HAHAHAHA Sweden is on another level of cucked, there are literally 0 white students there and they are all waving the flags of their shitskin countries HAHAHAHA
“Swedish” graduations
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That meme where Sweden and Finland trade places in the future is coming true fug
As if a brit can really talk. Lets be honest, most europoors are completely cucked. You all need to grow a pair and deport niggers and sandniggers.
>niggers shuckin and jivin
ty based nippon
Oh GOD theres more
I'm opening a betting line on the next Hitlers birth country
Sweden 3/1
Canada 5/1
Germany 7/1
UK 9/1
US 20/1
France 100/1
Any takers?
I personally know some of these girls. Far left and the one wrapped with the blue Somali flag.
For those of you uncultured swines who wonder what her hat reads ''Hooyo Macaan'' means '' Dear/sweet Mama'' in Somali language.
Slowly but surely we gonna take over the Sven Clay.
They're so clearly bothered by it. Absolutely based.
I think I saw a Kurdish flag? Even countries that don't exist are represented. Amazing.
>unironically using somali ooga booga on swedish graduation hat
Lmao svens
Kurds are our alies Ivan
Abdi to chewing khat and get off pol
Not hiding their repulsion
*go back to
They're commies. I'm no friend of commies
>tfw that's the Swedish Bikini Team (((current year))) version
pic related Swedish Bikini team in 1992
Kurds are sandgypsies
Are the members of Twice, dare I say it, /ourgirls/?
Man that never gets old
Absolutely beautiful. Asians are the last hope against the jew and multiculturalism.
Get with the times grampa.
>criticizing other expressing their views in real life
>Hides his his own flag in a Armenian carpet binding forum.
You realize that girl has big balls than you ever had
Still got nicer teeths than you, Philip.
>The look on their face
Based nips
Dude dont post that shit
The fucking feels
>that girl has big balls
That I know. After all it's not even human.
communism is the last best thing that could happen in the middle east tho
pretty sure this is a divide and conquer thread
Divide and conquer from what? Do you see any native Swedes graduating in their own capital?
The division and conquering has ALREADY happened. Fuck wake up we're mid-to-late progress in comparison you sleepy cunt.
Well there was one white student in the same class but she didn't make it to graduation, didn't survive the rapes.
We're nearly as bad go to the protests in london on june the 9th you cunt
Literally none of the flag wavers are graduating since you need at least base grade in Swedish, English and math
They're clearly Korean thots
Which protesr
Which protest
And yet, they are.
All jokes aside hows the election looking for this year? Any improvements in your city as of late?
There are no jokes to be had. 俺の友達。スウェーデンは終わりました。Its too late.
One in blue is lowkey bad af
I put 2 shekels on France because I like the long shots.
They are being pushed real far and like protesting.
I put my main pouch of 17 shekels on UK.
London is fucked and is a powder keg, they also have a rowdy buncha boys.
Your Swedish odds are far too low, they will fight for their right to be cucks.