How come Japanese are the only asians who managed to acquire soul? How come they're the only virtuous asians? They were originally chinks, but somehow they changed after settling in Japan. Was it something in the food there? Was it the result of interbreeding with indigenous eurasian populations of Japan?
How come Japanese are the only asians who managed to acquire soul? How come they're the only virtuous asians...
Evan Morales
Samuel Young
Check out the Ainu people.
John Garcia
Anime and JAV
Carter Rivera
Seoul is in Korea you morons.
Owen Lopez
Nicholas Torres
>they were originally chinks
Not really.
The modern Chinese are chinks. Chinks are the result of thousands of thousands of years of native Chinese asians (non-chinks) getting raped, racemixed and cucked by mongols, pajeets, aryans, south asians and koreans.
Japanese are ironically ethnically closer to the long-gone, ethnic Chinese people than modern Chinese are, thanks to their isolation.
Grayson Moore
They're not the only ones
Brayden Turner
Koreans are just as soulless as Chinese, but less barbaric.
Wyatt Roberts
t. Happa ironmarch LARPer
Christopher Myers