Are Indians The New Jews?

>highest earners in the United States
>2 governors in the USA, including from South Carolina, where the fucking Civil War started
>highest IQ at 112, compared to 110 which is the IQ of the Jews in the United States
>highest education rate

Question: Are Indians the new Jews?

Attached: WhyIsItAlwaysIndians.jpg (1023x575, 56K)

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I sure hope not. If they are unaffected by leftism or are not owned by the ((lobby)) they will mostly never take steps to make society more degenerate.

i doubt it. it doesnt seem like part of their nature.

designated forced poo in the loo camps

No, they're just shamelessly money-hungry and materialistic. They don't really scheme or manipulate, they just chase money.
>Like basically all Asians tbph

Most of them are primitive retards so i would say no

No. Indians are pretty cool. Jews are filthy rats who's sole motivation for living is deception, greed, and the destruction of anything non-Jewish.

Their average iq is 87. I have never met a single intelligent Indian in my life.

Yes,most of them are unintelligent retards who love be like bro and le epic troll memes

No self respecting man would live in Belgium, so no surprise you have never met someone with a higher iq than 87.

Tu es un idiot.