>Tasks Create memes Spread memes on social media Join at least one of the following: AfD, IB, Einprozent to counter subversion Get fit Spread flyers and stickers in your city
Repeating Idioms. People tend to prefer certain words, sentence structures, and themes. That's how you primarily identify user posters.
Carson Rodriguez
With the holidays in, I quit the rice diet....so little success. As soon as I get back on track, it'll be 4th of Jew-lie and I'll be making it rain in meat and other delicious delicacies. I am a landwhale, Trailer Trash Tammy. confirmed. >Patrick Little Oh I forgot California existed. He's definitely still a Communist version of Republican, one of his foundations is to "pay blacks back for slavery" aka "white man taxation", what a fucking cuck. Totally triggered now that I am reminded of losing my slaves, again. Took me all morning to get that out of my mind. I miss my kneegrows.
Henry Long
having Kraut/pol/ OP with poojeet flag! PRICELESS!
Adrian Green
front heil! sandneger raus! Höcke 2021
Zachary Rodriguez
you can eat delicious food and still lose weight if you reduce your caloric intake esp. when you combine it with daily exercise, you know?
such as? esp. sport can help you to clear your mind gather some positive feelings and energy. if you don't have the time to do sports or feel to exhausted than at least try eating less but healthily. your weight-loss will certainly increase yor quality of life. on top it will make you feel proud about the achievement.
Angel Young
Ugh Patrick Little >civil rights advocate for everyone except myself >save the palestinian people from genocide >give them aide and soldiers to civil war ourselves >cure opioid addiction This man is a liberal. I hate myself.
result of the trial against the muzzie child rapists: 8 to 5 years in prison. wow, it's fucking nothing. tommy got 13 month for reporting about it. britain is done for.
Evolution does not exis- He breaks the world's biggest tabboo and is being a bad shabbo, also stops the useless bloodspilling. The West really needs to stop intervening with foreign affairs. speaking of which: remove your fucking soldiers from germany.
Of course, you are right. I am so focused on other things in life, about having my children on earth already is my main one. Kind of like a mother already, in some ways. I disagree user, you must involve yourself in the world around you; make friends and alliances. Start with your own people, of course, the German race, find their locations in the world. The New World is very different than you think, and German immigrants from way back when and their offspring could be a potential fort landing. Germany and CSA (Confederate States of America) would and could have a potential allegiance of high standard friendships. The American Civil War was, after all, most likely more advanced than WW1 and WW2; greater nations have fallen. Understand my point?
>Involving yourself with the world to make friends. You are elected to represent your country's interest, not to make friends. this isn't recess. You CAN make friends, but only if it's within the interest of the people. and like in real life, calling people friends just because they don't declare war on you is a great way to get people to step on you.
William Bennett
being a mother is a stressful and phyiscal demanding job. you do want to be fit and healthy for that, right? also i assume you want to be a positive rolemodel for your kids?
btw, regarding the kids i can always help you to achieve that, as you know
Nathan Jenkins
Logan Gutierrez
>The AfD will announce their pension concept tomorrow I doubt they could settle on one of their three anyway
>„Die AfD darf die Linke nicht links überholen“, warnte Parteichef Meuthen. „Sozialpolitik sollte nicht mit dem Füllhorn gemacht werden, sondern zielgerichtet für Bedürftige.“
>Insbesondere Pohls Vorschlag des Staatsbürgerzuschlags lehnt er ab: „Deutsche gegen ausländische Beitragszahler auszuspielen, das widerspricht meinem Gerechtigkeitsempfinden. “ (dts)
Meuthen is such a cuck. He is right about the concept being too expensive though.
Jonathan Lopez
The ideas are okay but I'm against a mandatory pension for self employed. I don't want to pay to get a shitty state pension in 35 years or so. That's some socialist bullshit.
usually there is always some käskopf roaming around here. well, i will seize the next opportunity and ask.
so why are you stopping to improve your health then? did you really think it would be easy? have some discipline
Brayden Fisher
If a country smaller than some of your fucking states can start a war so severe that it will remain in the human conscience for the next 100 years, then i can tell you right now, you could do so much more if behind the fist was any muscle.
You need the will, determination, cohones and by then only the sky's tent is unconquered.
Dominic Flores
they want the money of self-employed people, too. no surprise here. on the other hand i can see why the AfD cucks out in the East in order to steal voters from the Left. i doubt it will work though. it will only undermine the party-principles
James Reyes
i hope they will. Economically italy would need to get rid of the Euro but at the same time to stay in the Schengen-zone, A full Exit would hurt them too much economically i'm afraid. They're not Britain
Samuel Morales
how should italy do it, if Germany already did
Asher Morris
Rly meks u thonk.
Noah Hughes
We discuss war a lot, I was talking about Vietnam last night. I was triggered because some guy on American Pickers was crying in tears about some "anti-war posters" and how it was just "so iconic that these college students revolutionized the world overnight" and sold 12 posters for $400, I laughed very much. I talk about the Revolutionary War as well, the Civil War, Korea, Iraq/Afghanistan, just as much as I do war with Germans, I am still learning very much. It can be hard to understand for someone who is Old World Kraut vs New World Kraut, I mean these terms lightly, as in, the German in you has yet to experience first-hand surviving in the New World. The American Civil War was far more advanced than Hitler's War, I can guarantee.
Connor Long
if only
Samuel Rogers
>Austria Verdammte Ausländer raus aus unseren Sehenswürdigkeiten!
Jonathan Price
If they had balls they would have fucked up the Soviets back then before they got MAD capability ... not saying this would have been good or not but overall it was a squandered chance of historical proportion ... (and I suspect a kike plan)
Jose Richardson
All I'm going to say is that having slaves is far more advanced than any tank, highway, or airplane. It's relativity in motion. We have lost much more than just "farms", like the Germans, and we were given back far much less. Life is hard here, it's the same as it always was and always will be.
Zachary Ramirez
Old Krauts (not to be a meme here) know that Freedom isn't free, New World Krauts take our liberties and safety from bodily harm for granted.
Ian Smith
And i thought we were supposed to be the evil men here.
You speak like a Globalist, Nations don't have civilians, they have Lifestock according to you and Lifestock can come from any and all Nations, it wouldn't matter to the globalist, because third worlders are good for repetative jobs and low-wage jobs, while the higher occupations are held by culturally diverse masses. No identity, no coherence, nothing matters, everything is american.
Daniel Bennett
This is true, especially for "Fresh Off the Boat" Krauts. Immigration ports from Europe are still dominant in the Union; and they England loyalists put their hands on their face in happiness to enslave the Krauts and the Paddy's to fight their own blood to the death for their gibs. That's why we hate the illegal Irish, despite them being Irish and us Irish, strange huh, well they are still going to Boston and NYC and Chicago to settle; and their first taste of Roads Paved with Gold is the north, they find us as the aggressors vs the liberators.
Cooper Watson
still eagerly waiting for that nipple-pic btw
also pls answer
Evan Roberts
I can just imagine another russian invasion: "Hey, stop it don't pummel me with your long gun stocks, i am a trans-nigger, i am oppressed and you will hear me roar!" And then he was not just pummeled, he was clobbered to death by two cyka blyats.
Jaxson Cooper
>not knowing that ami kikes supplied soviet kikes with materials and almost all info on the A-bomb I'd recommend "Douglas Reed - The Controversy of Zion" kikes are never enemies of one another, they merely have a Geschäft commie kikes were running an experiment, it failed, now they think that experiment failed because there was an outside alternative for it. so this time we might see it on global scale
Carson Reyes
My apologies, I struggle daily. Constant thought of how I should have inherited over 1,000 slaves, land, property; and now have to listen to white people agree that we should pay a heavy Southern White People Tax and claim to be free, is discerning at the least. At least there are others like myself. We have become so poor from all of this is heartbreaking, at least we have that struggle aka Mein Kampf IRL that keeps it sane. If you prefer someone else, that is fine too. The statement that Americans have a better relationship with Russia than Mexico is a fact. Neighboring Russia is a piece of cake to Mexico/ans. Walk in the park. You have it made easy, user.
Dominic Scott
I would fight to free whites from their grasps, that's all they will ever be, just Africans.
John Phillips
Always remember that dinosaurs are a lie and the bones were placed by man for (((deception))).
>Not naming it "Fremdenlegionedition" Thanks, based Pajeet.
Adam Jenkins
It's a german user in india
Xavier Butler
no, it is a lesbian pajeeta that studied in Germany
Camden Adams
Absolutely retarded divisive idea. Every patriot should step down because you want to pussyfy every aspect of politics and you are never content with how "LE BASED" someone is, neither you want someone that pulls the rug from under people with truth.
Jesus fucking christ, if you want your opinion to matter, you should stop being a woman about it and say how it is, even if it makes the goys uncomfortable who vote SPD.
The fact they feel uncomfortable means its working, the discomfort is like the fever when you are sick, its not an intended effect of the disease, but it's the body trying to boil out the foreign body. the discomfort means they are forced to witness something that contradicts their worldview and begs them to think.
"...Und weil der Lebenskräftig Leib sie auszuscheiden trachtet, so hassen sie mit vermögen Ihn und hätten Ihn gern verachtet. Und welche Zeiche doch am Himmel steh'n Licht oder Wetterwolke, sie gehen stets mit dem Pöbel zwar doch nimmer mit dem Volke."
>Oy veeeeey, follow wringthink, forget the 100million dead by communism, the sh*ah is still more important goy!!!!
Daniel Martin
This just in: Islamists are just hot, bothered and need to talk about their feelings, cut them some slack, goys. another story: Goyboy in Italy actually has relationship to the Axel Springer AG... Italians hate him, and i start to get to know why.
You'd be surprised. I know how to carefully prod and poke, and many people are pissed about the WW2 genocides being given so much speciality and authority over CURRENT politics.
Justin King
>Empfindung beim Gedanken der Judenverfolgung >Rache >"In Deutschland nicht erhoben"