EU elections

2019 can be the year we will give a hard blow to the EU (EUCCCP) and destroy it from the inside.

We have elected right wingers all across Europe the last two years and this is already a hard pill to swallow for "them" but now we can do it from the inside so that their power will shrink even more.

Try to get as many people you know to vote either "EFDD" or "ENF" next election.

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This is how the tides have changed already.


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Bump for victory

Let's give this ugly twat a reason to cry.

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>inb4 the EU is not a german invention
it is

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It is, so lets destroy it.

>inb4 the EU is not a german invention
It was a French invention to keep Germany in check but you know how it is with the French.

>Try to get as many people you know to vote either "EFDD" or "ENF" next election.
>This is how the tides have changed already.
These meager 15%?

No I will not, fuck your EU party.

In 2 years time. And the globalists have lost about 20% at least.

These two parties are anti EU and all the European right wing parties are involved in them. Why not just simply color a squire red thag will elect a anti EU guy into the EU parliament?

Because they will not destroy the EU since they need it to exist.

So Farage who was a member of the EU parliament didnt push for a Brexit? Youre talking shit. These parties will shrink the EU power, cant you see that?

These parties will vote against migrant destribution and wont sanction Eastern European countries for not taking them.

Cant you see what they can do?

That still doesn't sound impressive at all.
But I don't know how the pollsters counted these votes. Orban's party is together with Merkel's party in the EUP. This will most likely change after the next elections when these party families are formed anew.

And what did he do after Brexit? Got his kids a German citizenship and left the party which now is dead.For once use your brain and realize these people will not want to stop getting the ridiculous salaries the EU gives thus they will keep defending this dictatorial union.

Indeed, quite a lot has changed since then. But the thing is that if even these polls show a rise in these parties then what will happen when a wave of rightwing youths like ourselves all vote these parties? They dont expect that at all. EU elections arent that popular and so we can have quite some influance.

His goal was a Brexit and he accomplished that and so he left. He doesnt get that salary anymore now does he?

Does it hurt to vote a rightwing anti EU party? If you dont vote the glibalists will remain the larger party and they for sure want the EU to keep existing. We dont know if these anti EU parties really want to bring down the EU but we can try no cant we? Just one fucking vote is al it takes. And for sure the EU will become more rightwing in general.

Why not just vote and give it a try?

I meant you anly have to color a white dot red and then you already have influence.

Hallo, waar zijn de pannenkoekpartij?

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Hahahahahha, bek houwe leaf.



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Since when is the touthpaste vlag American?

I'll do everything I can to help destroy the (((EU)))

>thinks EU elections matter

Why not? Please tell me.

Me too Portubro