Face it, female comedians are just better

Face it, female comedians are just better.


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>this is Australian humour

my cringe compilation. this one's goin in it

Anyone wanna go see her perform and laugh loudly at her? A group of us can go and just laugh like crazy and make her think she is funny.

Yeah I'm keen.

where we dropping bois

As far as female comedians go she's actually pretty good.

>/auspol/ goes on the piss

i always thought that pic was of a fag


das rite

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admit it, if it was a guy you would all laugh, sexist pigs

>"You know those little packages of nuts you get on the plane? Well, what i dont get is why men have been oppressing women since the dawn of time!"
>audience laughs and cheers wildly

Do this please.

She isn't good. She is as funny as a highschool drama student. I am serious, she acts just like a highschool drama student.

One of the worst aspects of feminism is the absolute lack of serious criticism. The little criticism that does exist is actually veiled praise. How can a worldview and philosophy actually thrive without criticism? Women so often will not see the negative (and positive as well!) traits that in general they carry. One of these is a trouble accepting criticism and rationalizing away dilemmas and mistakes made

Nothing will ever top SHOES
I can't believe she didn't go straight out back and hang herself after that.

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Please have sex. Women are funny, get over it.

>making random noises, and accents is funny
If I could throw 40s filled with piss at said comedian MALE or FEMALE I would definitely laugh

How are they funny. Please give examples. The latest genuinely funny joke made by a woman got her fired. Jerret does look like a chimpanzee from the shitty planet of the apes remake.

t. virgin

If you dont find this hilarious, you are a bitter alt-right incel


A man delivering all of this would've actually made it funny. Women have the strange power to actually suck the humor and fun out of a joke, even if they're trying their hardest to get laughs.

I don't understand what's happening in the video or the thread.
I don't understand anything anymore.

>that thumbnail
can't even bring myself to open it desu

Holy shit, that was so bad that I actually laughed

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australia was a mistake

I haven't seen a funny comedian in ages.

I looked her up, she had a country tour a few months ago and was having sell out shows. I underestimated how popular she was. I was thinking half a dozen of us could rock up to some comedy club.

Please actually do this

Just keep hysterically laughing through the whole thing and then go silent on the “””punchlines”””

I want to complain and say "women comedians suck" but this.

dave chappelle's new specials?


Men are better at everything you dumb cunt

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>Implying Brits have ever made posts half as good as the ozzie bants

All that sun did them good, they're basically the upgraded version of Brits.

She's got some delicious thighs. I liked watching her prance around stupidly and flex those things. It would be a shame if she's a dyke.

why stop there, go to every live show you can and become a phenomenon

Sorry but having sex doesn't make women any funnier.

That is pretty gay. She isn't very good

No politics equals slide Bs.
One Shekel deposited.

The thighs don't lie, she's smooth as fuck

Do you even know any Aussie comedians?

yea I'd bang her


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she'll make good soap

She looks like a fucking emu.

damn she is cute

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I actually puke burped into my mouth. I have never done that before, this was so cringe that I my body went from second hand embarrassment to third degree embarrassment, and I vomited. Jesus fucking christ.

Lmao this is how you get in the looney bin

She looks like a SJW fat dyke

>getting thirsty over a dyke

don't blame your GERDS and acid reflux on thighzilla the comedienne

I would do this

meh i like weird non-fat chicks, long before this sjw craze hit the world

Retarded metric for cultural humor, I've dealt with quite a few aussies and quite a few brits and the aussies were much more relaxed and nice. Brits are pretty funny at times, but aussies are funnier because they're more layed back in general.

>they're basically the upgraded version of Brits

You're the downgraded version

Please no, not this again. I just finished therapy from seeing it the first time

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t. New Pakistani powers through Ramadan to shit on another country he wishes he lived in.

ok that was kinda cute

No one thinks this shill, not even normies.
Blatant slide thread.
You can't save your pedo friends, they're already dead.

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That would be the leafs partner.
Most white Americans are of German heritage, by the way, anglo genes do exist in large numbers but thats mostly in the northeast and the south.
>inb4 56% yer all mixed blood innit!

>Sorry but having sex doesn't make women any funnier.
it is when you are dressed up as a clown and she doesn't know you're about to have sex with her

You got a license for humour m8?

>Most """white""" Americans are of 1/64th German heritage


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He just threw rod in water.


one of the lessons Jow Forums taught me was that girls are never funny

Do this.

be-hug-eora-hahur dads google history.

So funny and original. Brits love posting this hilarious maymay to counter signal brit hate.
White Americans are the least likely to racemix out of all groups in the USA. On average we are 98.6% European.
You can act smug, but with your birthrate you will be in our shoes by 2040.

There have been studies asking people how important "humor" is as a quality in their partners. Both women and men overwhelmingly said that humor is very important. When asked what humor exactly ment for them, women answered "when he makes me laugh" and men answered "when she laughs at my jokes".

>le BASED aussie bantz!

That's dumb that's something liberal faggots would do.
>Lets go laugh at the trump tower
Has this Sheilah really got your penises in a knot, the australia I'd know would chuck a whiskey bottle at that whore during her faggoty act.

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Why does my soul feel so bad after watching this.

Just saying they're better than the English you sperg.

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IIRC the most recent birth data in Britain shows that whites makes up approxminately 75% of total births. If current trends persist, Britain will be >le 56% face in about 15 years' time.

What's Jow Forumss Google history?

>"when she laughs at my jokes"
why are men such narcissists?

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