So, Jow Forums, my gf has just discovered the concept of psy-ops, and this seems like a good time to drop some redpills...

So, Jow Forums, my gf has just discovered the concept of psy-ops, and this seems like a good time to drop some redpills. Give me your best stuff.

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So, bumping to get at least some Holocaust denial?

No pussy for you tonight user. Have a bump

She's on the rag anyways. Blowjobs are where it's at.

What are you autistic?
Let her ask questions.
Telling her is just reinforcing the "do as you're told" mentality. The difference between your journey and her's would be that you read and came to these conclusions, while her's is you sperging out about "conspiracy theories".

Just relax, rejoice, be supportive, and let her ask. Not everyone needs to know the depth of evil, but to recognize that it exists and that good men are working hard to find a way to defeat it.

O yeah, I'm definitely not planning on feeding her stories, but just looking for stories I can use to plant the seed of doubt.

Sorta like 'well, look into the situation surrounding the Las Vegas shootings; how could the hotel not have had any video surveillance?'

Good advice. You shouldn't try to overdose women on these things, just make sure what you do tell her is high impact.

No puss for you, it's Jamals time tonight. lmao

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Show her this:

I also like this video even though I never see it posted here:

>Oi mate, you got a license for that banter?

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Hollywoodism, most girls like movies, its all juice propg.

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Girlfriend best redpill. MrE transvesigation.

how's this?

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Yep, this one's going in my Gas Chamber Schedule.

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Nobody died at Sandy Hook.

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show her the ghost army documentary so she understands how grand a scale they can have

I would say, show her the movie "They live" then explain who "they" are, then mention that nobody died at Sandy Hook, nobody died at Pulse, and all these fake shootings are all government operations to deceive the people and make us worship government, and make us demand our own freedom, to be taken away.

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ye he had good ones. juitube ban MrE ,
MrE Archive Channel

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Introduce her to uncle Yuri

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>Shot ("grazed" twice in the head) (Most reports don't mention "twice")
>Making upbeat public speeches 3 days later
>Manages to catch all tears before they are visible
>Gramps just happy it wasn't him and others
>Horns hand gesture "Stay stronk" as if attack was on local community
>"hum Dumbledork says 'blah blah blah happiness anytime"

Yeah, inform her about crisis actors and what (((they))) are.

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This was one of the most blatant examples if you ask me. Probably why it was quickly discarded and forgotten by the otherwise rabbit media

Parkland crisis actors were really really obvious, but I'm sure they'll have a new hoax soon.

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I wonder if he's really in jail.??

Is he a patsy that they sacrifice? Or is he a crisis actor playing a role, and already out of jail, now living in Tel Aviv, new identity or some other exit from the hoax??

Waar vind je in de polder nog ern wief met hersenen dan?

Otterlo. Biblebelt doet stiekem best goeie dingen.

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You redpill a woman with your dick. If you are her Chad she will mold herself to your iedology. Just maintain control of your relationship.

Redpilling is for other men. You are making a rookie mistake and treating your woman as an intellectual equal.

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Bob Knight was fired by a Jew

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Space race was a meme attempt to trick enemy nations into foolish expenditures to gain a financial edge while also expanding weapons research under the guise of exploration. When it was recognized that it worked great on the population, but not on foreign powers, the USSR and USA began working together while ostensibly still participating in both a Cold War and a competitive space race.

This collusion is mainstream fact and readily admitted to some degree by the perpetrators.

The entire field of space “science” is a meme and is in no way scientific.
These qualities are a requirement to be considered a scientific endeavor. Merely observing then casting wild theories is in no way science.

Many branches of so-called “science” have this exact same problem. The term has been stripped of its meaning and is becoming a new age cult.

TLDW- All pop music is indirectly owned by the elite and is used to literally possess and brainwash children. The guy in the video worked for one of the major record labels in the 60s-70s.

Really most of culture is used for brainwashing. Its just much more obvious now.

Look at how many celebrities are into dark macabre shit. Seeing star after star being into this satanism did it for me. Here's some celebrities at a marina abramavich dinner

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Yup, this.

Also ask her questions. Here's a good one:

> Can you think of a war, any war in the past 500 years, in which the Bad Guys won?

Follow it up with:

> Do you think that's because the Good Guys just always win, story book style?

> No? What does that tell you?

Platypus unrelated

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to start off small this is a level above outright violence for national management biological/genetic control.

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the next up the ladder is economical control
to cut to the core you need to realize money is merchandise for banks.

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the next rung is ideology itself.
to understand this you need to understand pareto elite theory which require you have a copy of the rise and fall of elites by vilfredo pareto here is a short summary.

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Wha.. wh....what do they do with those Penguin organs user?

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from what I understand about late stage elite in society and late stage empire. and the level of organ trafficking done by Israel. as well and national management I would say some sort of deviant behavior in nature. with the intent of inducing mind altering states. and explore black magical practice to learn more about how to shape belief in people with the intent of using it to control.

basically the people at the top get bored easily because they can do whatever they want with he money and resources at their disposal. so you have to come up with new forms of entertainment.
one of which is sex clubs, from there also humanitarians illusions, as well as venturing into the occult.

for the people at the top of the top this has been going on for a while. mainly due to the utmost elite being at the center of societies dominant ideological origins. (poeple mimic the poeple at top, this can be seen in naming trends for children). because of the death of god so to speak and the rapid technological change. the utmost elite began to shy away and begin to explore other religious and spiritual ideas.

While technically not psyop and more false flags, start with the gulf of tonkin (((incident))) and then USS Liberty. The biggest pushback I get is "governments wouldn't do [insert (((tragedy)))] to its own people". These two show that they very much are willing to kill people to get their way

this eventually led to the discovery in occult concepts that are very useful in managing nations and consolidating power. one of which is viewing the media as egregore management sector of the nation. this small idea begins to open up as a powerful concept when combined with pareto elite theory.
in essence a dominant class of elite hold an ideology as a manifestation of their deep sentiment and instinct, the masses wanting to mimic the elite and also wanting a stable society simply adopt the ideology or at least accept it as an attempt to mimic the elite. in short the concept of the egregore in the occult is very relevant and serves as a short cut to both psychological and sociological concepts.

building of the concepts I listed earlier we can see that controlling a nation relies on controlling certain facets of the people themselves. rewriting history to control the expectations of the future, egregore managements through the media, including using movies and shows to induce a mimicry of perceived elite values and behaviors, and even outright biological manipulation such as excessive flouride, pornography, and birth control all work to control the people and therefore the nation.


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Look up Cake of Light, user.

USSR, ww2; gay