There is absolutely nothing wrong with this scenario

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this scenario.

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Abdul has to go back

What's wrong with middle eastern cuisine?

Yeah, fuck Harry. err not literally.

>shocking taste in music
What was he listening to, Jow Forums?

wow, what a realistic conversation. I could really see that happening.

Lol best conversation ever! Sort of like a real life pol. I would love to be a part of this kind of banter

Nothing but hamster dance all the fucking time

To be fair, it does stink like shit


Attached: middle eastern cuisine.jpg (600x400, 31K)

Pretty much most of our lunchroom conversation, and I work for the government

Sarah doesn't use proper terminology. Harry is a fag or pooftah or something.

>Middle eastern cuisine
>Posts pictures of jews

>shocking taste in music
Over the fucking line

You fucking idiot. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

>american education
we seriously need to get our shit together

why are you doing this to us?

Someone shitposts, man guys we really need to get our shit together. kys and just call the guy a faggot you fag.

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I question his public relation skills. If he smells like hummus and kebab, not sure how much people like dealing with him.

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Is this what lefties think right-wing conversations are like?

Based Sarah

Attached: I agree.gif (200x150, 395K)

The nasheed

yes, this is exactly how real people talk. so realistic. perfect conversation to analyse.

Is that a textbook for teaching the Australian language?

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> be le 2% face mutt shit
> be retarded

Everything is normal.

They are like that to be fair.

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Sarah is waifu material

It's shit.

Dawalat al-islam (anthem of isil)

You're too smart for this world

Bretty normal workplace culture. You can virtue signal and give tolerance speeches all you want, but the second the boss is out of sight people revert to their prejudices and infighting.

> Be in China
> Training school loses customers because Australians don't speak authentic English
> School wont hire black people
> School wont hire openly gay individuals
> School prefers whites with American or British English

Jow Forums hates China therefore Jow Forums are hypocrites

Why the fuck is he not wearing shoes?

We hate china because it's full of chinks

Harry needs to post pics of butt.

Attached: cool dragon sunnies.jpg (684x690, 113K)

Yeah... It's a price some of us are willing to pay to live in one of the last places free of open degeneracy.

>conversations that have never happened

The people who write this shit graduated highschool, got a Cert 4 in HR, and went to work for the local council. They've never experienced life outside of weird corporate role-play scenarios.

Because he's Australian.
Why the fuck are you wearing a meme flag?

Nobody thinks this way. Of course (((they))) have convinced you that we all think this way and can't help it.

Attached: burn it.png (377x560, 446K)

>free of open degeneracy


Attached: Asian chinks cook boy.jpg (795x749, 155K)

people can't have an opinion anymore?

1. Stop bringing stinking food into the office, Abdul.

2. wtf is Zlatan?

3. boss likes him and hard working, that's very good for Abdul.

4. I don't know that the customers like dealing with people like him. (This is actually fair to say, if your customers don't like dealing with the people you hired, you've fucked up)

5. OK. Australians like interacting with other Aussies.

6. Harry the poof just got BTFO.

Funny, except these people don't have any power of firing or hiring the other workers they're talking about. They're having a private conversation jabbing, bitching and gossping over their workmates. Their own opinion is their own opinion, who cares.

Abdul: Allah Ackbar, these kuffir will have their heads chopped off, Inshallah. That woman should be wearing a burkha and be at home, and Harry will be thrown from a building too.

I wonder which mentality is worse?

Harry did nothing wrong, but if he's a raging faggot isn't it understandable some people won't like that.

Is Sarah real and if so how do I get in contact with her? She seems like a real trad keeper.


can you post the whole page or other pages too OP?

>tfw my name is Harry
Does this mean I'm gay?

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dope tunes like this


Found it here mate

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poland mate, where is your famous nationalism?

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where can I find a place to work just like that?
>pic related
my resume

Attached: neet.png (574x629, 66K)

No, being British means you're gay

>Is that a textbook for teaching the Australian language?
no, that's here

did you work in a team with the animals

>GPA is low

never mention a negative, or try to justify it, unless they explicitly ask for it.

>writing skills
Judging by this resume apparently not

This conversation is unrealistic.
Music is haram. Sandniggers aren't people, but the fag who wrote this thinks they are because they've never had to deal with one in a meaningful way.

>market yourself as an excellent communicator
>resume is decidedly average

I'm in a hiring and firing role and that resume would go straight in the trash, unless it had a really exceptional cover letter.

Cut hobbies, nobody cares. I'd say cut extracurriculars, but then you'd have basically nothing left.

Skills and career should be the same heading, because you should be making a career out of your skills. You have excellent communication skills? Okay. Prove it. Tell me something about your job at Pet Smart that demonstrates your excellent communication skills.

For example, an old resume of mine talked about when I worked at McDonald's. I wrote briefly about how I was promoted to Crew Trainer and assigned programs to work on with the Crew by the Manager, and how I managed to save the store $150 on lettuce per month by reducing waste. That description I just gave you is pretty much all that I had on the resume, but it's essential: it does more than state that I am capable of leading a team to achieve an outcome set by my 1-up, it demonstrates it. It's a tiny, tiny achievement - but my competition was resumes like yours, so it was enough to get me over the line.

>"but i have nothing like that"
Then you'll struggle to find a job.

Too bad so sad.

Look who knows how to use google to fine gore. Cool.

What's your problem lad?

I'm at work at wanna fuck my wife before she leaves the country. What's yours?

Someone put it into the template

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More real scenario being like:
>I don't like Abdul, my brother can't get a job but this immigrant just came here and they gave him a good job without even having field experience

Pakis ruining my country

what was the Jow Forums consensus? was it decided that chinese are human or not?

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I would say they're human, because in the past they produced some great people, they've just lost their way because of the Manchus and then communism. The average chink is worse than the average white I think, but at higher levels we are more equal, though I would say the greatest minds of all have been whites, there have been some really clever Chinese fellas.

Attached: Chinese childbirth.webm (224x400, 2.85M)

afghani food is fucking delicious my dude and I will fight anyone who disagrees

that said I've only had it in a nice restaurant, if it was prepared by some illiterate goatherd who preps food with the same hand he wipes ass with I could see it being bad

No man asks a woman what they think of a person thats female behavior. The soiyim that made this has no clue how men operate.

Israel is in the middle east you dummy. Don't you know even that much about your greatest ally?

Sarcasm? I can't tell.

Good on ya, m8. Now I need me an "Alternate Current / Direct Current" T-shirt, ya cunt.

In all of our training videos, its always the whites that are the offending party


Fuck this shit