Muslim invasion of /pol:

Why has this place become so infested with Muslim shills in the past year? Just because we hate Jews doesn’t mean you shitskins are in good company here. Your religion isn’t based nor is it compatible with white Europeans

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>Syrian flag
>Russian flag

user.. I...

This is our board now just like how Europe will be our continent very soon. Deal with it

I guess it's more of a jew vs arab thing
And most non-american here rather support the arabs over the jews.
Not that we like either, but I guess it's that.

But fuck them both. Nobody that aren't native European should even be allowed to set their foot in Europe.
Everyone should look up to Hungary and Poland for not being cucks and accepting multiculturalism and immigrants

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I've been on Jow Forums and Jow Forums for years. But I think I've grown out of Jow Forums. I am never coming back. Goodbye /pol..

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Are you guys racist, like as a white guy if I submit to Islam can I have equal rights as everyone else? Or am I doomed for the Shoah?

>These wasted digits.
JIDF detected.
This is a KNOWN shilling tactic to try to make us hate Jews less.
It's not gonna work.
If we can use the Muslims against the Jews, that just serves (((them))) right for bringing them over in the first place!

We are all equal. Your race matters not.

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This is exactly what I’m talking about.
Might as well be MIDF

i heard you have to pay a non believer tax

Your time is coming, Shlomo.
I would also support Arabs/Muslims over Jews.
After all, it's what Hitler did.
Pic related.
Assad is fucking BASED

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I'm a Christian, but I know that when Christians and Muslims fight, the ONLY WINNERS are the Jews.
Jews are the enemies of ALL PEOPLES.
To END JEWISH SUPREMACY, vote for PATRICK LITTLE on June 5 for Senate in California!

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omg you people are the worst

race doesn't matter? uhh, have you met a fucking nigger? hahaha

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>muslim shills
you mean christian shills? when is the last time you saw a muzzie general?

>False-flag terror attacks
>Blame it on Muslims
>Get White Europeans to fight your battles for you
>Take BILLIONS in foreign aid
>Invite MORE Muslims into Europe to deflect any animosity they might have towards you
(((You))) wonder why everyone hates you so much?
The JEW is the world's FOREMOST PROBLEM.
If it weren't for Jews, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, etc. would NOT be sending refugees to Europe or causing any issues for Europeans.

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I’ll keep that in mind when Christian churches are getting bombed by Islamic terrorists and Christians are persecuted in Muslim nations, I’ll definitely blame that one on the Jews
Btw I’m atheist but I hate Islam and Judaism both with a fucking passion

>Muslim shills
Nothing to say about the amount of fucking STARS OF DAVID on here too? I think it's related.

He's just a Jew trying to deflect the hatred onto another group of people.
But we're not about to let that happen.
Oy, vey! The (((Atheist))) cries out in pain as he strikes you!
"ATHEIST" like Christopher Hitchens, Lawrence Krauss, Sam Harris, Bill Maher, right? Ha ha ha this is too easy Shlomo!

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You don't need to be a total sperg about it tho.

well this is board is full of white supremacist and neo nazis so wtf did you expect.

It's a known Jewish trick. They said the same thing about the Nazis. Oh no it's not a threat to the Jews, it's EVERYONE. Seriously, if you look at any of your retarded sources, somewhere down the line you'll find that it came from the Israelis but nobody seems to give a fuck because the internet is full of brainlets.

Let's be honest Hitler was pretty based.

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yes,yes he was


Hahahahahahaha. Will be dead in less than a week if he comes outside Moscow.

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"Atheist" Shlomo btfo
Damn right he was.

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Muslims are not your friend.
They deserve to die just like rest.

Muslims are just another breed of Semite because "true Arabs" (Bedouins) are indeed Semites and closely related to Jews.

All other Muslims are either Semites or slaves of the Semitic brain virus known as Islam (see: Indonesia, Turkey, Central Asia, Iran, etc)

Reminder: Islam is cave man fanfiction.

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Indonesia and Iran are actually pretty based; at least, they were back in WWII and shortly after.
I don't know so much about Indonesia now, but I think some Western countries would improve a lot from something similar to Sukarno's government.

>deflect the hatred into another group of people
But I’ve already stated I hate both Jews and Muslims and will do anything to protect white Christians from both of you sick bastards. That’s literally what you’re doing and you’re quite obviously projecting
Pic related triggers you doesn’t it shitskin :)

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Jews are preferable to Muslims in most cases.

This, I've stopped coming here due to this place becoming Islam defense force all French flags are Muslim

We see right through you, Jew.
Tommy Robinson already has MASSIVE publicity in the U. K., and there is already a LARGE amount of Anti-Muslim sentiment in the U. S.
What could the purpose of accusing pol of 'Muslim Sentiment' be, OTHER THAN DEFLECTING BLAME AWAY FROM THE JEWS?

t. Paki

Can you read?

White Muslim converts are treated very well and you have your pick of the best women

Proves my point here
This guy probably doesn't even care that Robinson is a flaming Zionist faggot, or that Ursula Haverbeck, an 89-year old women, is locked up for 'Hate Crimes' due to 'Holocaust Denial'.

False flag to trigger the natzees

>Muslims are just another breed of Semite

yeah; praise jesus of nazareth!

>in the past year
How new are you? Muslims have been here from almost the beginning. That's what you get for anti-white misogyny, anti-Christianism and muh freeze peach. Same explosive mix as in the EU, and you know how that turned out. Muzzies are drawn to such places like flies are to shit.

I hate Christianity too but they aren't an immediate threat


It doesn't matter with respect to piousness, however it is recommended to stay with your own kind.

>when Christians and Muslims fight, the winners are usually the Christians

Because it hasn’t.

nice 888 trips
but for real shut the fuck up you 56% faggot. you most likely live in california and youre

Jesus was the opposite, he was a Semite who was, ironically infected with Zoroastrian religion /Hellenistic philosophy thanks to the conquests of the Levant by the Persians and the Greeks.

Yes Indonesia had some hope before the CIA ruined everything, like always.

>if you're not against jews while loving muslims you're a jew.
It's like the people in this thread can't think.

>I bet you’re a 56% shitskin
>now excuse me as I defend a whole religion of shitskins
And then they cry like little bitches after

>loving Muslims

...Unless the Jews help the Moors invade by opening the gates to the cities in exchange for being given positions of power and influence in the resulting government and being placed in charge of the banks.
Learn some Spanish history.

Defend murdering this woman, Zionist filth.
By the way, many Palestinians are Christians!

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great strawman logical fallacy you fucking faggot
you ignored all my other posts so you're essentially admitting that you are an underage poster
go back to studying pre-algebra

>Why has this place become so infested with Muslim shills in the past year?
What, you thought all eurocuck flags were whites?
Also, They're literally +30% if the Russian population
Was only a matter of time

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Too much makeup, t.b.h. There's my justification

>Just like Europe will be ours soon
That's just the thing though, this isn't a eurocuck board, you're thinking of Jow Forums
This is an American board, you can't have it

The enemy of my enemy is my friend is a falsehood.

Everyone's a fucking enemy.

she's a palestinian animal

No one even brought this ugly shitskin up.
I won’t defend her, all shitskins and muslims deserve death

No such thing camel jockey

Based kebab remover is correct
The enemy of my event is another enemy

Haha cucks

muslims have no place in a civilized society.

“Palestinians” don’t exist, the area they live in used to be apart of Egypt and Jordan. If those two countries cared about them so much they, or others around them would have taken those poor “refugees” in and not threaten to wipe Israel off of the face of the Earth. In any case Israel can not be defeating in war due to the Samson option, which would end the world order as we know it.


much to soon

stfu go suck mohameds dick u creepy fuk

the only one who wins whenn muslims and jews fight is christians. the problem is we dont because of pathetic cucks like u

this. way to many muslim apologists here. instead of leaving tho we need to push them out.

> Palestinians are Christians!
you mean the 8 thats left because of muslim terror? kys

I have no problem with them in their own countries. What are we doing in theirs?

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Sandniggers and jews are the same semantic faggotss

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It’s not we just bumped Muslims up a tier since Jew cock sucking is at an all time high and people like you hate it. Haven’t you noticed how many Muslim hate threads and threads about how good israel is skyrocketing? It’s because the don’t like the ripple effect of condemning Israel. Muslim popularity is a small price to pay jews need to be dealt with first

Who the FUCK has invited them faggot. At basically Every protest you homo's have been screaming at the top of your fucking lungs for more niggers to come in so don't blame anyone but yourself you larping little fuck.
When populist parties take over we'll force you to live in their fucking neighbourhoods.

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No one will care

>Why has this place become so infested with Muslim shills in the past year?
They breed like rats, smell like shit, have the IQ of an infant and are are sodomized and loved by the lefties.
They probably dont even know why they're here. They're like the black plague.

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What did you expect, once you convert you are no longer white.

Spoken like a true lefty

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>hurr durr da muslims are da main problem based Jews

We embrace truth here. Return to /ptg/ or /T_D if you want a safe space.

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We don’t care if someone is white or black so long as they are Muslim.

>hurr durr

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lefty parasite or muslim, two sides of the same coin.

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Muslims transcend left and right, it is you w*sterNrs who are stuck in such concepts

we don't want you in Europe

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And yet we are outbreeding you and converting Europeans. Europe will be Muslim, must hurt.

>stuck in such concepts
This is what Islam looks like

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>we are outbreeding you
Yes, you breed like rats, like a plague

You rape and murder like the somali shitskins you are interbred with.
Your polluted genes are destroying the world and you love it.
You hate white people and western culture. The only thing you love is submissive attitude and faggotry you fucking freak.

You future will be as black as the shit that comes out of your mouth and ass.

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Do you want me to post pictures of what the west has done? Difference is, Islamic terrorism is carried out by some isolated individuals, western terrorism is carried out by governments.

>likes western culture
>talks bad about faggotry

>Europe will be shitskinned, must hurt.
Not really, I hope someone glasses Europe before that happens

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The day of the rope draws nearer, subhuman

Niggers and sand niggers can all die.

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You can have your impotent fantasy all you want. Islam is the fastest growing religion, “whites” are dying out. You should convert and join something that actually has a future. Live with some dignity instead of being a racist incel.

>Do you want me to post pictures of what the west has done?
So you want to post picture of what soldiers do, and you conflate that with Fucking terrorism.
You people live on the fucking benefits we work and pay for!
You think anyone likes you, they dont even accept you. Just look at how they look at you, its not out of respect. its out of being branded a racist, not that it matters.

Whites are dying out and most of them think you are insane anyway. You will not stop Islam.

>Thinks he can leave pol forever
>Thinks he can leave Jow Forums forever

I tried and failed. It's not possible

You think that's western culture you inbred fucking leeching little monkey?
Those are the guys who love you, the fucking left. Those are YOUR allies you faggot.

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Any enemies of White people are weapons utilized by our (((enemies))).
White identity matters.

>Whites are dying out
Not dying out, whites are being killed by you

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