The biggest red pill:

The biggest red pill:

Its not the secret Jewish conspiracy causing white decline, its white women.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is that thing "white" in the US? Wew.


This, they bound together to try to get a lunatic into the presidency by virtue of her sex alone, and have been throwing a tantrum ever since. They use their vaginas to get weak men to join their tantrum.

And who can blame them? Black men are cool and have big dicks.

They have neither. Most black guys have smaller dicks than asian men.

Women don't have any agency, in spite of what they claim. They are slaves to whatever they perceive to be the most socially acceptable behavior. Who determines what gets presented as socially acceptable? Jews who run the media.

Its jewish propaganda and social engineering that pushes white women into the choices they make.


Noone gets uplifted, genetically speaking, because of interracial breeding.

Her genes regress to the mean and his are causeing it. Statistics and the averages strongly suggest the children would be inferior (mental capacity, pattern recognition, ability to delay gratification- essentially anything that indicates later life success) to say, an ethnic pedegree breeding partner, which would mostly be on par if not higher then the statistical average.

Not only this but mixed race individuals find it hard to allign with one racial group or another. This creates frustrations and inturn malcontent behavoir. Even their presence in a community destroys its hegemonity- and we all know what happens when a neiborhood/town/city/nation feels like its turning to shit.

Shes litereally throwing her genes away and having a negative effect on society in the process. Shame ...

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Its the jooz! Women are brainless creatures who follow the order of the kaykZ! The jews are the reason white women are treasonous scum! It has nothing to do with their nature as women! Its the jooz i tell ya! Jews want the whole world to be brown so they could controll them despite the fact that whites are nicer to jews! Im telling you the jews have a death wish!

At least Muslims know how to keep their bitches in check.

Damage control hahaha


Sup shitskin pajeet

its both and more groups as well.

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Jow Forums is retarded. No wonder they are losing the war they keep aiming at the wrong people.

You're right but the tradcucks on pol will deny this and Continue blaming jews for women's own choices.

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you wont get away with your kikeness just because white women are also to blame (unlike what tradcucks say).

this graph made me sadfrog irl.

Pretty good Goldstein

Not only that, but white people are the biggest pushers of degeneracy

No, you retard my Jewish friends are also fucking conservative and wish to kill liberals. It's all the white woman at my workplace who are full of shit and liberalism up their ass. I only say it like I see it.

All israelis are jews! And alex jones is the messiah! Buy your super male vitality to grt a chance to fuck lee ann mcaboob! Also israel is under full jewish control! They cant keep getting away with it!

What a surprise

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Whites have more agency than brown people, so that's why it's better for Jews to see them mixed out. But you know that.

Sources showing this

How does it feel to have brown eyes and brown skin the color of the shit i just took?

If you're going to go there then I should mention that whites are taking all of the good black genes and most black people aren't okay with it.

>its not the secret Jewish conspiracy causing white decline, its white women
its probably both

I'll add, it's not only white women, but it's mainly unsuccessful, obese, pink or blue haired white women

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Yeah it's obviously both.

Jews divide and conquer. But they can't do that, if there's nothing to divide.

It is, Jews can't capitalize if there is literally nothing there

source required white women voted for trump more than any other race

>it´s not my fault you guys.

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What fucking tells women to race mix you dumb cunt? Jewish media, its in movies, tv, music, newspapers.

>mgtow fuck faggots

Get a fucking girlfriend you loser it's not hard


Jews make up 2% of the population, but women make up 50% of the population. By simple math. Jews cant overwhelming vote for dumb SJW shit, but women can. And do.

You're right Shlomo. Im getting tired of using kikes to defend women, when there's just too many cases of women going self destructive in countries without a powerful Jewish liberal intelligentsia. Women need to take responsibility and cucks need to stop coddling them, and pretending they have no agency. Even if the jews are behind it, it's still women choice to destroy the nuclear family, become single mothers, vote progressive, refusal to raise a family until they are are old, and vote for more feminist laws and quotas which makes it difficult for men to see any value in marriage.

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jidf damage control because I happen to have tripple digits IQ kek

eh its really not that bad to deal with a white woman if shes hot,i married one of these "roasties that hit the wall" when she was 29 fresh off her post-carousel years, (we were "friends" for about 6 years before dating and both she and I know deep down she settled on me when her other options pumped and dumped her or kicked her to the curb over her attitude) but its not that bad, i got to marry my one-itis, and aside from her authoritative and occasionally demanding personality and random days where shes pissy and mean to me for no reason, we get along great as long as I do what she says (i know that sounds "beta" but who gives a shit, 99% of men dont wear the pants in relationships these days) I married a 9/10 and even if shes used up, she still works fine and our good days makes it all worth it.

TL:DR: Its more natural to marry someone with flaws then to sit at home eating chips and being a sweaty fat retard all the time

How does it feel knowing that you have a mutilated penis?

Better than being in an oven

Yes yes! The top 1 percent want to have a brown world so they can control them! Because skin color really matters when it comes to enslaving people! The top 1 percent cant turn the whites into wage slaves so they will darken their skin color so they could control them flawlessly! Also the sun is an hologram projected by israel to make you pay for electricity!

So is this the Jews new plan? Portray us all as incels? Been seeing these kinds of threads a lot. Jesus fucking Christ people

Walk outside. Go to a college campus. ANYWHERE

I dont know? Youll have to ask a jew for thay one

Why the fuck you think they promote this hardcore feminism you moron.

It's Ludivine Sagna if I remember she's french/arab

You are honestly retarded

>Its not the secret Jewish conspiracy causing white decline,
So all the people approaching white girls on a personal level dont exist? All what was found months ago didnt happen? The fucking retard known as JSTAR (or jstar75 i think?) was larping along with his sheeps in discord server?
fuck off

Black men can't build civilizations.

It’s jews taking advantage of white womens and most women in general lack of critical thinking ability and using emotional propaganda to trick them. Trust me It took me a little while to unbrainwash my gf and now she hates non-whites and wants to have children and be a mother where before. She didn’t want any kids.

Strong white fathers can prevent degenerate white women

You are using satire to hide a truth, niggers and brown people even chinks are easily controlled and governed, guess who isn't kike

Whites have more agency than brown people, and Jews themselves prove this: Look at Ashkenazi versus non-Ashkenazi Jews.

You acting like a clown isn't going to convince anyone of what you say.

You sure about that?

White men seem to be some of the biggest nigger fetishists around.

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White males gave the white woman too much power. So now that they are getting fucked by this and instead of looking in the mirror they blame the jews like the faggots they are. What's happening with white society is their own damn fault.

no its not its the weak men
if i was women i would rather be with someone who already has 12 wife's than being with man who has no balls

oh wait, i forgot its Jow Forums and parrots like you cant comprehend anything but memes


complaining about white women is jewish conspiracy

This. How is Jow Forums now so retarded that this is debatable?

>And who can blame them? Black men are cool and have big dicks.
So their entire ethnicity is completely replaceable by a refridgerator with cucumbers. How sad is that?

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That's a pretty blatant lie.
I hope it's just for our sake and you aren't genuinely this moronic.

>"Dude just be a doormat and you too may be lucky enough to sniff Chad's leftover roast beef"

the kike sees the weak link and exploits it

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name one

>wife's son

>Oy goy, you haven't heard the propaganda? Multiculturalism works, and its the future!

More lies from the biggest nigger fetishists on the planet.

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This. I don't recall women selling their asses to the foreign hordes half a century. Something something jewish influence

Old white women=/= young single women. White women who are grand mothers and mothers , and who haven't stake in white America voted for trump. Whilst single women voted for Hillary. Single women are becoming a large proportion of the female population as a result of marriage trends.

kek nice copypasta

Everything worng with your county you blame DA JOOS so pathetic goyim


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Niggers are retarded, white women would end up getting raped if all men were black and they would live in huts made out of shit and would wear no clothes and die of aids.

Let's not forget that white men who fuck black girls are part of the problem too.

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Read a book or two cocksucker I'm not obligated to prove your obvious ignorance to you.

Go visit a museum or two.


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White dude and Black wife? That's super rare, rarer than White chick and a Black husband.

Because it's not true. Propaganda isn't pushing women to do anything, rather it's telling them that it's OK for them to express the worst parts of themselves, that it's actually a good thing to do so. That's a different thing. It's not pushing them, it's not giving them something that isn't already inside them. It's changing the culture and societal standards that would otherwise be controlling self-destructive behaviour.


Go to Africa or innawoods if you hate civilizations that much

>White men are more likely to marry interracially
>It's white women!
Incel logic.

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RIP white race

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okay this one is really pretty, name?

They aren't pregnant

itt the kike thinks he found a chance to get away with kikeness

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I can't even blame them, why would a woman want my small 6" dick when they could have an average 8" black dick?

m'buku klikikiwa

Bro you sound like a battered woman rationalizing your abusive husband's behavior

White women crave enrichment

I shouldnt have had to go there in the first place, I should have been there all the time. So now you will get fucked because of it.

food and a roof over her head?

>countries without a huge Jewish liberal intelligentsia

The only variable which countries with demographic problems share are at large population of empowered crazy women who vote as a bloc to pursue female identity politics at the expense of the men and the family.

It was their god damned prom.

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Uncle Sam gives her that, and these days women make more than men do

you're swimming in the sperm of other men. take that meme flag down, you manlet. you haven't earned it.

Very beautiful picture I am so happy by seeing this

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not forever