Florida jury values the life of a nigger at $0.01

>Florida jury values the life of a nigger at $0.01

3 kids + 1 grown groid = 4

Apologize to Florida, Jow Forums

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One cent more then i thought they were worth.

Props to him actually staying with the family, though.

This kind of RECKLESS government spending is why I'm a libertarian!

Is it AFTER tax and tip?

What caliber of bullet costs a cent? I'm guessing thats the message they were sending

Jesus that judge is a master troll

If it was the real value, the family would be paying the state for the officer's trouble.

the picture says $4 yet the title says 4 cents ?

>win $4
>Jury still thinks its 99% his fault
>He didido 1%
>4c is ur change, get rekt

Just goes to show, black lives really do matter

I hope that's coming out of the policeman's check and not from the taxes.

That's after lawyer fees kek

No. They awarded $4. They take that figure and multiply it by the percentage that the officer involved was at fault - which was 1%. 400 * .01 = 0.04. They received $0.00, but I'm not sure why the $0.04 was further reduced.

in all likelihood he didn't, whenever a good boy is brutalized by the oppressive jim crow police state, there are generally multiple competing parties attempting to score a civil court payday. i remember the guy they were propping up in the media as michael brown's dad was actually his mom's boyfriend and his real dad was also trying to compete for media attention screaming about murderous cops but to little avail.

Why, niggers are worth less than that.

well at least its more then tree fiddy?

i can now use this unironically

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Thats 4 cents too many

They were awarded $4 but he was found by the jury to be 99% responsible for his death so they get 1% of what was awarded.

I don't think this was some insult to his family or kids I think this was a bureaucratic way of them having to award them something other than 0.

white people interacting with police:
>slow movements
>always showing hands
>never run
>don't physically resist the cops, let them arrest you because you're white and you know they only way to fight the police is in the courts

black people interacting with police:
>rude and very loud
>twitchy and aggressive movements for intimidation
>usually not showing hands or actually pulling weapons out on police
>will try to run if warrants out
>try and fight off the cops and get away because you don't understand how the law actually works and could never take on the cops in court

and then people wonder why black perps get the shit beat out of them and white ones usually don't.

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should have paid them in fried chicken like Tariq Nasheed