How is it white genocide if nobody is systematically killing white people or stopping white people from breeding?

How is it white genocide if nobody is systematically killing white people or stopping white people from breeding?

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>Genocide is intentional action to destroy a people in whole or in part.

will it be genocide when i release a virus that makes shit skins infertile?



but i'm not systematically killing anyone

did you stop reading the post halfway through?

yes i did


of course you could make the argument that current economic and welfare systems have made it so that middle and upper middle class people (who are well represented by whites) are unable to have children where as low class people are able to have children and are in fact incentivized to have children because of child welfare supplements (not sure if it's a thing where you are)

Genocide is an intentional act. What you are describing is consequential.

>consequences can't be intentional

to continue with the current systems when the results are obvious is intentional

It still requires proof of intention, not mere proof of consequences.

Look at south africa

How is it a holocaust if there were no ovens?

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if they are aware of the consequences (which they are) and they continue with the systems then that shows that it is intentional

So now Jow Forums is on the same level as the kikes?

crying "MUH GENOCIDE" for sympathy and attention?

we are the kikes

here lolbert.

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Because in order to justify murdering slavs in the 90s Bill Clinton pressured the UN to change the definition of genocide to include mass demographic displacement so that he could declare the Kosovar exodus as a genocide and go bomb the slavs.

So your issue is that a 'genocide' should involve mass murder? Man you shills are getting lazy. Anyway the genocide is being carried out by government 'consequential' measures combined with all white nations being inflicted with the miracle of democracy.

citing a bare statute isn't very persuasive

can you show me any judicial interpretation?

>muh egalitarianism

Killing: Widely imported non-white ethnic groups bring crime.
Stopping from breeding: Widely imported non-white ethnic groups consume welfare that is taxed from mostly whites. Whites tend to breed when they can provide for offspring. These taxes prevent them from being able to provide for more offspring.

Also their lower birthrates which are due to their biologically higher IQs are swamped by the reproductively incontinent brown hordes.

Whites can continue only by keeping the brown hordes out. Deliberately undermining their necessary conditions of their success by importing invasive weeds is genocide.

Any measure that removes the consequences for improvident living is anti-white. Importing brown hordes where these measure exist is massively anti-white.

And importing 'skilled' brown hordes robs whites of the educational opportunities that would otherwise be available if demand for those skills were acute enough. Also it robs those that pursue those skills of their due reward and makes whites an underclass by importing tomorrow's new elite.

Of course these elite will be easier to holocaust than Jews who can blend in.

The plan isn’t working then. Minority birth rates are only slightly above white birth rates.

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which is why they are pushing for mass immigration

Whites should respond in exactly the same way whether there is intent or not.

immigration saves the fucking day eh? phew

by making white babies?

The only reason the race for babies exists is because different ethnicities with different goals were admitted into western democracies. In every other time the world was always pumping out babies but it did not affect the west except insofar as they could defend their borders. Baby-making contests are entirely a democratic phenomenon.

So is that genocide? They aren’t killing White people. They preventing Whites in particular from giving birth (birth rates are dropping for everyone).

The addition of group B does not imply the systematic murder of everyone in group A.

how do you explain declining birthrates in Japan?

Is that also an intention genocide in your opinion?

i notice you responded to this one, but not
very interesting

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Anti-baby propaganda with bullshit arguements: Overpopulation, expensive, no freedom, no fun etc,
Pro gay-degeneracy propaganda

jews are not masculine, tough or strong, they use sly underhanded tactics always. They do this to undermine and destroy the greatest threat there is to their disgusting degenerate ways, white men.

They want something like this:

look at By suppressing white birth rates while supporting birth rates of other races you will see an extinction of the white race. Additionally, the importation of 3rd worlders destabilizes the country that the whites are in resulting in more death from crime and a depletion of resources

I don't dispute that definition of genocide

I dispute reading in an intention where there is zero evidence to that effect.

niggers out-abort white babies at a ration of almost 2:1

No definitely not, and I don't believe even the memers in the "alt-right" would consider it as such. The reason people call what's happening in the west a 'genocide' is because of ethnicity politics running rampant everywhere. If immigrants were to admitted into japan with a clear government mission of "support" then it would become a genocide because of their open competition and government favoritism. There is a problem with the kinds of governments we have these days, where if a state stunts its own people it can be a "genocide" if the state seems controlled by alien forces, but as long as the state emerged from the people it can only be technically called 'suicide'. Things are very different when it's foreign powers fucking with your government and laws thought, which the USA and harvard have been doing since ww2.

No it’s just what happens when people get wealthier and smarter, which is why you shouldn’t bring in shitskins who will only take over through higher birth rates. This is painfully obvious and being done on purpose. We will become a minority in our own homelands and be discriminated against even more

its blond faggotry. this is what got them into trouble years ago. they didnt want brunettes breeding and said it was genocide that they were outnumbering them in europe. blonds were always outnumbered in europe. they started doing stupid shit and the brunettes kicked their asses and sent them to sweden and norway mostly. most brunettes bleach their hair but every one had seen how many there were when they stopped momentarily

blonds thought they would take over the world and cant stand that their numbers are still on the decline. they had a momentary growth spurt but that was dashed with a aids out break

sage memeflag threads, do not reply to memefag posters

No. Whites prosper by investing in the babies they do have and living providently.. Improvident breeding would throw away the advantages whites have cultivated over generations.

We create civilization and depend on our things to compete. But if we can't keep others from having our things: Our property, and the legacy of opportunity our ancestors fought for and we fight for to bequeath to our people, then we can't win.

If we have babies and become dependent on the state then we create a commie welfare state and will breed till it collapses. Because whites are too slow to do this, they bring in brown hordes.

What makes you think Jews wouldn’t do this intentionally when it’s in their best interest to have a multi ethnic nation with low skilled workers and no strong nationalist majority?
Niggers are subhuman and cannot think for themselves

Blondes are Nordic cucks. Brunette whites are strong masculine Mediterranean men.

Filling our towns and cities with SEMI-EVOLVED SUB-HUMANS who rape and kill on a scale previously unseen in these civilized lands, and knowing that one day they will out number us and then kill us for reminding them the land once belonged to another people, that is absolutely genocide

if you see the results of your actions then continue in those actions are you not doing so intentionally?

spotted the nigger

good, then stick to your own kind and i think every race will do just fine

Actually it's completely retarded to support/oppose any policy because of its intended effect. This sets you up for perfect marketing about the wonders of building new Jerusalem without actually considering the logic behind a policy. The road to hell may be paved with good intentions but so is the road to heaven, so what good is that to anyone? Good intentions don't mean shit, but they are a necessary part anyway. Anyway every single political activist in the past decade wanted to "help people" so it seems we should be IMMUNE to spinsters raving about their intentions.

this is some SJW-tier logic, user

>the law isn't enough someone has to tell me what to think about it
the absolute state of memeflags

This graph shows assimilation into white culture which requires reproductive limitation for success. Once this civilization collapses and becomes non-white dominated, you'll see reproductive rates climb for all groups with the groups best adapted to this sort of environment winning out. By then though there will be no welfare state as it will be mad max world. We'll probably see whites dominate in this rubric if they are not wiped out because with no holds barred we're pretty bad ass.

>have pine forest
>cut down one pine tree but plant two oaks
>repeat until the pines are gone
>haha how could it be a genocide there are more trees than ever!

But they clearly aren’t supporting the birth rates of other races.

In addition, in the USA, Hispanics don’t commit more crime than whites when you break the data down by age groups.

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who is cutting down white people?

So the holocaust didn’t happen then since white genocide isn’t happening?

cant wait to see you rats have to shave your pube beards off to escape.

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that is certainly what the evidence indicates

do you disagree?

So how is this genocide again? The minorities are assimilating and their birth rates are dropping.

please refrain from using my captain for shilling

Jews, because they’re the same ones planting the oaks

that explains it

I agree that white genocide is real but the holocaust is fake. How bow dah meme flag kike?
I bet you won’t take that meme flag off just once as a show of good faith. Bet ya won’t do it

What we're probably see here is half of Hispanic criminals listing as 'white'

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It really does

manipulation of the masses by a group of certain individuals

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You can just look up what the Geneva Convention's definition of genocide is, and what is taking place in the west is 4 of the 5 definitions presented.

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I am a Canadian

I put on the meme flag so Jow Forums will address the content of my argument, instead of getting into SJW-tier identity politics.

> Jews hate whites

Non religious Jews intermarry 79% of the time, presumably to mostly white people.

That number is 58% overall.

I don’t think the average Jew has it in for whites.

Pic related

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White people became rich and lazy. They decided to spend more time playing WoW and didn't want to make families or be good stewards. Then, they realized they had sunk themselves into a dark hole and in 2015-2016 began shitposting and Nazi larping.

Still, most whites my age (20s) don't have kids, probably won't ever have them, and if they do they'll only have one. Why? Cuz they wanna enjoy a life for themselves and not for their kids. Meanwhile every other race is having 6 kids and honors their family.

At least the left is encouraging birth control in other countries.

immigration policy was intentionally charged in the U.S, coupled with programs to benefit minority populations at the cost and dissolution of white communities all intentionally. The U.S demographic changes over the past 60 years are not some random consequence of feel good altruism, it is deliberate policy designed to surplant white Americans with more subservient and consumerist low IQ populations. There are literally emails in the DNC and podesta leaks celebrating and encouraging the continued death and decay of white America.

It has more to do with white People being displaced by other races in every white country, not so much a literal genocide, but a legal genocide by UN Standards.

Even though it’s not a physical genocide, we have a media, legal system, financial systems, that is dedicated to destroying white births.

and this was an intentional act to destroy the white race?

The so called master race starts throwing a tantrum and screaming genocide and oppression if they see some twenty something zoyboy write an article about white privilege, or if a single black person is cast in a movie. Pathetic.

1) the rates of most imported races are still higher than whites.

2) When people who happen to include many white people require more space to breed amd limit their own procreation based upon available space and you bring in people to fill up more space you are taking the resources (space/economic opportunity) necessary for them to breed.

>mfw memeflags can’t read
kys user

prove it user, drop the meme for just one post

What is your solution?

Oi you got a license to speak here shill?


Have you been married before? imagine having a yenta wife and not recognizing that as a punishment

kek dogfuck leaf does what I tell him to do. kek bitch nigga

Whites are like goldfish. We limit our growth to the size of our tank. Fill it up with other fish and we can't grow or thrive.

that doesn't sound like good faith

nice flag
>implying nobody is systematically killing white people

>Whites are like goldfish.

Being aware that you're driving a knife in someone's back and never stopping reveals that it is your intention to backstab that person.

>right-wing intellectuals

Look up the definition of genocide.

Your missing the part where they force white communities to sell property and rentals at subsidized fixed rates to minority populations, usually at a loss to the owner, which effectively raises violent crime rates, lowers trust, and destroys any shared communal resource (schools, parks, transportation systems). The whites that can afford to move do, but the rest are forced to live in a shitty diverse hell hole where a flourishing town once stood.

The past 5 years my town went from 12% blacks to 23%, high school ranking has plummeted, murder rate has sky rocketed, home invasions are a weekly occurrence, little league was cancelled this year due to robbery and attacks in the parks. All my white neighbors are trying to flee but home prices have plummeted as a result. This shit is intentional, we had no say in the diversity as it was force on us. Preventing whites from freely associating and building their own communities is a huge component to decreased birth rate and quality of life, access to white communities is not a fundamental human right.

So the law itself isn't admissible in your mind? Are you retarded?

Shit, Israel does all lines of Article 3 daily

because white supremacists think so little of white people that they're convinced the majority of them are brainwashed into not having babies