Happy Ramadan !!!

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Have you ever looked at the picture?

fuck off racist


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god damn this ones quality

>fuck off racist
only islamophobia, oil eye

Attached: 1497862648624.png (1080x720, 387K)


Careful dont talk to your 35 year old son that why.

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Islam is not a race Turkroach

No goat is safe during Ramadan.

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Happy holidays!

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What do you mean?

i was just agreeing with you xD

Wait a second that lady has a mustache!

Attached: 23232234781.jpg (470x470, 57K)

friendly reminder that islam outide of europe is non of our business and is only shilled by israelis to push for more unnececary wars.

Attached: image.png (1060x3092, 1.1M)

XD that was actually meant for the mudslims on pol
>at least one guy got it

Attached: 1525727822611.jpg (570x487, 45K)

I do not care what muslims do at home i just do not want to have them here

same my dude i just think that "offending" muslims outside of europe does fuck all unless you are an edgy atheist, not that there is anything wrong with that.

Don't knock it 'til you've tried it

Next time I will write "living in the west" np