Fast food is more expensive if you dont include soda in your order

>Fast food is more expensive if you dont include soda in your order

Libertarianbros, how is this considered fair?

Attached: Why-McDonald-s-Coke-is-better-than-any-other-715524.jpg (590x350, 41K)

Wouldn't that lower the whole obese problem tho?

It's a voluntary purchase

what does that have to do with libertarians

We need a military intervention to stop this!

Who forces you to drink it user?

it's so you get diabetes and the jews get more shekels from your health care costs.

>$5 diabetuus burger
>$3 diabetuus beverage
>both for $7,50
literally marketing 101

it's the devil tempting you.

tell them you dont want a soda with it, they wont chage you more.

unless, you are some sort of hyperpig ording the combo with fries? just get the sandwich ONLY if you are forced to eat it

Don't drink it faggot
Or start your own fast-food company

Even the gentiles deserve to be safe in Zion

eat my pretties... eat!

Attached: jew_basic.jpg (600x600, 38K)

The free market might just be sending McDonald's to the scrap bin of fast food retail history, if you have been following their market performance for the past several years.

Even if they were the only place to get a burger in burger land or anywhere else, which they're not.

Because it's unfair to the competing beverages in the free market

Enjoying your goy-chow, yeh schmuck?

Attached: 1469831013000.png (440x450, 234K)

ill take a number 1 hold the soda

checkmate commie fags

Buy the meal; dump the soda, fat ass.

This. Using any one corporation as an example is retarded.

No it's not.

Libertarians and especially an caps are a special kind of retards. They live in fantasy land.

Get the cup
Fill it with water
Fuck you
I won't do what you tell me

In a libertarian society they would be giving you child prostitutes and heroin with your combo of McNuclearWaste and Fertilizer Fries while going through the roadless drive through of McDonalds'n'RecreationalNukes.

Just get unsweetened iced tea.


Boycott American fastfood

you can get water you fr*cking sped

Their drive thru speed of service is awful. I'm an old fag, the drive thru in the 80's when it debuted and through the 90's was so much faster...of course back then, McDonald's didn't have a "diversity" hiring program, if you know what I mean.

Walk into fast food joint:
"I'd like the cheeseburger you have on sale, please."
>Profit of $0.50 on $3 cheeseburger that normally sells for $4.25
"Yes, sir, would you like the meal? It's only $2 more."
"No, thanks, just the cheeseburger. To go."
>Bye-bye $1 profit plus $1 upsell addition to daily sales
"Would you like a drink, then?"
"No, thanks, just the cheeseburger."
>Loss of $2 profit on $2.50 drink
"Are you sure you don't want fries or onion rings with the order?"
[maintains polite smile] "No, thank you. I just want the cheeseburger today. To go."
>Loss of $1 profit on $1.50 fries

Save money by avoiding high-profit items and only purchase stuff on sale.

>Just buy some dollar menu sandwiches

>Burger + coke

>Burger minus the coke

>Buy drink alone

Justify this America.

Your interaction with the employee, maintenance of the building, and electricity cost money.

>Burger on sale
>Burger not on sale

Don't buy burgers unless they're on sale. Save money.

If somebody provides the same burger at a lower profit margin, they'll get the business. If they charge too much they'll lose business. It's called capitalism.

filet o' fish jewish red pill incoming - Tell them you want to order off the ala carte menu. Order 3 filet o' fish patties for $1-$1.50/ea. (price depends on location) and 2 slices of cheese for $.40/ea. Ask for 'a packet of tartar sauce' when they hand you your food (hint: there are none). Thry will squirt a bunch of tartar sauce in a bowl). Congrats, you get 3 times the fish and 4 times the cheese and tartar sauce for the price of a single filet o' fish by simply leaving the bun off.

You dont have to drink it fatso

>Waaah sugary water is expensive
Stop poisoning urselves

back in the days I invested in a few restaurants with a buddy of mine.

Coffee shops make the bulk of their profit off of coffee. Don't buy a coffee, you are not helping the business.

Go to McD, don't buy the soft drink, you are not helping them to obtain their max profit.