I've read so many times in /pol that you hate dr. Jordan Peterson's ideas and himself.
I'm wondering why, because I think that he can be wrong or right, but he is always arguing his ideas with so much logic.
Just a question. What happen with him?
Why Jow Forums hates dr. Peterson?
Jow Forums doesn't hate Peterson. SJWs hate him and are trying to subvert Jow Forumss opinion about him.
He doesn't want white people to have a collective identity, he wants white people to be individualists.
Its a /leftypol/ ops and its hilarious how many nazi retards jumped on board.
Doesnt matter though, those retards were never gonna be usefull to anybody anyways.
Civnat cucks btfo
Shut the fuck up you wide nosed Nip
He's a fucking coward that's why.
He’s against tribalism that is the fundamental truth for all races.
>Why Jow Forums hates dr. Peterson?
Jow Forums does not hate JBP.
>not listening to the best Peterson aka
>black need to go black to the plantation because it will teach them to work
>cotton picking is fun
>racism doesnt exist
>i lived under Jim Crow , it was better than today
how can one man be so based?
Peterson supports white genocide.