Does being right wing limit creativity?

Does being right wing limit creativity?

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Being left-wing is being based in fantasy

can the left meme?

No, being old does

Your political view doesn't influence your creativity
But your creativity (or lack of it) can influence your political view...

Here is the explanation

Right wing creativity is so advanced right now, it’s just that normies can’t even see it. It’s a Powerful example of demoralization and cognitive dissonance in action.


Right wing beliefs correlate to a personality type that isn’t too big on creativity. That’s why so many leftists are fucking dance majors and poets, the creative personality type (that also happens to be big on empathy and idealism) fosters that kind of ideology.
>just open the borders man

theres only two good songs on that album yawwwn

Honestly a 7 is good for a damn 23 minute album with rambling

I know so many undercover right wing artists, musicians and other creative types. You are confusing popularity with creativity because you are a retarded nigger faggot.

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Your ideals and creative ideas are different

Just because someone turns into a lefty doesn’t mean they’ll finally start getting art they never did before

Reminder that studies have repeatedly found that conservative beliefs correlate with low intelligence.

Yes, being right wing belies a lower level of creativity, because on average being right wing belies a lower level of intelligence.

You are an idiot

Music is not creative at all

Science is more creative

Music is structured and has more rules

Well that's convenient, seeing as educators, scientists, and researchers are predominantly left-wing.

intelligence based on what criteria? ability to understand the gender spectrum?

they have to be otherwise their careers are stifled.
academia is home to people who refused to get a job

This is true.
My dad wants to gas the Jews unironically.

Hurrrr let’s say I’m right winged so I can be targeted and my work is never taken seriously

Creativity is fundamentally a liberal trait and therefore left wing however due to the world we live in. The modern left have been taken over by authoritarian neo marxists hellbent on destroying society. I have no doubt that Jow Forumss best shitposters are temprementally liberal but our times don’t allow for that.

IQ. Read the article, stupid.

Yep, guess all of those practicing engineers, physicists,economists, professors, and chemists are liberals not because liberal ideas are clearly more effective in creating and maintaining a functional society, but because there is a giant conspiracy preventing conservatives from achieving the advanced degrees required to work in these fields.

Occam's razor, buddy.

How can creativity be a left wing thing when Left loves censorship

How can you be creative while also censor everything

not any more. at this point, it's a meme, so morons with zero personality think they have to learn dance to pretend they're creative. meanwhile, they're just mimicking things that have happened in the past, learning how to dance / write / act / whatever based on the existing canon of work.

Sure thing retard.

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These are damage control studies done to attempt to negate the studies that came out years ago that had people having their higher brain function areas associated with problem solving and creativity suppressed with magnets

In laymans terms
Using magnets to induce a temporary lobotomy in the areas associated with problem solving and threat detection resulted in a higher rate of pro immigrant and atheist beliefs

tl;dr - study came out a couple years back that suggests leftists are operating on a comparatively braindead level, they have been asspained and trying to hit back with studies that amount of vague assumptions ever since

Yep, it's all a big conspiracy, right? Answering a question in a survey is definitely likely to ruin an accomplished engineer's career, right?

Are you that afraid of being wrong that you'd create such an absurd narrative? Do you even believe it yourself?

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I'm a classical composer and I'm "far-right" I suppose

Liberal music rags when Kanye was spouting stupid shit about George Bush dastardly whipping up a hurricane from thin air to decimate the niggers:
>he's so talented, such a misunderstood genius
Liberal music rags now that Kanye is spouting bullshit about uniting the country under "Love" to support Trump
>haha Kanye's losing his touch right goys

the guardian reading s o i drinking poofs who control the music review industry aren't actually expressing sincere opinions on the musical quality

t. ignorant of science
>Belief in God and prejudice reduced by directing magnetic energy into the brain

Read it retard
They suppressed areas that are associated with threat detection and problem solving
Hey presto
Rise in leftist beliefs

Go figure
You're equivalent to a medically lobotomised normal person

So by externally stimulating the part of the brain that is responsible for detecting and solving problems, people become more liberal?

It's hilarious that you think presenting this study furthered your position, but it actually demonstrates that conservatives need more power in their brains in order to make rational decisions about religiosity and prejudice lol

Creativity is an abstraction. You could say "being right wing" is in part as well, although you can put some parameters on the term there. What do you mean by creativity, like art? And what kind of art? Can you define "art?" Or do you mean the ability to think "outside the box" when it comes to everyday problems, and can you provide some examples? Or do you mean both? If the last one, you're really generalizing here.

Couldnt make it through the album. Drakes new shit will be here any day now

>According to liberals, liberals are smarter

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They suppressed the function of areas that are associated with problem solving and threat detection using magnetic energy, a stimulus yes.

It shows that the less grey matter you have working towards those goals (problem solving and threat detection), the less problem you will have with policies like open borders, and you're more prone to atheism.

Enjoy the fact that you're operating on a level below the average normal person, and the fact that you have to rationalise it away. Enjoy it

>posts random chart without link to backing study
>expects this to be considered as evidence

here look i can make unsubstantiated claims too

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>When we disrupted the brain region that usually helps detect and respond to threats, we saw a less negative, less ideologically motivated reaction to the critical author and his opinions

So you're saying that being ruled by ideology and primal fear is a good thing?

It's well known that conservatives are motivated by fear and anxiety. Plenty of studies on that.

What I don't understand is the non sequitur claim that a reduced level of fear and anxiety makes liberals less cognitively functional - that isn't substantiated anywhere in the abstract for that study. You think you're engineering some profound 'gotcha' moment here, but you're actually just making claims not backed up by the study you've produced.

Maybe stop presupposing your position based on ideology for 5 minutes and consider that maybe, just maybe, you're wrong on this one. Maybe put some magnets on your head so you can think clearly, as conservatives seem to need.

>goes on an ideological rant because they are triggered that they are the actual idiot as proven by science and not some blogpost

enjoy it

Imagine being this butthurt about being an actual retard

Does that include black people, memefag?


Real creativity is a very rare trait that exists outside the left/right matrix. Playing a piano or being able to do a dance are not creative.

>ignores evidence
>projects the demonstrable shortcomings of conservative thought onto someone else, while actively demonstrating those shortcomings

you're so determined to not have your mind changed, even in the face of overwhelming evidence, aren't you?

if that was a serious question, I doubt their methodology included filtering data by race. probably just comparative

You're the one ignoring the evidence

Using magnets as a suppressing force on high faculty parts of the brain associated with problem solving and threat detection results in higher rates of pro immigrant and atheist beliefs

You can argue whatever interpretation and rationalisation you want, one person was suggesting that its because conservatives operate on a "hyper" level akin to radicalisation
Which itself is rationalisation from someone that obviously would be negatively effected by such a finding


It does, only naturally. This why we need both look conservatism and liberalism they both offer great and valuable things, it's a give and take. There is no be all end solution, obviously.


you're literally making shit up. maybe reread the study, you don't seem to understand that the intent of the procedure was to suppress threat detection, not thinking or rational thought.

>being this asshurt.
No one respects ideological rants here, especially not when it is just a very big "no u".

Economic conservatives and social liberals have slightly higher average IQ's than economic statists and social conservatives. Republicans have slightly higher IQ's than Democrats. Source

Now if you were half as smart as you think you are, you would understand how little any of this means. The average IQ on both sides is less than a standard deviation away from 100, and there are highly intelligent people and extraordinarily stupid people on both the left and right and everything in-between. Moreover, we know by daily observation that highly intelligent people (as in people with high IQ's; not necessarily wise or knowledgeable) are not protected from political indoctrination, and in some cases might be more prone to it, as they tend to overthink things, and often wish to elevate themselves above all the lowly peons and their peon beliefs. This leads them to using their superior abstract thinking abilities to rationalize absolutely retarded ideas.

The point I'm trying to make is that no thoughtful person with half-decent reasoning skills would have their ideological or spiritual beliefs influenced by some study that says X people have slightly higher IQ's than Y people. If you're the sort of person who does that, you almost certain fall into the "average or almost average intelligence" category, as it indicates a lack of critical thinking skills and a lack of the ability to have genuine, novel thoughts that aren't influenced by your ego or by perceived social status.

Here I'll paste some -
>Belief in God and prejudice reduced by directing magnetic energy into the brain

>New research has revealed for the first time that both belief in God and prejudice towards immigrants can be reduced by directing magnetic energy into the brain.

>innovative experiment using transcranial magnetic stimulation, a safe way of temporarily shutting down specific regions of the brain.

>The researchers targeted the posterior medial frontal cortex, a part of the brain located near the surface and roughly a few inches up from the forehead that is associated with detecting problems and triggering responses that address them.

>published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, reveal that people in whom the targeted brain region was temporarily shut down reported less belief in God, angels, or heaven. They were also more positive in their feelings toward an immigrant who criticised their country

not hard

its a study that used magnetic stimulation to shut down parts of the brain that are associated with threat detection and problem solving, and it results in pro immigrant and atheist beliefs



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