White privilege doesnt exi-

White privilege doesnt exi-

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Hol up, *inhales from joint*
Hol up, *steals tv*
Hol up, *rapes white woman*
So you is... *sells drugs to child*
sayin... *shoots cop*
we wuz... *lowers waistline*
Innocent an shieet... *beats girlfriend*

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he's not white, however, that does concern me

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where is the "white"?

>George Zimmerman ... white
George Zimmerman is hispanic. He identifies as hispanic. His mother is from Peru.

>Claims "self defense" desplite logical fallacies.
You can claim self defense any time you are charged with a crime such as manslaughter or murder, regardless of what anyone thinks is a "logical fallacy".
The person who made this image has absolutely no clue what a "logical fallacy" is.

>Witnesses ignored or told to change their stories.
I had a press pass and was in the court room every day for this trial. This statement is true, however.. the witness that was told to change their story and did was a witness for the prosecution. Their story in disposition was that they heard someone in their bushes. At trial, the story became "I heard two people running from south to north". This was the only evidence presented at trial of a "chase" that wasn't refuted by other evidence (no other witness gave testimony of a chase).

Zimmerman is Hispanic you cuck aka not white


I am hungover and possibly still drunk and laughed very hard. Thanks

When south of border immigrants do good "SEE THE FUTURE IS HISPANC LOLOMG"
When they go on a good old fashioned latin bloodbath with traditional background music "DEY WHITEY".

That passes for white in America.

Said no real white person ever

Niggers always manage to escalate a situation to violence, its just amazing how they are so quick to throw their futures away

Show us your flag nignog

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>insubstantial evidence
so it he was convicted on "evidence"?

>despite logical fallacies
okay good bait. 8/10 I had to respond a second time to get it.

>insubstantial evidence
> During Davis's 1991 trial, seven witnesses testified they had seen Davis shoot MacPhail, and two others testified Davis had confessed the murder to them. There were 34 witnesses who testified for the prosecution
43 witnesses is something.. but "insubstantial" is not it.
>coerced testimonies
>The court described defense efforts to upset the conviction as "largely smoke and mirrors"[3] and found that several of the proffered affidavits were not recantations at all.
>Denied numerous appeals... by numerous judges because no new evidence.
They're all just out to get the black man. One of the niggers should see a psych so they can figure out what "paranoia" is.

>tries to make a sweeping generalization based off one piece of anecdotal evidence
>anecdote isn't even truthful
Zimmerman's head was covered in blood from the beating Trayvon gave him.

Hes not white zap the spic

Almost no one doesn't think Troy Davis did it
It's obvious that Zimmerman was well within his rights to shoot Trayvon. I still can't believe that 5 years later we still have to have this discussion, it's fucking remarkable to me. There were 2 witnesses, Trayvon had no wounds on him other than the gunshot, Zimmerman had a busted nose and abrasions to the front and back of his head, you have to be a fucking retard to think Trayvon was some innocent child who did nothing to warrant being shot.


I fucked your mom, David.

he did say america to be fair