Who wants to father a white child?

Who wants to father a white child?

Attached: IMG_20180603_194609_458.jpg (719x1280, 98K)

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That's a man?

Stupid people. Oh, wait.

Israels iq is 94

Unironically Nuke Israel

Attached: patrick_kike.png (600x941, 635K)

20% Arabs and Haredi.

>snap filter
Regardless of what she wants, dropped.

>fetal alcohol syndrome
No thanks.

cursed seedline.

Attached: 1526530217808.gif (275x211, 11K)

Jewish IQ worldwide is 98.

USA is 35+% nigger and spic and our avg iq is higher than Israel's

>fag wants a to bear a child unnaturally
>doesn't want to give anything in return
>can demand child support despite absurdity of claim
I hope some user can donate without giving personal info so #3 doesn't happen, so this bitch gets pregnant with some hard-right, schizo psychopath sperm to create a monster.

sorry. Only hapa mutt babies for me

Fuck no. Single mothers are cancer. Single dyke mothers are double cancer. My aryan genetics shriek in horror at the prospect of being within a mile of such a disgusting creature.

>Sure m'lady, allow me to jerf off into this teaspoon and feed your womb with my seed.


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>Giving your seed to a mentally ill freak to abuse
I don't even think this passes the lowest Darwin Nigger test since there's a heightened probability of the kid growing angry and gunning down you and your real family.

anal rape

This bitch wants you to get her pregnant but won’t even let you fuck her?

She'll want support.
Let her have anonymous sperm from the sperm bank and she won't play her tricks.

On one hand the more kids I have the more I’ve won from a biological perspective, but also I don’t want a child to be raised by lesbians, because statistically speaking that kid is very likely to be unstable. Difficult decision.

>super fucking high exposure pic with snapchat filter
>i'm gay tho don't try and hit on me filthy males

Lesbians are extremely abusive of children. Especially male children. Be warned.

Ashkenazi (the intelligent ones) are an extreme minority in Israel. Most of them are in the US.

The child will "coincidentally" turn out to be a tranny.

>Let her have anonymous sperm from the sperm bank
No don't let her.

Quite the opposite. Probably a psychotic right wing kid who hates everyone.

It's either or. If he succumbs to the abuse, he'll be a tranny. If he prevails he'll become a school shooter. The tranny path is the most likely, though.

Tranny detected.

Wtf is she going to do with my son? Pedophile pervert bitch probably wants a sex toy as a child

Never trust a single mom to raise your son better than you can

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>im looking for a child support check every month

Better yet, someone who is infertile should convince her to have sex, so she at least thinks she's getting a paycheck after, but nope. Only getting the dick from someone who faded back into anonymity.

She explicitly is saying she isn't going to have sex

>poor ass bitch learns in citro is expensive as hell

Blatantly false. The kike already admitted it's 20% Arabs and Haredi, there is nobody who the remainder of the pop. can be other than Ashkenaz.

On topic, you can't tell me that misbehaving women don't deserve to be beaten and locked in breeding cages. This becomes more obvious with every passing day.