Help me rationalize this

I've started to lean towards support for Israel Jow Forums. If the other option is to support Islam, do I applaud as Europe is Islamified? No. Do I then support "Palestine" who hates Christians? No. Do I then have to support Iran and the Ayatollah? No. Fuck Islam in every way - we must completely reject their cancer.

I don't like Jews (I am Christian), in fact I believe they will burn in hell. I dont even like the secular/atheist abomination of a country called Israel, and I'm not blind to their conniving proclivities towards deracinating the west... but they know how to remove kebab. Abandoning them is like abandoning the Frontier Fort in Injun country.

I think the "road block" that was preventing this realization of mine was that I was associating the Atheist Hollywood/NYC Jews with Israel who are (at least temporarily) still controlled by anti-commie right-wing types. They (as I see now) have very little in common with the jewy liberal racial Jews that pollute America. These liberal American Jews are now openly hating Israel (their supposed homeland). Why is that? How could this be if all Jew are one homogenous body of hook nosed greasy Hollywood kike degenerates?

Any ally against the Islamic menace is a true friend (in most cases). Recognizing that there are left/right people behind every flag is important (looking at you Australia). There are enough right wing Jews in the world that I think Israel is worth saving and defending - if only for their very efficient methods at eliminating Ahmed.

Plus, I was reading up on History of Rhodesia and South Africa... Who was the only country that supported apartheid rule of the whites? Israel. Who was the country that basically handed nukes to apartheid South Africa (which they threw away and surrendered) and said "never elect commies" (which they did)? Israel. It was Israel all along that supported Ethostates.

I was blind. Greatest ally indeed (in some cases).

>inb4 uss liberty

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I've started to lean towards support for Israel Jow Forums. If the other option is to support Islam, do I applaud as Europe is Islamified?

If you don't want Europe Islamified, you are on the opposite side as the Jews. Retard.

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You errantly associate the godless greasy conniving Jews who shape shift and blend into European governments and support immigration etc... with the rightwing white allies of Israel who hate commies and liberals.

They have their own internal left/right politics you know.

Israel is not helpful to the US.

They suck up billions of dollars from the US every year, and as gratitude, have got the US to intervene in:

And have asked them to intervene in:

Part of the reason why there are large quantities of migrants coming from that region, is because the US destabilizes it, with Israel's encouragement and approval.

Part of the reason why the US is hated in the first place by the Middle East, is because they give total support to the wars and land-grabbing of Israel.

Bin laden said part of the reason he wanted to attack America is because that is the root of the Zionist menace.

In general they have taken advantage of their alliance with the world superpower, in a disrespectful way. Pic-related.

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Israel's influence on the government is worrying, and has the potential to undermine even our most important principles.

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Islamic Sympathizer: The Post

"its our fault that the Radical Islamic Terrorists hate us!"

Or maybe these killers who allow wrath to rule over their souls use their false religion as an excuse? Until you've rejected everything about Islam and muslim culture will you understand.

>only other option
I can tell you’re a faggot because the ONLY option is America 1st, 2nd and last.

Israel and Islam can both eat a dick

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Allowing the Islamic menace to run rough shod over the world is a fatal mistake. Isolationism is a blind alley.

I could care less for Islam, but I do care about preventing attacks on the West. And as long as the West intervenes in the ME for the sake of pleasing Israel, people in the ME will hate America, and want to attack it.

Ask yourself, do you think its worthwhile to spend money and lives in that god-forsaken part of the world? Of course not, that needs to be spent in the West. Israel will disagree with you on that point though.

Israel's most deeply held desire is that America will invade Iran for them, and suffer the loss of blood and treasure for them.

>as long as the West intervenes in the ME for the sake of pleasing Israel, people in the ME will hate America, and want to attack it.
They hate us already, its literally the foundational precept of their religion and government/caliphate to usurp the west and all non-believers. I can only assume you to be "white" a little while longer with this kind of talk from you.

>All Islamic countries hate us and want to destroy us
Among those that haven't got the memo are US parnters in the ME, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the UAE, Egypt, Turkey, Kuwait, and Iran, back when our friend the Shah was still in place. You could throw in Saddam too, back when we were supporting him in the Iran/Iraq war.

Religious extermism has a part to play, but I suggest you do some more reading if you think Western invasions have had no impact on how Muslims view the West. Would you not hate someone who supports dictators and invades your countries? Of course you would. They do too. Better to understand that than to be ignorant of it.

But that's a separate matter from Israel, which while valuable in the Cold War, has a long history of scamming the US. Stealing tech, false flag terrorism, attacking the US navy, pressuring congress for funds, you name it.

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sure thing, Shlomo

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Attached: israel sends US tech to China.png (612x473, 51K)

If there is a jackal trying to kill a hyena do you have to choose a side?

I say let them kill each other.

Such incredible loyalty.

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>$3 Billion
Pocket change.

Lets say for arguments sake it stopped today, it wouldn't sway your Pro-Islam opinion would it?

Why not hate jews and muslims?

I don't think we can use Israel to combat Muslims as they are in large part responsible for our shit and kikes in the EU power structure. And we can't use Muslims to combat jews because if they win then they will just continue taking over Europe.

So, I hate both. I would give Israel the rest of Palestine and maybe take the risk of some more land. Then every jew should be deported there and let them do as they wish. Then every Muslim should be deported back to the middle east. Then the Jews and Muslims can fight amongst each other.

> Supports Israel
> Is a Christcuck

Nothing new here. Just go back to reddi.t

America was invaded twice by the UK, you (AUS) being a subject of the crown also declared war on us. Germany has killed literally millions of Americans only 80 years ago.

The USS liberty is a red herring and you only bring up this fratricide to cloud the issue. Why? To push your unapologetic Pro-Islam talking points.

Why send them anything at all? That money should be spent in the US. Ditto for the billions we send to Egypt to play nice with Israel, and billions of taxpayer dollars we waste aiding Saudi Arabia in Yemen.

Sending them money just encourages them to start wars that we'll have to fight for them, if they end up losing. Cut the region loose, it's not our responsibility.

Hello Muhammad. Why not unhide your flag?

The UK, Germnay weren't allies with us when it attacked us, though. Israel's willingness to attack an ally demonstrates its quite happy to betray its closest friend.

I dislike Israel also, your plan sounds good, as long as we can deport all the Atheist whites too.

Pro-Islam expat? Nah.


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The JIDF isn't even trying at this point,

>I've started to lean towards support for Israel
no you have not, the political zionists and the muslim world will destroy each other while America sits out, that has always been the plan

Mutts gonna mutt.

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>Why send them anything at all?
I have been calling congress weekly for 30 years demanding they stop funding them, nobody ever does anything

If we exclude Somalia then most Muslims come from or through countries that USA has destabilized by fighting wars or fueling them. Whatever Israel, Iran or Palestinians do it's small scraps compared to what you do.

Guess what dickhead. The "Holocaust" myth was invented in the 60s to get international support for Israel. That's right, we can't have nationalism or homogeneous societies anymore because of Israel and their precious "Holocaust" myth. If you support Israel you support white genocide.

Fuck Israel

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How’s the weather in Tel Aviv? Those vpn bills must be stacking up

most of the anti jew posters here are covert muslims who want to see the west fall