Why does Jared Taylor voluntarily live in an area heavily populated by non hwites (large Bolivian and Korean community...

Why does Jared Taylor voluntarily live in an area heavily populated by non hwites (large Bolivian and Korean community there, if I'm not mistaken)?

Attached: jaredtaylor.jpg (500x578, 43K)

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White nationalists are cucks who love and wish to preserve diversity. Self-proclaimed liberals are the ones who actually believe in white supremacy. Hillary and Bill live in a 99% white neighborhood in NY, for example.

and white liberals are also displacing minorities in New York by moving to certain neighborhoods in large numbers. Bushwick, BK will probably look like Chelsea in 20 years

Unrelated, but white flight is bullshit and people with our beliefs should be standing up right in the middle of "diversity" and refusing to surrender our homes to niggers.

Plus you get the benefit of fighting niggers all the time and redpilling others by saying what they're scared to say out loud.

What has Jared Taylor accomplished by staying in Fairfax County or wherever it is the he lives? Middle class Asian and South American people continue to buy homes there.

I know he sucks off Asians, but still doesn't believe in their presence

cayse democrats are unironically the real racists

Attached: 9BvVyIKv2xfIB4yN-LpsTJo3Jk2kQySAg3qvs3spnts.jpg (640x771, 111K)

>Why does Jared Taylor voluntarily live in an area heavily populated by non hwites
He lives in the whitest neighborhood in all of Virginia, one of the whitest in all of the US. Kys OP

not true.


There are sizable Asian and Latino communities where he lives

Trump is the first person I know to be both pro-Israel and an anti-semite at the same time.

Oh and speaking of white nationalist figures, how many domains has Andrew Anglin bounced around on?

You need brown people to practice white supremacy

What would happen if the whole planet became white?

I guess they would still feud with the white commies


because he is interested in knowing weather there are benifits and harms of diversity or not

Well I guess he's okay with it if he's been living there so long.

Richard Spencer moved to Northern Virginia as well, so I'm guessing he likes diversity too

If you want to be involved in politics, you need to live near DC. That’s the only reason Spencer is there. He has a home in Montana as a get-away, but he needs to engage with DC order to try and change things.

He has zero clout on DC, though. If he wants to get involved in politics, he has to start at the local level

The world would be boring and peaceful. We cats need our mice to play with.

It's not like Europe was peaceful when it was all white

The surrounding DC area is bursting at the seems with think tanks and lobbyists. It’s the natural place for a headquarters, not so much a home.

The are mostly past this, though. No European wants wars with each other. The next time Europe fights it will be together.

That's true. But unless he lives a complete autistic hermit life, he probably has to interact with minorities on a regular basis. I'm assuming he goes out to eat regularly, considering he's wealthy and only 40 years old

>Disavowed Dr David duke.
Why does anyone like this old jared Fart again? Duke deserves better spot light than this weeb that refuse to question the jews?

Attached: dukebeginchristmaswebsize72dpi.jpg (614x346, 66K)

What did he say about David Duke?

And Jow Forums is filled with yellow fever weaboos, so that might be why Jared is popular here

25 years of NoVafaggotry reporting in. Most communities in NoVa are separated, at least to a degree that Jared Taylor would be mostly comfortable with. The parts of Oakton that are white are white, and places where latinos group together are mostly latino. There's lots of Indians in Loudoun and western Fairfax as well, but they usually pack themselves very tightly into as few homes as possible in the same areas as well.

>whitest in all of the uS!

>not even 100% white small town america