Britbongs, when did it all go wrong?

Attached: Ukstan.jpg (787x697, 78K)

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that incident happened in my town apparently. didn’t hear about it until I read it on Jow Forums. turns out it was some spesh so god knows what he was doing with that peeler.

Potato Peeler ban when? I mean they come pre-cut and washed. nobody needs a potato peeler in 21st century.

No loicense

Attached: zknwislncuy01.jpg (768x768, 114K)

>when did it all go wrong?
When you let all the muslims and shitskins into your country by the masses over the last two decades.

ohhhhhhh man...
>Do you have id?
>the weapon you are buying.

this may sound pretty alien to burgers who live around daily school shootings but anyone living outside enriched l*ndon doesn’t need to carry anything because nobody else does.

>Assault Whisk
These are great for beating eggs or overthrowing tyrannical governments.

Should've gotten his potato peeler loicense beforehand.

You could take an eye out with that