>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

TrumpTV Weekly Updates:

>Pres Trump Weekly Address #53 6/2/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis @Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore 6/2/18
>DoD Video: F16 over Japan 6/2/18
>DoD Video: The Silent Service 6/2/18
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 6/1/18
>Trump Inner Circle Heads to Camp David 6/1/18
>Pres Trump on NoKo Summit 6/1/18
>Pres Trump @USCG CoC Full Ceremony 6/1/18
>NoKo Envoy arrives @WH w/CoS Gen Kelly 6/1/18
>UNAmb Haley @UNSC on Vetoing Gaza resolution 6/1/18
>NECDir Kudlow on Jobs Report 6/1/18
>DepVASec Bowman on Homeless Vets 6/1/18
>WH Video: USCG CoC Ceremony 6/1/18
>DefDep Video: B-1B TakeOff 6/1/18
>JointStaff Video: Gen Dunford's Message To WP Class of 2018 6/1/18
>This Week @State 6/1/18
>SpiceDaddy on F&F 6/1/18
>Dinesh DSouza on F&F 6/1/18
>Pres Trump arrives @JBAndrews 5/31/18
>Pres Trump departs Dallas Tx for DC 5/31/18
>Pres Trump arrives in Dallas TX 5/31/18

OP pastebin:

Attached: trumparmy.jpg (1024x576, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:

this doxx is too easy, i spent more time trying to confirm (((coincidences)))


Today I learned that you can hand down your low property taxes from previous law to your children in California.


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Well yeah, gifted kids in grade 9 (first year of high school) were some of the most insufferably arrogant bastards you'll ever meet. On the other hand the normal classes were filled with so much human garbage you really had to separate them somehow.


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stop using "have you stopped beating your wife" jew trick fallacies

Reminder to filter every awoo who shits up these threads with their faggotry, and to slit their throats if at all possible

Someone In this thread is sweating

It's now a SCOOPMENT i thought you got the memo

Attached: 1525072887195.png (1398x1154, 558K)

>implying he didn't get billions in free marketing

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Attached: AF Awoo.png (884x903, 310K)

>looking for parish that does Latin mass
>website has a bunch of smiling niggers in Africa in the section about outreach
This isn't even a black area, it's mostly whites and some nips/SEAs around here. Fucking hell.

Attached: 1527014071169.jpg (500x500, 70K)

Goddamnit he's stealing from us now

Did he punch her right in the pussy?

>filtering on Jow Forums
need a safe space, honey?

Attached: carlmaga.png (810x688, 548K)

Tons of Finns travel to Philippines for holidays

Attached: hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.gif (256x256, 410K)

is it an unpopular opinion? it's pretty good. ghost town and yikes are standout tracks and violent crimes warms the soul

Hmm, so according to the Slovenes, while their anti-migrant party has the most seats, they can't actually form a coalition because they have too many leftist parties.

do you like my desk /ptg/?

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Attached: Slika zaslona 2018-06-02 u 16.23.50.png (996x253, 81K)

>blawurmph got played!
>end up having to pay him an extra $10000, amounting to a minimum of $130000 extra per year (depending on season length)
PT Barnum was right

That's ALL the islands, right? Asking for a friend.

i suppose but the one i was in kept trying to focus on "team projects" and shit like that. it was worthless
i don't even really blame the teachers, it was obvious they were given no guidelines on what to do. the entire thing was either volunteer work or something thrown at one of the teachers randomly.
they really should've just separated it out into a different class with accelerated curriculum, but that would require more effort than american schools are willing to put in

>shadman >shadmanning
My brain.

That may be the most pathetic attempt at narrative building I've seen yet

Attached: not this shit again.jpg (400x271, 40K)

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What am I supposed to do with this new George Papadopoulos tweet?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-03 George Papadopoulos on Twitter So long as the people do not care to exercise t (1280x940, 179K)

>implying shad isn't one of us
>implying shad isn't ITT right now
friendly reminder that shad is the official artist of Jow Forums

Attached: shadifunny.jpg (1053x1475, 515K)

>ancap ball.jpg

what was E. B. Farnum right about?

dunno if it's you reposting your gay-ass battlestation, or some user larping, but no.

Q retards get the FUCK out

>He said as he proudly posted from his own safe space

Attached: 1523320195552.png (200x200, 8K)

He said there was no such thing as a trustworthy jew

Attached: (2).gif (540x304, 3.95M)

Yeah, the system we had up here was much better. They picked the best and most motivated teachers to teach gifted classes, who developed their own accelerated curricula to teach.

>make ridiculous offer
>force your opponent to lower it down to the value you wanted

>Assange now butthurt that Trump is trying to pardon people screwed by Barry
lol what a faggot.
>R-rewarding opponents!
Oh, I thought politics didn't matter to ya, libshit?


>bullying AWOOs

What kind of a sandnigger kike do you have to be to bully a cute wolfgrill?

Attached: 1516234092602.jpg (884x903, 314K)

dares a suker burn evri minud

There's a sucker born every minute.

Attached: sucker-e1459249041449.jpg (529x458, 55K)

Is this fanfiction?

I-I'll visit you.

Attached: smug.png (562x463, 89K)

Q predicted this....

is it daisies destruction or whatever it was called that was filmed there? i heard the police have to watch that shit to desensitise themselves

Attached: IMG_0151.jpg (900x900, 160K)

>ends sentence in "eh?"
even canadian psy-ops are shit-tier.

Attached: allanquartermainedoesnotapprove.jpg (444x564, 102K)

>female military trump

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Incel detected

As I said, he didn't just give up his name (bad enough), but a portion of his social web. He was done as soon as it was posted. Everyone should keep personal info close to the chest, and never post it on a humble macedonian content farm.

What's wrong with you?
Finns confirmed for natural pedos.

>*blocks your $45 billion merger with Time Warner*

Nothing personnel

It's another idiot/genius thing. Either he was an idiot to negotiate so "badly" and only make 60k per episode, or he was a genius because his experiences doing the show as well as the national attention it got him are directly related to how he managed to successfully run for President.

you need to be more specific

Everyone shit on the album afaik because it doesn't have """"bangers"""" but I fucking loved it. The entire album premier was so fun and exciting, I wish something like that night could happen again.
>Threadly reminder: June is African-American Music Appreciation Month
Threadly reminder: June is African-American Music Appreciation Month

When are we going to get an Angelic tuxedo pepe?

nice image OP

Attached: clapping approve.jpg (504x548, 62K)

delicious brown lolis aren't a meme here
but then the snitches are remarkable too

>half the country is brainwashed fox news

Fox news wishes.

60k is pathetic piss change.

>tfw went took normal(aka retard) classes for the first half of high school
>bumped up to "gifted" classes in year 3 to get away from the niggers
>everyone was still retarded but also stuck up liberals and all the teachers were open communists
At least there were less niggers.

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Is he /our guy/?

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It's straight out of the Art of the Deal. He makes a ridiculous initial offer to get what he really wants after negotiations.

Awoo faggot !

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I don't block other posters, because I'm not a colossal faggot. go back to plebbut, twatter, kikebook, or wherever the fuck you wandered in from.

Attached: excuseme.jpg (399x325, 47K)

>Coming from a Binland retard

Attached: Finnshill is this retarded.png (835x221, 23K)

>Aussies are all pedos

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You know you love him.

Attached: shadhiloli.jpg (950x1343, 369K)

Did Q finally slip up?

does 1x1=2?

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the vid is an extremely graphic cp and torture vid of a girl that was done in the phillipines (maybe by an australian guy?). i can't look it up for obvious reasons, i just remember a twitch streamer talking about it because hes studying criminal law at uni
>hundreds of thousands a year
>piss change

Nice. Unless it's some bullshit where if you're over 20 and they're not it's still illegal, or provinces raise the age like here.

Attached: 1526413041021.png (600x858, 233K)

>idiot/genius thing
Yeah, and NBC were the idiots.
Trump had no grounds to ask for a pay raise.
NBC had no obligation to give him one.
He asked for an exorbitant sum, and instead of just saying "no, you'll get paid the same" which they had every right to do, they caved it and gave him an extra 10k to keep him quiet.
Is it any wonder leftists make bad parents?

Looks like another strong result for another anti-immigration party in Europe. Exit polls in Slovenia suggest gains for Janez Janša (ally of Viktor Orban) & Slovenian Democratic Party. Opposed to EU quota system, said of refugee crisis: "We will not allow this to happen again"

Attached: DeyMy-xWsAA92SU.jpg (1160x728, 103K)

What will tomorrow's 'thing' be?

Attached: Trump said a thing.jpg (775x823, 273K)

In case you missed it.

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As soon as you stop sucking dicks

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Friends actors got million per episode at S9-S10.

We definitely need Rat Pack Pepes

Trump rally when?

Attached: 8dc0f1dcbc93ba6c71e08a09c88ba904.jpg (729x880, 141K)

just don't get caught and have enough bribe money
sometimes the poorfags offer their loli daughters to a lot whiteys for free

nice job

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Keep it up

next tuesday in singapore

Trump did 14 season of The Apprentice / The Celebrity Apprentice. I wonder how much he made by the end of it.

well shit i haven't heard of this

>The apprentice
>the same anything

Attached: Erza_in_fear.gif (300x216, 108K)

>Stormtrooper tactics almost.
Trump confirmed retard

Being a fucking leaf is irrelevant to one's nationality, it's actually a state of mind

Is that kind of thing still common in the Philippines? I thought you had to go to places like Laos or Cambodia since even Thailand was getting quite strict about it.

the name recognition is more important than the pay anyways.

i want a sammy davis jr pepe