Exact same for me, user. Want to kiss?
>36 which almost all of it comes from education
Why don't I just kill myself?
Do a flip
Nah, stubby, undeveloped feet are trash, just look at OP
lay off the syrup sauce
You will gain a +2 to your social status and a -5 to your wealth that eventually with will gain access to the Sex perk which can lead you to the Blow Job upgraded perk and then finally to the Butt Stuff perk. The only major drawback is by that time you will also get the penalties or Nagging Bitch and Building Heart Attack flaws. So i'd say it is best to avoid this build if at all possible unless you're trying to design a particular theme for your life rather than one built to be optimized.
>Basic addition is complicated
>a fucking leaf
Holy fuck your kind is genuinely brain dead.
do everyone a favor and step outside. now...go...get lost do something other than browse for 1h
Remélem legalább tisztába vagy vele, hogy a valóságban semmi szépség nincs egy nő kérges talpában. Megtarthatod az animédet, de ez még így is elég szánalmas. Pesti momentum-szavazó vagy, ugye?
>Wizard apprentice
well, at least I'm not a normiefaggot
I'm unironically shitposting from my lab at uni
thank you for the insight george. got any stories about the times you tricked people into thinking you were married?
Still a robot even with a job, gf and having sex with 2 people in my lifetime. Basically the test told me I’m a functioning autist
This is true.
138..... what am I doing here..
Lowered mine I think, she takes up my time which I could use for more productive stuff.
Természetesen, 3d-ben a legtöbb szar.
Válogatósnak kell lenni, mint sok más szektorban.
Amúgy meg vidéki jobbikos.
I have bad news for you, brainlet
Lying, apparently
Pretty accurate desu