was he a good man
Was he a good man
he fucked his teenage intern.
yes, kikes killed him for that
the last CHAD president
He assassinated our greatest leader, then got his head blown off.
What goes around comes around.
One of the best
>cancels air support
>castro ruins cuba for the rest of his life
Sounds like a pretty awful desu
The last good Democrat
a bad guy from a family of same
he's partially the reason america is 56% white
did ((( they ))) make him do it then they killed him because he called them out
Had he found out that Isreal was developing nukes, the resulting shitstorm would have been glorious.
I cannot find the number, but there was an absurdly high number of American households that watched that debate with Nixon live. It's either 60% or 80%.
of course, he was a catholic
What a rotten way to die.
There is nothing wrong with fucking teenaged interns.
But he wanted to be. He was changing or waking up.
he was a faggot who kept his boyfriend closer than his wife, giving him an actual office in the white house for easy quickies
he didn't do any chad shit that i ever heard of
just a gay fucking catholic boi who dindu nuffin, rite
yes he killed th e twin towers
He was a cuck but he atleast acted against the federal reserve and Israel’s illegal nuclear program.
the jews def killed JFK
No shit.
I worked with an oldtimer back when I was a youngtimer . The Kenneny's are whoremasters.He said that the boys were encouraged to sneak into young girls rooms at night to take their virginity,as a way to weld power over their subjects.
It's amazing. If he were to run today he'd be a republican. Pro-life. Lifetime NRA member. Veteran. There's no way someone like him would survive in the democratic party.
good is relative.
can't really say wholeheartedly he was good
can't say he was bad either.
I'll have to research some more to get a full understanding
No. He was the GW Bush of his time.
JFK said fuck you to the CIA, the FBI, the joint chiefs, the military industrial complex, the mob, his own doctors and many more.
The real reason they killed him was he admitted to his close supporters (there is audio of him) that if he got reelected he would never allow massive amounts of ground troops from America in Vietnam. He was a veteran and had fought in war, he did not wish to send others to one if he could avoid it, especially after being there in 1951 and seeing the French get BTFO. The Military industrial complex, together with elements of the CIA/ Joint Chiefs had him killed for making America look weak time and time again (and obviously cutting into war profits). This is why he was murdered right when his reelection campaign started up, they were hoping they could just get him to go quietly. LBJ was the perfect replacement, he was dumb as fucking rocks and he was more than happy to wave America's dick around as much as he did his (he nicknamed his cock and showed it to female staffers on more than one occasion). So Vietnam went from 6000 American advisors to 18000 to 500,000 troops/advisors under retard LBJ and the MIC made the equivalent of trillions of dollars on the blood of 53,000 young Americans