>countryside is full of rural and suburban retards
>cities full of shitskins
Where is an intelligent white person supposed to live?
>countryside is full of rural and suburban retards
>cities full of shitskins
Where is an intelligent white person supposed to live?
Other urls found in this thread:
In a first world country. You're gonna have a hard time finding one that speaks English and isn't Australia, though.
not in the US lol
the upper Midwest is god tier comfy for white people
What's wrong with rural retards?
I'd rather live around shitskins than white niggers to be honest.
>My opinion on things i have no experience with the post
Look for the term "Intentional communities." The first thought that springs to mind is "Communists! Look at all these Berkley faggots!"
But look closely. Find a place in the Midwest, and head there. Places like Rutledge have a population that is 99% white, and it's full of people that are just building 100 acre communities to mess around...
Find 100 people with 1,000 dollars, and move to Alaska with all of them and form an intentional city. Live off the fat of the land as a town that will silently be whites only...and no one even knows about it.
small towns are the answer
So what that your neighbours don't have a meme-degree.
In your own house. Why go outside? That's why we own private property.
Pussboi detected
Realize that country people aren't stupid.
Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Parts of Nebraska, Rural parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Idaho, Utah.
Also this
And why do you think that rural or suburban people are retards? What are your arguments here?
Gentrified hipster neigborhoods in cities like Austin or Seattle. Nice coffe shops, bookstores, restaurants all with trendy apartments. And I can tell you, those liberal white hipsters who love harry potter and star wars hate niggers. I am Mexican and I openlu talk shit about niggers and my white hipster friends all.agree with me. (Im secret, one on one convos) I feel they hide it because 1.they legitimately do like non whites and 2. Feel all the other white liberals do like niggers so they have to fit in. But once they find out I hate nigs too, they feel so relived and its nigger this and nigger that. They so hate rural retards and some are willing to side with urban shitskins over them because face it, rural people have nothing but hate and contempt for city folk. City white boys get attacked by rural trash all the time.for no reason.
>finding one that speaks English
we're not all monolingual you know
I’m from le small midwestern town. It was nice but honestly most of the people were genuinely retarded.
Rural whites are great. They talk about God a little too much, but they're just good salt of the earth people. You just don't understand them.
They're not bugmen basedboys like you are though, so that's probably why they scare you. They sense you're unnatural and you know it.
>my proposal
take the schizoid pill and realize most people are awful and become self reliant
Countryside dude. Their only problem is all the smart people left.
North or in mountainous regions.
Dumb people fall of cliffs and niggers are not good with the cold.
I'm learning to love night time and sleeping during the day. It's quiet with no one around, silent, peaceful. It's literally a different world. Try it out .
I love doing that also but when you have to do things you have to be wide awake during the day, and your hormones takes a hit as well
>Where is an intelligent white person supposed to live?
isolated from the (((modern world)))
>niggers are not good with the cold
This. I see a few niggers around here in summer but in winter you don't see any. I met one in winter in a bus, his hands were all fucked up even though it was warm in the bus and he said "I live here 15 year and I still not used to it"
>Where is an intelligent white person supposed to live?
Avoid the areas in those states near Indian reservations though. They hate white people.
yeah it helps I have non 24 hour sleep wake disorder so my sleep pattern moves forward an hour a day on average, literally get insomnia if I keep a set patten.
I find moving a sleep patter 1 hour or less a day keeps circadian rhythm in check without hormone/bloodsugar/other rhythms getting out of sync.
Helps I don't have many commitments during daytime either. And if I do I plan them for when my sleep pattern goes daytime.
That's how it is everywhere. They're called normies.
Vast areas of Alaska are still White Utopia where boy's are boys and girls are girls. White families here are producing an average of 5 pureblood white kids oer family. In my area, there are no browns or darks for females to specie mix with.
Schlomos reading this who are thinking of sending refugees her; please do, we are fresh out of bait for our crab pots
>please do, we are fresh out of bait for our crab pots
Be careful what you wish for retard. Mexicans are moving into Alaska in mass. And as for non non whites? Kek its full of Natives.
>t. Mexican who lived in Alaska and married a half Inuit half Mexican girl
Yeah okay dude
Pack your bags and head to Iraq then
In the ground goy!
You ever see the Malcolm in the Middle episode where the smart kids class got shut down, and all the smart kids went to normal classes.
Then, after a few days, each smart kid started to become leader of his clique (jocks, burnouts, emo's, goths, cheerleaders, etc.) and waged war to take over the school?
You are supposed to do that. Go full Ghengis on the Earth.
Why? Cause your bored and normal life is too easy.