daily stalin thread. post memes, historical analysis, marxist-leninist theory, etc.
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Metaphoric despiction of him creating new food which is exactly what he did. He ended the famines that devastated frequently that region of the world .
>Starved tens of millions of Ukranians
>Created new food
>Go to Gulag
>Eat Rats
>New Food
What about the famines he created in Ukraine
Hardest laugh ever
Thx, leaf
Had myself a communist feast this afternoon
Bullshit. Central planning cannot work. There are just too many variables for a central planner to make good decisions. One mistaken calculation and millions of people starve to death.
>bad weather
>Kulaks burn the grain and kill livestock to fuck up with moscow
Ahhhh the old we didn't do it but they were treasonous Kulaks who deserved it.
You stared at a picture of bread hoping that one day you may know the taste but you just hope because you can't pray for fear of gulag because christian. Got it.
why do the clintons love canes so much?!1
>would still starve with livestock si ot dosnt mean anything
Tovarishchi, I've been thinking about the best way to normalize socialism on this board. Many of these individuals are already concious of the bourgeoisie ruling class but they cannot separate them from their race, and cannot look at Marxism objectively because of the same blindness.
Remember the social nationalist threads? You know for nazbol and bourgeoisie=jew types? I think those have great potential, as well as discussion strasserism and the influence socialism had on the various European fascist parties early in their development, especially Hitler.
Most of these people don't know what the socialism in national socialism even means.
Marxism, capitalism, Stalinism, socialism all created by and promoted by jews....
end of conversation
He wash jusht like, sucsh a bad guy you know dis?
Wow, look at the racial homogeneity. I'm sure that has nothing to do with being able to organize behind a political movement.
Be sure to keep advocating for open borders, "marxists"!
The calculation problem wasn't what caused the Holodomor. Read some history bucko.
Stalin is a faggot, so is OP
Communists killed and persecuted my family in former Yugoslavia. I can't imagine how much worse it was under Stalin.
What about NatSoc