>Hire a Jewish man as Han Solo
>Literally found him at a Bat Mitzvah
>Fastforward to movie release
>It bombs tragically
>Jewish man shapeshifts into a white man
How can they throw Alden Ehrenreich under the bus like this? If the movie did well he would have lived the rest of his life as a wealthy jewish man. But because it flopped he gets casts into the dregs as a fucking white male
They really have no shame
Hire a Jewish man as Han Solo
Other urls found in this thread:
Harrison Ford is a Jew
Harrison Ford is a Jew you mong.
Why are so many people developing balding arches? We are truly living in the end of days
'When it's good, they're Jewish. When it's bad, they're White' has been a standard modus operandi for kikes for decades if not centuries.
Typical tricks.
Doesn't make OP's analysis wrong.
Harrison Ford was also Jewish as mentioned, but if this movie was successful you'd see an article about Jewish leading men or about how Han Solo is a Jewish character.
Solo was never supposed to be good.
It was supposed to be a test of how much effort was necessary to produce a profitable Star Wars movie.
If it was successful, it would have set the bar lower, and allow the studio to crank out sequels more quickly.
Since it flopped, they just blame it on having a white male lead, and shill Rey some more.
>your mother following Judaism alters your genes
According to that Adam Sandler song, he's a quarter Jewish
>How can they throw Alden Ehrenreich under the bus like this?
That's actually a good question OP. You can not really understand the Jewish mind, it is twisted, distorted, it is what gave the world communism, feminism, transsexuals, modern art, etc. There is a good 8 min video anazlyzing just that, it got Shoah'd from Jewtube predictably but here's another link
https:// gloria . tv/video/nh6jBG6XR3co1UWyGtd8CbCm2
In short, Jew morality is that they can sacrifice their children and their weakest if it means group survival. Also, a Jew is allowed to be responsible of the death of other Jews it it means saving himself from danger, which is why no Jew collaborator has ever been prosecuted in Israel. Watch it, really eye opening.
The Hanukkah song and Jew or not Jew are great resources for woke people
didnt we joke that OP image would be their cop-out? it was just a joke
>movies about white man
Give me 5 movies that niggers aee the star that has grossed over 800 million
>movies with shitty female or diversity leads flops
>it's the evil white man's fault
>movie with white (passing) man flops
>it's still the evil white man's fault
I swear to god, one of these days I'll sit these people down and force them to actually make sense for once in their life.
I'm not familiar with Jew or not Jew.
Rothschild telling the German/Polish khazars to go to Israel.
>blame white devil
>never realize your agenda is only supported by mostly poor, unemployable, commies.
>normal hardworking Americans dont like your SJW bullshit
>hardworkers have disposable income
liberals destroyed the franchise
Story by (((Scott Mendelson))). Kikes are devious.
>I'll sit these people down and force them to actually make sense for once in their life
Forcing them to make sense will probably not even work. To paraphrase Yuri Bezemov, these lefty people have been mentally programmed, they are lost, they are "the useful idiots". They will, of course, be first against the wall should their longed-for cultural Marxist revolution actually succeed. Ironic.
#notallmen are rapists, so excuse the rapists. #notallmen will teach their boys not to rape. #nomeansno
He’s less than half jew. His mischling jew mom had mischling parents. He wouldn’t be considered jew under Nuremberg laws
What did they mean with this and why is it good?
They have no shame, loyalty, or honor. And the people trying to make quick bucks by working with them need to get the message.
Eligenetically it could
Making leftists explain their arguments at gun point is a fantasy of mine.
well we know holocaust trauma can be passed down genetically so there's no reason it shouldn't
Because they are disney shills and say everything that could be seen as negative they want to spin as good
barely kyked and he didnt marry a kyke so it can be bred out, no worries there.
Scott Mendelson is a rabid SJW anti-Trump, his twitter is disgusting
>and that's a good thing
>it bombs in theaters
is this called cope?
He doesn't even look like Ford
He might be Jewish, but he was playing a white man. Or something.
not in the slightest, and he has zero charisma