If most people really are against immigration

Why do they keep voting for pro-immigration parties?

Attached: Interracial_Demographic_Scrapbook_10.jpg (950x606, 280K)


Attached: g69L8.jpg (500x376, 42K)

Sauce on your sister?



>If most people really are against immigration
Who said this?

Are you a retard?

we aren't

>Why do they keep voting for pro-immigration parties?

they don't.

Most people are not leftis but simply don't engage in politics.

And compared to african wombs the european woman is infertile and poluted.

So posting this dumb meme gets you public execution simply for being an idiot cuck and removing you is a civil duty.

Satan, I will resist your temptation in the name of Jesus Christ..

That’s because Italians have already awoken. The rest of Western Europe is still cucked.


Itabro, i shrieked like a fucking banshee when i saw that you did it.

I am actually looking forward to the future now that shit is going the course it should've gone LONG AGO.

no one is getting woke you clown they just want their gibs a different way and not face the consequences of their own actions.

I would kill who ever made this picture.

A couple of reasons I guess. In Australia for instance, both major parties support continued mass immigration regardless of the fact that ~50% of Australians were polled as wanting to end Muslim immigration, amongst other things, and both have (until recently) cooperated in attempting to exclude our most prominent anti-immigration party from power. In our case, the economic model of both parties is predicated on rapid population growth through immigration and they are both beholden to interests who depend on the same (property developers and investors, for example). In what is functionally a two-party system, if there is a bipartisan agreement on something the scope of change that can be effected democratically is limited somewhat. I guess what is implied in this assertion is that there is a political class rather than politicians organically coming forward from the people to represent the people.

It doesn't help that "racism" is still an effective stick to beat (white) people with and espousing policies that could attract an accusation of racism is something that most politicians and mainstream parties deem dangerous for their personal careers and reelection prospects (in no small part due to the potential for alienating the growing class of migrants).

there is an entire porn category based off this

it exists for a lesser extent for other ethnicities. ive seen literal Palestine/jew domination porn, Asian/white, Asian/black, arab/black, arab/white, and black/white

eh, that's still pretty tame compared to some of the stuff
there's a lot of more of this shit like says
and you'd be killing a valuable research subject so please don't
this weird extinction fetish is very interesting on a psychological level because it completely goes against all natural imperatives that biological life has
from my searching it is also more prevalent among people from invidualisised countries which is confusing because the focus is on the collective
and again as said it has a variety of combinations of ethnicity it can have
but in each of the combinations in addition to ethnicities the cultures are radically different

whoever makes these memes does not pay much attention to what africa or europe are like

>there is an entire porn category based off this
Ah, yes. The flaws of freedumb.

Attached: atomwaffen-3x2.jpg (400x267, 23K)

>these fags have had a concentrated shilling campaign on Jow Forums for years now
Un-fucking-believable. You fags need to start getting names.

When you have a 2 party system and both are complicit with the NWO, CIA niggers in the halls of parliament and bought out cocksuckers, voting is a waste of time, one gives more handouts and fucks the economy, the other fucks over the poor cunts when it can and hands out favors to its corporate mates

I just draw cocks on the ballot papers cause its illegal not to vote.

Good stuff