How long until she gets attacked for being Islamophobic?

How long until she gets attacked for being Islamophobic?

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Other urls found in this thread:

they started groping her ass and titties. Some dude was trying to massage her cooch or put his hand down her pants.

Something like that.

Link to tweet, please

who is higher on the victim scale again?

No, they were taking turns fingerbanging her for like 45 minutes

this is going to decide one of the major events of the oppression olympics: women vs muslims

The Muslims will win and the White Women will apologize.

This is why women should not be put in these dangerous situations.

Attached: cbsrape.jpg (822x999, 799K)

Cucks will support muzzies and white knight will support woman this going to be world war of victims

>be strong empowered yt womanz
>go to Muslim shit hole
>during a shitskin revolution
>because mudslimes are peaceful
>go stand in the middle of angry mob
>get finger fucked by all of them.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

she probably still votes for open borders.

Who rape with finger, low energy. Penis is best for rapping.

Why did they send her into that mob?

I bet she still blames white men for the assault by darkies. As long as she does, she gets victim points. The second she says Islamic Culture Of Violence or Third World Shithole, the white Progressives will cheer her group rape with a giddy, childlike delight.

We should invent a pyramid scheme

white women, not even once

I got a boner. Am I a bad person?

>t. poo in loo

Somehow this is the western white male patriarchies fault.

Mass groping is how Muslims keep their women indoors.

It's pretty effective. Their women are fucking terrified to go out of their house alone.
We should do that. Pretty hard to be a feminist when your stuck at home and can't go outside without a male family member as your escort.

Huh for a website full of white supremacists you guys really hate your own women.

soon hopefully, fucking racist

[spoiler]she enjoyed it and came harder than she's ever cum'd from normie vanilla sex with her cuckhusband [/spoiler]

i cume

holy shit, just looked it up. They were lynching her.

They started with groping and then they stripped her. She was getting fingerbanged in the back and front by the mob. She was getting lynched.

Got rescued by some women and then some soldiers.

have you imagined yourself being fingerraped from the front and from the back?

Every single race hates their own women. Blacks won't even fuck their women, muslims beat the shit out of their women, and asians just abort their women. Women are awful

>They were lynching her
just out of curiosity, when americans lynched niggers, did they masturbate and fingerbang them into the ass too beforehand?

>Women are awful
why do some many men want to be women then

dont forget most of them are nigger mutt

I might of grabbed a free titty squeeze or ass slap in the past. These men dindu.

To do it better because it's frustrating watching someone be so shit at something.

Lynching is a myth, Ruski. It happened rarely, but they were all criminals getting summary justice. It's a lie like the holocaust. Our history is lies.

Religion of peace though, we need another 10 million of these peaceful people in every white nation.
This bigot should have spread her legs and let them fuck her, doesn't she know how oppressed they are?

Muslims reserve that for little boys.

I've never heard any white man say out loud that they hate white women. I've never heard any black/yellow/green etc. man say that they hate "their" women either. What are you on about?

Ex special forces couldn't keep the mudslimes out of her holes, user. Islam is a disease, this wymyn is a retard, nobody ever said the world would be black and white. Stupid games stupid prizes etc.

Muslims. They tossed the fags under the bus after that nightclub shooting. Nigger women may be higher than Muslims though

Women are awful because being a woman is so easy.

I'd love it if a mob of angry women were groping me and fucking me like crazy jesus i'd probably impregnate them all. Women whine too much.

Weird choice of words, user.

But my question is, when Muslims rape women in the ass with their fingers, do they use their right or left hands?

This is the type of white liberal women from NY that turns her head in disgust at white men. Proudly talks shit aboit white men with her liberal friends.
Probably fucks light skin brown men.
Romances the idea of world travel to exotic places like Egypt.
Absolutley Zero sence of personal safety.
"Im safer here then around Trump supporters"
>epic world travel
>gets gang raped by brown men
>confusion sets in
>unable to process racial bias towards brown men
>projects blame towards white men
>sell story to get rich
>somehow it will be Trumps fault

This leaf gets it. Bruce Jenner won woman of the year within months of simply declaring himself a woman. Woman of a year was a man who had only declared himself a woman months prior, women are even shit at being women.

was she getting double fisted??? need to know for science

Put your dick away Abdul. This is a somber thread about a retarded socjus toastyroasty getting what she deserved.

I kek'd, user.

Fucking useless Muslims. They took pictures and never posted them?

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YouTube Tommy sotomayor , have fun

Probably somewhere on liveleak or some random porn site. But no one can read egytian

>white supremacists
>Jow Forums is one person
you have to go back
also anyone with a brain hates women

If she just stopped being so racist this wouldn't have happened. She antagonized those poor minorities.

No, they just let them fuck their wives.


I don't know who I hate more, the muslims, or the leftists in my own country and allied countries who allow and embrace this

No, Jow Forums isn't one person. But to deny that Jow Forums and Jow Forums in general are full of white nationalists is beyond absurd.

Fuck yeah you're just mad you didn't get any white boy

At least Muslims see women as what they are, a collection of holes that ought to be filled nothing more and nothing less

>i remember looking up and seeing the taking pictures with their cell phone
yep thats going in my white woman rape compilation

Why do libs love it so much when women get raped?

women want to be raped

it depends on the location (of the liberals who are judging the incident)
in europe muslims are at the top.
in the US blacks are at the top.

but in all instances white women are at the bottom. this of course doesn't count white men who are all LITERALLY hitler.

They only love it when it's a white guy accused.

No...because they weren't a bunch sexually depraved degenerates.

They love it when white women are raped by non-whites, because it's a good thing

To deny that Jow Forums is equally filled with communists, black supremacists, Jewish supremacists, democrat shills, anarchists and so forth is also beyond absurd. Yet people on the left are always blameless, right, fag?

What do "the left" have to do with this? And what I've seen, white nationalists are far more present and vocal on this website than communists, anarchists etc.

i would absolutely deny that
there are people from all over the world on Jow Forums. from every race and every country on the planet.
you just come here looking for white supremacists, so thats exactly what you find
and if you dont know that a large percentage of WN posters on here are people of every race ironically shitposting to make people like you mad, then idk what to tell you my nigga.
you should check out every single picture of a Jow Forums IRL meetup and tell me what you see (the answer is like two white guys, one black guy, five asians and 20 hispanics)

> woman discovers ((real)) rape culture.

>breaks her silence
She did a 60 Minutes interview about it years ago. She also deserved it fo not only being retarded enough to be there, but also being a home wrecking roastie.

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Kek. True

Especially if their son dindu nuffin all the way to heaven.

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So, do you think that when she masturbates now, she does both front and back?

Attached: lara-logan-2-290.jpg (290x405, 47K)

Could have been worse...

Attached: gaddafi_sodomizedshotdead.jpg (670x452, 38K)

I saw a video on twitter a few months ago of the method they used to fuck her ... huge concert venue they surround her with circles of guys so no one can see in ... one guy holds her arms and chest against his chest, another guy holds one of her legs in the air.... lines of guys take turns fucking her..

Tbh it’s hot on a consensual Japanese video but in real life it’s terrible torture

Attached: Lara Logan.jpg (368x418, 46K)

>Why do libs love it so much when women get raped?
Now ask yourself why libs want abortions so bad and contraceptives. Theyre trying to normalize rape. Down at the very bottom of their list of legalization list is rape.

All liberal journalists deserve this fate or worse.

A true white pill is that as our civilization is destroyed by these people, they're the ones who will suffer most for it.

No, I'll stay here, thanks.

>in country where you need to wear a headscarf
>dont wear a headscarf

its like walking around naked in a club in america

youre simply sending the message that youre open and ready for anything

roastie is retarded
mudslimes are retarded too
>nothing about reality has changed

>what I've seen
lurk moar faggot
maybe spend more than a week on Jow Forums before attempting to have a valid opinion on anything.
also check'd

Attached: pol meetup.jpg (1057x947, 160K)

Attached: Taharrush Jamai.jpg (400x276, 34K)


Years ago. I was still a lefty during the Arab Spring and I remember when it happened lefties were going nuts trying to find proof that she was doing it to undermine the revolutions by finding stuff like her husband being part of the MIC.

You answered yourself. I see this place described as 'white nationalist', 'nazi' and 'far right', even though ive had tons of discussions with other completely unrelated ideologies. No matter if you have a communist thread every day talking about genocide, this site and board will always be judged as if it were 'literally worse than Hitler'
Also, you're wearing a fag flag, which makes your opinion completely irrelevant

A white revolution is brewing. All it needs is a spark to unite all white peoples. Soon.

>being this new
[spoiler]how embarrassing for (you)[/spoiler]

You idiot meme flag... all nazis are retarded larpers.....

But you are a meme flag too now so I supposed I shouldn't expect you to understand that

At least take off your retard flag
Nothing to see here, goy. Islam has nothing to do with the surge in rape, certainly not the surge in child rape, in Europe. Go back to your tele and social media or to renew your tv and internet loicenses if need be.

Wonder why this shit is isolated to towns of mostly muslims here in the states? They'd be purged if they were raping women and girls like mad over here. We didn't disarm ourselves. You think it's a coincidence this kicked into high gear after you people disarmed yourselves? You think they want your knives because of "public safety concerns" or some shit?

You're being raped ane slaughtered out of existence and you've declawed yourselves as demanded to make it easier. Ask yourself "what could we do at this point? Even if we had the numbers?" and realize why the US adamantly refuses to be disarmed. Islam will never take hold in an armed white nation. Hence whites being discouraged from reproducing and mexicans being pandered to.

Just know that we'll die out before the rape jihad begins here, it'll be nothing but mexicans being fucked and tortured in the streets and that's just their culture anyway.

cry harder memeflaggot

Keep in mind that Lara's sexual assault lasted 25 minutes. That's a long fucking time. You think it was just fingers going in her for 25 minutes?

Yet if somebody mowed them down, they would've been considered a bigot and a hatemonger.

why do the guys always carry around ridiculously large containers of milk?

The funny thing is she visited Egypt a year later.

You would think, after such a tramatizing experience she would never step foot in that country again. But she was looking for it to happen again. She wanted to get raped again.

IME most roasties finger their asshole when they masturbate. Used to date a redhead who did so, got her to love anal, she told me most girls she knew loved having a finger up there but nothing bigger.

they've watched women all their lives be coddled and treated like special princesses, so they figure it will let them live on easy street
but little do they know, they are not a woman, they will never be a woman, nothing they could ever do would ever allow them to be a woman
very sad, wish we had a good medical solution to this glaringly obvious mental illness, but that sounds too mean so oh well

> this site and board will always be judged as if it were 'literally worse than Hitler'
Maybe being full of Nazis has something to do with that.
>Also, you're wearing a fag flag, which makes your opinion completely irrelevant
More like you just don't want to accept a different opinion. What does my flag have to do with my post?
Fine, here you go.

Link or it didn't happen.
It has to be uncensored or it's fake news.

its a white supremacist dogwhistle user, have you not watched the news?
nevermind that it's clearly a mexican who brought it...