Redpill Thread

Hit me with the most crimson pills you guys got please

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Redpills for which dimension? This world or the spiritual one?

dowry leads to inbreeding to keep the money within the family, inbreeding leads to an increase in retardation.

none of this is racist

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Both are good

Jesus is real.
Kikes wants to bring forth the anti-Christ with their talmudic cult.

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>Jesus is real.
>meme flag
kys you dumb Jew.

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Pic related.

They're the good guys.

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Gold doesn't exist, it's just a kind of silver with a different colour, gold is literally just silver that has undergone heat treating. The jews are fooling us all.

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Interesting. Will check out asap
I learned fast from Jow Forums that Jews are evil and all that, but didn't think they were that deep entwined in American matters.
That is be user, that it be.
That's pretty hot
Of course it would be the Jews at it.

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Did you know that Israel keeps trophies for 9/11 and killing JFK?

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Vampires are the good guys ?

That I did not know.
I'm glad I made this thread.
I'm a bit confused about this too to be honest.

it's sarcasm, calm down vlad

Jesus is real my man.

Atheists have absolutely no metaphysical basis for value without resorting to circular logic.

You know Israel is behind antisemitism in the west to keep normie Jews in a fear and to give them a reason to move to Israel? Just like the holocaust.

The Balfour Declaration was in the early 1900s but the thing about it was that Jews in Europe didn't wanna move to the desert. So during WW2 Zionists like George Soros were responsible for killing other Jews specifically in order to make jews scared and relocate to Israel.

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Some of them.

Gotta accept Christ and protect the flock.

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Hitler didn't even have a clue about the holocaust.

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>kike on a stick
who are you kidding

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Harry Potter didn't actually take the ring to Mordor.

Gnostic/Freemason gay faggot

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>gnostic templar cross

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lmao you're proving his point by directly saying Kek is lucifer

No one. You're only fooling yourself into eternal damnation

The Protocols , when actually read rather than just memed, are a real redpill

because they expose the popular Jow Forums narrative as being another part of the plan (eliminating both atheism and Christianity for gnostic chaos aka "meme magic", and sacrificing the Zionists in WWIII)

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the only way to appreciate the freedom you have is to assume ultimate responsibility for your actions and potential.

I know, and what did I post above?????? The reptilian agenda.

If the Devil was real, which he is, wouldn't he want to make you think that what's true is bad and redirect them to worship idols of him instead?

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Begone, heretic.

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This is what I'm talking about. People who say shit like this. You don't have a monopoly on what is true or not...

Stop calling everything you don't like a Jewish trick.

It's really offensive and seems mean-spirited to those of us who aren't Jewish :

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meanwhile, you respond to me with what? A shitty anime nun probably thought up in an Israeli think tank for shilling. Do you understand that something as simple as your memes exposes you to be a shill?

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The elites operate on a slow drip with a complacent populace on both the left and the right.

We need violence on every front to wake people up. White militias, black militias, white murders, black murders, muslim murders, everyone feels percecuted, every disregards and doesn't recognize the state. We need every white person to be seen by every non-white person as an enemy for white people to realize the reality of how things really are when it breaks through their escapism numb lifestyle. We need bands of antifa on every street corner for people to realize who it is we're fighting.

The NSDAP would've never have gained power if society didn't accelerate into extreme polarities and centrism be entirely destroyed. The NSDAP was the only bulwark against USSR aligned foreign communists who ran through the streets burning property and assaulting people. We need to create a situation where every white person has to choose to either support "nazis" who stand up for their in group preference or die from their opponents just straight up killing whites. We can't have a midway point because that just gives the Jews in power their way and kill social consciousness. We need to raise social consciousness with violence on their unconscious lives.

You know it's true.

Only numale beta BASEDmen like vampires, Real Chads hit it up with the lycanthrope.

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Kill yourself.

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Sure, shitpost and vote for Trump. That'll fix everything.

>Do you understand that something as simple as your memes exposes you to be a shill?
>23 posts by this ID

Pic related is you.

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sounds like SEIGE which is Freemason/Fed BS

the real, unironic redpill is that "ITS ONLY THE JEWS" is as much of a shill point as "ITS NOT THE JEWS"

This rings true.

Those Jews that everybody pities, they actually run everything. All the money you use, the news you watch, the education you receive and the entertainment you consume.

The World runs on some version of Master and Slaves. Also called Boss and Workers. This has been true for all of recorded history. The only system that produced enough wealth to bump the Slaves (of all colors) up to the Middle Class is Capitalism.

The basic money making industries for all of recorded history are: Farming, Mining and War. Every other money making venture derives out of one of these three.

>'god' is censored
For what purpose??

male genital mutilation explains everything

I dunno why Jews censor the word God but it's funny because you can see some shills do that here and you know instantly it's a rabbi.

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They're the same thing, in all honesty, my sempai.

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Only the ones that turn invading Turks into shish kebabs.

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Human civilization has been going through cycles for untold millennia. 'Aliens' aren't weird sentient creatures flying saucers, 'aliens' are spiritual entities, demons, spirits, interdimensional beings. The Sphinx is ~12,000 years old and the Pyramids at Giza could be even older. Atlantis existed.

And lastly, we don't actually have any idea what the fuck is going on. Humanity collectively, in comparison to the rest of existence, is an infant. We have only scratched .00001% of what this Universe has to offer. Pessimistic materialists/hedonists, post-modernists, militant atheists, commies/socialists/stalinites, and existential nihilists should gulaged.

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Never forget that you still have to be a good person who does good works. This Protestant "faith alone" thing is just a Jewish trick.

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The Denver airport was built by Freemasons and the NWO with vast underground bunkers for the elite to shelter in during the next engineered crisis