>Muh meditation

According to Yuri Bezmenov, it was researched by the KGB because meditating makes you easier to manipulate:

>Because, you see, a person who is too much involved in introspective meditation, you see, if you carefully look [at] what Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is teaching to Americans, [it] is that most of the problems, most of the burning issues of today, can be solved simply by meditating. Don’t rock the boat, don’t get involved. Just sit down, look at your navel, and meditate. And the things, due to some strange logic, due to cosmic vibration, will settle down by themselves.
>So obviously you can see that if [the] KGB were that curious, if they paid [for] my trip to Haridwar, if they assigned me to that strange job, obviously they were very much fascinated. They were convinced that that type of brainwashing is very efficient and instrumental in [the] demoralization of [the] United States.

Also, it makes you insane:
>One of the most striking, written in 2001 by a British psychiatrist, told the story of a 25-year-old woman who, like Louise, had a serious mental health problem following meditation retreats. The first time she was admitted to hospital her symptoms included:
>thought disorder with flight of ideas, her mood was elevated and there were grandiose delusions including the belief that she had some special mission for the world: she had to offer ‘undying, unconditional love’ to everyone. She had no [critical] insight.
>In 1992, David Shapiro, a professor in psychiatry and human behaviour at the University of California, Irvine, published an article about the effects of meditation retreats. Shapiro examined 27 people with different levels of meditation experience. He found that 63 percent of them had at least one negative effect and 7 percent suffered profoundly adverse effects.

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wow a sample of 27 whole people

>According to Yuri Bezmenov
Yuri Bezmenov was a double agent you idiot

>Yuri Bezmenov said things I disagree with because I'm a fucking commie

>Meditation is so you can relax, and just chill. Kinda like sleep but weary for a( little time. )
>Advanced meditation can't be done properly by those weak willled. It takes years of preperation.

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Nothing new.
It's fairly known meditation can trigger or worsen mental illness because it puts your mind in a state of "free flow" and bring back all the traumas that are habitually avoided, if you are mentally fragile you will have problem dealing with that.

Retreats are especially retarded because they make people unprepared sit for 4 hours straight meditating, it's like forcing an obese guy with hypertension to run a marathon.

So westerners interesting in eastern religion tens to be cultural spastics and trend-riders who can be manipulated by targeted psyops.
So Meditation doesn't spontaneously remediate existing mental disorders.

Sounds like meditation isn't the issue.

From a Christian perspective, any religion or practice that tries to activate the "third eye" or become "spiritually awakened" is utter deception (demonic). These heathen Easterners have been doing things like this since time immemorial. And they wonder why they their ancient forrests and temples are cursed and they lose their minds over time.
Even if religion wasn't the case here, these people are sick in the end. Most are vegans that transition to fruitarianism then eventually Sun gazing and breatharianism.
Natural selection Is the cure in the end.

>mood elevation and caring about others are signs of insanity
wew lad

Why do you think meditation is being pushed in schools now, and shoved on all types of people? It will fulfill two purposes at the same time: to make individuals focused on passivity and easier to control, and to make many of them lose their souls while trying to become God.

Before Eastern religion was introduced into the West, meditation simply meant to think or ponder about a subject, as a man naturally does without an entire doctrine of brain poison being foisted upon him.

>muh neo kike on a stick religion says it's demonic

wow what a bull and one crazy woman meditating does not mean meditating makes you go crazy. On the contrary. We create everything within and reflect it around us, to our life. So why it would be bad idea to learn how to control yourself?


ITT: Butthurt eastern heathens and concerned white Christian men of the west.

>semite religion

You know nothing, just implicating everything.

>y'all are demons. hail based jewsus.
the state of american christcucks

>finncucks playing god and destroying their own spirits
I'm not a big racialist but maybe there is something to be said about the strange genetic mixture of the Finns.

Christianity is the most cucked and submissive religion, you mutt.

>Meditation isn't so you can become god. It should be used as a relaxant(an alternative to drugs). unless you want meditation to be a big impactor you'd better prepare yourself in terms of willingness and mentality.

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Who are you quoting? In any case, one doesn't need to sit in a funny pose or follow an Indian's religious practice to relax or focus.

>Christcucks utterly convinced that self-reflection is somehow a negative

Really makes me think. Meditation is gay, but it's still better than kneeling before the ZOGgeist.

Two people went batty (were most likely batty before) and now meditation makes you insane?

Why is OP pushing this kind of stupid ass propaganda over something as petty as meditation?

>feeble minded idiots cant handle mind-altering practices

now this is surprising and astonishing and not something id have expected at all.

That is true. But you have to find whats the most comfiest for you while being alert. Doing meme poses is a term of comfyness and being alert.

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>virtually everyone criticizing OP is a nordcuck
You're no different from your Moslem-importing politicians. Your ultimate goal is still self-annihilation.

Meditation disciplines and strengthens the mind which makes you less prone to fall for degenerate and bluepilled behaviors.
They would rather you get to watch porn, smoke weed or play the vidyajew than bettering yourself.

Meditation and yoga have been hugely beneficial for me. They helped me work through some seriously traumatic events when I was a child and helped me to overcome the alcoholism I developed in my teens and early twenties. It helps me to feel more confident, and happy by letting go of things I cannot change while allowing me to focus on what I need to pursue next in life. I I also don't see it being incompatible with Christianity.

This makes more sense to me. This kind of stuff does tend to attract a lot of faggots,

Reminder that all amerimutts here are circumcised at birth which irremediably alter their brains and make them such zealous and anger-ridden creatures.

>the virgin Abrahamism vs the chad Dharma

there is a whole chapter of the Christ' life of which many say He went to Asia and studied the Bhudda

i have seen meditation turn people into brainwashed victims buy religious groups (cults). it can happen the brain is literally switching wavelengths

This just in: Altered states of consciousness change the way you think. News at 11.

If you do it incorrectly, perhaps. Otherwise you ought to build a foundation and a sense of not just being but belonging in this world, rightfulness for survival. Also strength and discipline.

Yesh, all that guru indian bs is fake religion anyway.

I fell for this new age meme once, not my proudest moments.
I lived through 2 years of my life devoid of the will to change things and without long term goals and trying to see the best in everyone. Suffice to say it's a load of bullshit.

Regardless, meditation, done in the correct manner, is advisable for everyone imo. Think of meditation not as any other definition given by these sects and new age bullshit, but rather as "thinking with extreme intensity and focus". It can be done for whatever purpose you have in mind really, it will discipline your mind and it will help conditioning your mind towards that goal, increasing your chances of success. It can also be used to change yourself.
Do not use guided meditations and do not go to group meditations. Do it alone, your thoughts to yourself. The same goes for yoga, disregard any "philosophy" taught.

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>(((Buddha))): Renounce the world, goy. You don't need wealth and possessions, goy. Happiness is found by daydreaming.

How many Christian semites do you know? Yeah, thought so, Ali.

>Two people went batty
>Two people
>Not even able to read OP post
Meditators, ladies and gentlemen.

>Meditation disciplines and strengthens the mind which makes you less prone to fall for degenerate and bluepilled behaviors.
Is that why the USSR sponsored it in the US?

>Schizophrenia isn't a bug, it's a feature!

Meditation will only damage you if your mind is weak and you're not willing to be redpilled.

out of all the christian countries:
Germany: 56.5 million christians
Congo: 63.2 million
China: 68.4 million
Nigeria: 78.1 million
Philippines: 84.5 million
Russia: 104.8 million
Mexico: 107.9 million
Brasil: 173.3 million
US: 243.1 million

Most christians are non-white.

Hmm, sounds like Jesus

Meditation was invented by the formerly Aryan Brahmin class of India. This is a Judeochristian psyop. Christians hate anything Aryan or European

>(((David Shapiro)))
Every single time!

Yes silly goyim, don't meditate, it will ruin your mental health

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Read .

Jesus, Buddha, doesn't matter, pushing the same anti-life shit that the Jews do.

Wouldn't monasteries, and temples be filled with insanity then?
Monks, priests, and nuns spend hours in meditation/prayer, and though I'd rather not be one, they don't strike me as insane.

Go join these guys user. They're always looking for crew members.

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>(((America))): affirm your personality by buying that new car, here are good loans we can get for you! get that shit ice cream it's so sweet! Go the cinema for the newest cape cuck 3, you are not one of these BORING dorks that hate FUN do you? Don't forget to post your review on twitter! Consume, consume, consume!

How to become a crew member of SV Delos.

I'm too old anons, I'm an old fag almost fiddy.
Get off your fucking vag's and go nail these broads. Be a chad, the roasties are ripe for the picking!

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>muh demons

(((David Shapiro)))

Stop spreading misinformation and fearmongering.
>Lazar: The first study looked at long term meditators vs a control group. We found long-term meditators have an increased amount of gray matter in the insula and sensory regions, the auditory and sensory cortex. Which makes sense. When you’re mindful, you’re paying attention to your breathing, to sounds, to the present moment experience, and shutting cognition down. It stands to reason your senses would be enhanced. We also found they had more gray matter in the frontal cortex, which is associated with working memory and executive decision making.

Meditation can literally increase grey matter in the brain in 8 weeks of daily practice, and there have been tons of studies from other places than Harvard as well on Tibetan and Buddhist monks and long time meditators that found better cognitive performance and increased grey matter compared to control groups that did not meditate.

Meditation is a natural tool of the brain, a skill you learn to do and reap the benefits from over the long term. What is sketchy and to be avoided are the dogmas associated with the techniques as well as things like meditation retreats which are not for everyone. Examine, research and practice meditiation as secularly as possible if you don't agree with the Buddhist dogma associated with it, dont just outright dismiss it though based off fearmongering and misinformation, or do, its your choice.

Exactly, but its when you take your average person living in Western society and throw them into a practice rife with religious dogma intended for those who chose to become monks and nuns that the "insanity" happens.

Its extremely important to seperate the practical practice of meditation, from the hardcore religious dogma it has been associated with from the East for 1000's of years. Dogma and teachings that are not for everyone living in a materialistic, consumer society, that is incompatible with that lifestyle. People aren't aware of this and go on retreats like they are training to become Buddhist monks, and pick up teachings that are at odds with the modern Western lifestyle and find themselves in inner conflict.

The lifestyle is not for everyone, the actual practice of meditation, is however, and everyone can benefit from it. Everyone can benefit from a brief 10-20 minute period in their day where they do absolutely nothing, dont engage with their thoughts, and just focus on their breath, and everyone can benefit from mindfulness and the like when its practiced secularly and removed from the Eastern baggage and dogma that is not to everyones benefit given the society we live in is not the same as the society the majority of the teachings and dogma were intended for.

But there are of course those that can benefit from that too if they feel it is the right path for them, or if they want to find some wisdom in Buddhist teachings, you don't have to become a monk for that either. Moderation is key.

>the brain is literally switching wavelengths
Whats your point, the brain is literally switching wavelengths all the time depending on your mood, circumstances, circadian rythym etc
>Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta

So much fucking misinformation and stupidity ITT jesus Jow Forums.

OP is trying to dumb you down - a clear agenda.

Everyone should meditate. It’s very hard. What good is lifting weights and minding the body without a sufficiently trained mind?
That said, I tend to practice for months on end only to quit again, mostly due to work. Don’t claim to have discipline until you follow a regimen of physical AND mental/spiritual practice.

What a confused post. Devout christians meditate daily, with the rosary or prayers. The ”third eye” concept you talk about is a consumer culture innovation -mostly- derived from misunderstandings of legit texts, or a LARP/fantasy fiction play.

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Bullshit. Meditation was my lifechanger. Before meditation, all my methods had been proved unsound. Meditation was the shit.

I can explain a lot of meditation to whoever is out there. I instruct it,

It's not inherently bad but it can be. It can be used to reprogram a person. When you start to open and explore the mind you are opening a certain door. What comes through the door once it is open can be positive or negative. Once that door is open, someone experienced can send through ways to control a person and brainwash. When your mind is open you are in an impressionable state.

This is the cucked church perspective. They want to control and brainwash you themselves. I think a lot of evidence showed that Jesus meditated and was a Yogi.

Were talking about meditation here not hypnosis or some shit.

Depends on the type of meditation I would argue, meditation to fortify yourself would probably have the opposite effect. Also, this could also be a case of correlation rather than causation, as a lot of hippies who "meditate" are already people who are easily manipulated.

I'm sure monks in the mountains are not becoming easier to manipulate due to their meditation.