Liberal = happy, fulfilled, policies rooted in reality

Liberal = happy, fulfilled, policies rooted in reality

Conservative = angry, spiteful, policies not based in reality

Why would I want to be anything but a liberal?

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Hahahah yeah, there's so many happy, young, college liberals. Right?

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who are you kidding, mr women can have penises

Men have penis
Women have vagina

Because liberals are fucking stupid and get the bullet too.

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a lot of people who take drugs are happy and fulfilled too


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Maybe it’s me but I’ve never seen a happy liberal. They complain about something different each week and act like the world is against them

>Liberal = happy, fulfilled, policies rooted in reality
Which liberals are you talking about?

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Useless bait

Being vigilant and wanting security is not hateful however. Its protecting from hate and comes from a compassion of a higher, wiser perspective.

>policies rooted in reality
Lmao they actually believe this. Liberalism and far left shit like communism rely on a fundamentally flawed view of human nature. Making policies out of forced sharing, forced hospitality, and forced inclusion will backfire because your idea that people are inherently good is utterly wrong. People are selfish, territorial animals, and it's only when there's a strong pro-social culture that their selfishness will work towards a common good. Liberal-fueled tribalism in the form of their twisted oppression olympics along with multiculturalism and globalism shred that to pieces and turns their platform into a suicide cult.

I like being angry

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>liberals are happy
top kek

Yeah, because antifa are happy and fulfilled with policies rooted an anything even remotely resembling reality...

Yeah, because antifa are happy and fulfilled people with policies rooted an anything even remotely resembling reality...

Wew. I've never met a happy liberal in my life. Protip: They enjoy being miserable. They secretly love when people are being non-PC, so they can stir up some drama.


Pick one.

show me the happy liberal please...
also Hard life is good life

You're wrong, OP. Conservatives are happy because traditional values and fundamentals rule. Your kind, on the other hand, believe your race is deficient, that girls have a penis, that men should marry men, and that your dream is to suck nigger dicks like a whore. No one can be happy when that is their ideology.

I'm conservative and haven't been happier since I made the switch after realizing liberals are retarded, I'm closer to my family and purged all of the toxic friendships/relations I had, I focus more on studying and cultivating general knowledge about the world, I rediscovered the love for my country (even if it's a shithole is my shithole and I would never change being Mexican for anything) rediscovered my faith (even if I don't go to church often I now believe in God and Christ more than ever), I now see throught the lies of the media and they no longer influence neither my critical analysis or my general outlook, I'm more at peace with myself, with nature and with life in general since I became conservative (of course not in the retarded US political spectrum way since "conservatives" in US politics are pretty much just liberals with another coat of paint)

how can you be a liberal? they are always bitching about everything and even make stuff up to bitch about

>Liberals = happy
Yeah, no.


good 1 f@m

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I'm a liberal. Luckily i'm fortunate enough to be European. Here liberals are right-wingers, not dirty commies.

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Because the neo-Nazi's Day of The Rope policy initiative is a well thought out policy position that will sail through the legislative and judicial system without any resistance.

People who care too much about politics, mainly the radical left and right, who think knowing politics makes them intelligent when it's just reading articles everyday and doing nothing else and can only use politics as an ice breaker to feel superior in knowledge and can talk about nothing else in intellectual discourse and interrupt family dinners or topics with no relative connection to politics just to self insert their own egos = miserable people

People who casually talk about politics and don't let it encumber their lives and have social circles where they talk about entertainment and experiences that will almost likely never effect them = happy, normal people

Despite the unhappiest leftists all killing themselves off with their higher suicide rate, lefties are still less happy. Sorry you were told in school that it was okay to be retarded but actually it sucks so stop being retarded or off yourself if you want to improve those numbers a bit.

The happiest girl I know is my gf who thinks women should submit to their husbands and their place is in the home. Plenty of miserable liberals in my area who hate her for how bad her happiness makes them feel about themselves, though.

liberal = someone who hasn't experienced or witnessed the true cruelty man and nature.
conservative = someone who has experienced or seen way too much of both.

>happiness is a reality
if only it were true ;_;

It is user. I believe it's out there for you. I have looked into the abyss and walked away and I know others who were supposed to be beyond help who are now happy. From the absolute worst situations that seem like a tragedy or a horror movie to a fulfilling and happy life. Life is not just suffering. There is plenty of happiness for you.

Libs are the angriest and unhappiest folks around.

I guess you're a faggot.

>violent revolution
>legal procedures

Pick one, idiot.

Liberal = utopia is possible

Conservative = nothing is perfect, but let’s do the best we can with what we have

I've never understood how left anarchists find such common ground with left authoritarians
They're supposedly literally diametrically opposed on an axis

stupidity is the only reason.

Because they both have the same end goal

>happy fulfilled rooted in reality

are you a troll or really this stupid?

acording to commies and antifa all white people get the bullet you fuckface

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>policies rooted in reality
coexisting isnt a option. segregation was always more stable. open boarders is a joke thats a national security risk and it will kill any welfare state a nation has

Liberal = self-loathing ethno-masochist; at war with his own people, an insecure oikophobe.

checked. true.

only if you’re a wealthy douchebag who wants to rape the ordinary guys of their wages, or have been brainwashed by them and their shills

nice thread you cocksucker


Conservative = family, church, community, rule of law, healthy lifestyles, happy children, strong economy, high standard of living

Liberal = piercings, tattoos, childless feminists, homosexuals, trannies, kowtowing to jews and muslims, communism, social mobs, witch hunts

The left wing voter is motivated by hope and optimism of what this country could be.

The right wing voter is motivated by fear, anger, and greed.

>ignorance is bliss
What else is new?

What a sexist bigot post!

Basado compa.

>rooted in reality

You got it exactly the other way around...

Every study done so far show that conservatives are happier than leftists.

>not based in reality
Hey, you know what? Leftists also don't believe in an objective reality. Subjective reality is paramount in the name of feelings. So if you really were one, you're arguing based on your idealistic perception of reality; not based on objective reality.

Socialism or reality

Pick one


You clearly don't know many liberals then.

watch madonna and ashly judd at the pussy march on DC., miserable feckless cunts.
Then watch the womens march for life the following week. positive and upbeat.
op a moron.

It seems more like one is the end goal of the other. Can you explain it to me?

Why don't you just move to Cuba, you retarded faggot?

I am a social democrat, Bernie progressive kinda guy. My life goal is to finish college and move to Scandinavia. Go move to Cuba and enjoy your communism, lmao.

>grounded in reality
>gender exists in a spectrum
Choose one

Liberal: Hey shit kinda sucks around here lately, can we try what every other major country on earth has been do-

Comservative: NO. FUCK OFF KIKE. Change scares me, things are comfy for me personally. And if I'm not comfy, then rich people tell me that taxing them less and letting them do whatever they want is going to help me in a ton of ways! How you ask? Uhhhh idk go read Ayn Rand you fucking JEW SHILL REEEEEEE

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Have you met someone who is far left? They're all miserable

Liberals got the socialism part right just missing the nationalism.

Please guys do not respond to this (((kind))) of threads

Just sage

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>So happy!

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Liberal = cucked, suicidal, unnatural, wageslaves,
Conservative = cucked, wageslaves, angry, oppressive

Hippy = white, happy, community

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Name one country that rose to power with liberal policies.

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Did you miss the part where liberal males in particular are among the most unhappy people according to psychologists?
Of course you would, because this is a shill thread.

YOU dont. YOU want to be "liberal".
>And that's a good thing.

have at it, faggot

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Actually the other way around. You're either mentally retarded or unspeakably evil, libshill.

Alt-right and rightwing capitalist:
Cucks who want to work for corporations who use their power to control elections so that leftwing parties and culture dominates

Hippies: Peak whiteness, live outside the system. Not controlled by corporations who hate them.

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>the easy lie
>the bitter truth

>Why would I want to be anything but a liberal?
Because there's a correlation between economic status and political inclinations?

If you're a lazy fuck whose contributed nothing for society you're obviously gonna try and mooch while if you've lucked out and own industries and stuff you'll try to lock out moochers at the expense of freedoms.

People rarely get to choose but if you are able to then good for you.

Liberals and "Conservatives" both have it wrong.

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self destruction = the greatest form of mental illness

>Liberal = happy
>policies rooted in reality

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>policies rooted in reality

Wew that was a good laugh thx op

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